The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 246 I'm Really a Movie King

Chapter 246 I'm Really a Movie King

"Unexpectedly, Cain's family has such a secret past."

After hearing what Cain said, everyone was stunned.

Killing the Protoss with poison, robbing the power of miracles, and finally leading to the tragic end of the fratricide of the compatriots.

This is even more outrageous than fiction!

Jiang Ming was also shocked, but in addition to shock, he was more surprised.

"Coincidentally, I was about to search for miracle power all over the world, and I delivered it to my door."

Jiang Ming was secretly happy in his heart, but his face showed a distressed expression: "Brother Cain, your life experience is too tragic. I really feel sad for you. It would be great if I could help you lift the curse."

When Cain heard this, he cast a grateful look at him.

Although this brother Jiang Ming has not known each other for a long time, he must be warm-hearted. You can tell from his appearance that he understands my pain.

Thinking of this in his heart, Cain felt warm in his heart.

At this time, Jiang Ming seemed to have thought of something, and slapped his thigh suddenly: "By the way, I thought of a way to help you solve the curse!"

Cain's eyes widened, looking expectantly: "Really, brother Jiang Ming, tell me quickly!"

"You know, my realm is the realm of the king. When I reach the realm of the king, warriors can absorb the miraculous power in other people's bodies. That is to say, I can suck away the unawakened miraculous power in your body, and then I will go to you. The miraculous power in my sister's body is also sucked away, so the curse of your family will disappear."

"good idea!"

Cain's eyes lit up, and he calmed down immediately, "But in this case, will it harm your body, brother Jiang Ming? If so, I can't be so selfish."

"Ah this..."

Jiang Ming couldn't deal with Kain's worries.

Good guy, you are really honest, I am so embarrassed to continue fooling you.

Jiang Ming was silent for a moment, with a melancholy expression on his face: "In all fairness, even I can hardly bear the power of God Nuwa, but for the sake of your brother, I am willing to give it a try. After all, my rank is much higher than yours. The side effects will also be much better.”

After speaking, Jiang Ming stood up, leaving a righteous and awe-inspiring back view for everyone.

"Damn it, I seem to see Jiang Ming's back glowing."

"It's so interesting, Jiang Ming, you are the most loving man I have ever met!"

After hearing Jiang Ming's words, Baili Shouyue and the others called out their loyalty.

Cain was directly moved to tears: "Brother Jiang Ming, from now on you will be my brother, as long as you speak, I will fight for you!"

With his back to everyone, Jiang Ming couldn't hold back his laughter.

Fortunately, there was no sound, otherwise it would be a fucking embarrassment.

What is acting skills? This is what acting skills are. Compared with me, those little fresh meats in my previous life are much worse!
After finishing his expression, Jiang Ming turned around and looked at Cain again: "Brother Kain, it's not too late, let's start now."


Cain nodded vigorously, "If there is danger, please don't force yourself."

Jiang Mingdao: "No, even if it's dangerous, I will definitely help you lift the family's curse!"

In order to create a dignified atmosphere, Jiang Ming deliberately asked everyone else to wait outside, leaving only him and Cain in the room.

"Brother Cain, are you ready, I'm coming."

"Get ready, come on!"

Jiang Ming touched Cain with his palm, and easily sucked out half of the miraculous power in his body.

But Jiang Ming's performance was not over. He deliberately pretended to be struggling, clenched his teeth, and had prominent veins on his forehead.

After a long time, he let go of his hand and let out a long breath of relief.

"Huh, it's finally over, Brother Cain, the curse in your body is gone."

"Really, thank you Brother Jiang Ming!"

Cain said excitedly.

In fact, he didn't know what Jiang Ming did, because he couldn't feel the miraculous power in his body at all.

Only when he kills his own sister, or is killed by his own sister, will the miraculous power of the two truly awaken.

But he believed in Jiang Ming, if Jiang Ming said yes, then it must be all right.

"Brother Jiang Ming, how is your health?"

"Fortunately, it's just a little internal injury, nothing serious."

Jiang Ming clutched his chest, his face pale.

"Sit down and rest, I'll kill a chicken to make up for you!"

As Cain said, he walked out of the room, sharpening his knife.

As he walked, he murmured in his heart: Brother Jiang Ming is really the most loyal man I have ever met. I, Kain, swear that I will repay him in the future!

After Kain left, Hua Mulan and the others came in to check Jiang Ming's condition at the first time, seeing that he was just a little collapsed and nothing serious, so they left in peace.

Everyone left, and Jiang Ming was the only one left in the room.

Jiang Ming glanced out along the crack of the door to make sure that everyone had gone far away, and the tired look on his face disappeared instantly.

"I'm really an actor."

Even if Jiang Mingdang closed his eyes and crossed his legs, he assumed a training posture and refined half of the miraculous power he had just obtained.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Ming opened his eyes again, and there were already ten battle stars in his body, five more than before.


The collection of miracle power this time was surprisingly easy.

Now, as long as he repeats what he just fooled Cain to his sister, the other half of the miraculous power will be obtained.

In the evening, Baili Shouyue cooks himself, and stews a few chickens caught by Kain into a big tonic chicken soup.

"Brother Jiang Ming, here is a bowl of chicken soup, I prepared it just for you."

Cain came over with a large bowl full of chicken soup, with a childlike smile on his face.

"Thank you."

Jiang Ming took the chicken soup with a smile, without the slightest bit of guilt.

I have to say that Baili Shouyue's culinary skills are still very good. This chicken soup is stewed, just one word - wonderful!

A large pot of chicken soup was stewed, and everyone present had a share.

While everyone was enjoying the chicken soup, a figure appeared particularly abrupt.

Jin Chan silently huddled in the corner, her face full of confusion and incomprehension.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing, why is no one preparing me a Suhoor.

The chicken soup smells delicious, but I can't drink it because I'm a Buddhist and I have to keep the precepts.

But, why can Jiang Ming drink chicken soup, and it tastes so delicious?
Sensing Jin Chan's suspicious gaze, Jiang Ming shook the chicken soup in his hand at him, drank it down, and showed an expression of endless aftertaste on his face.

"Smell! It's so fragrant! Master Jin Chan, would you like a bowl?"

Jin Chan shook her head resolutely: "No, no, poor monks can't open the precepts."

Jiang Ming smiled and said, "You are as pedantic and hypocritical as other monks!"

"Let me ask you, is the chicken soup fragrant?"


"Do you want to drink?"

Jin Chan hesitated: "Yes."

"That's right, drink as much as you want. Wine and meat pass through the intestines. The Buddha will keep it in his heart. The Buddha will not leave just because you drink a bowl of chicken soup, nor will you stay because you refuse a bowl of chicken soup." .”

Jiang Ming said, and presented himself another bowl.

Jin Chan watched him gulp down the soup and fell silent.

At this moment, the Buddha's mind that he had held on to for more than 20 years was shaken again.

(End of this chapter)

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