The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 247 Haidu, Meet Marco Polo Again

Chapter 247 Haidu, Meet Marco Polo Again

After staying at the Great Wall for two days, Jiang Ming bid farewell on the grounds of escorting Jinchan to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures.

Before leaving, Cain pulled his hand vigorously: "Brother Jiang Ming, my sister Luna will be handed over to you, please help her get rid of the curse!"

Jiang Ming promised: "Don't worry brother, I will take good care of your sister!"

It is a long way from the Great Wall to the western world. If Jin Chan is allowed to go on the road alone, it won't be three to five years.

But on the back of the giant dragon, it only took less than ten days.

When we arrived at Sunset Sea in the western world, it was time for Jiang Ming and Jin Chan to say goodbye.

"Master Jinchan, I'm going to look for Cain's sister, and you're going to Daleiyin Temple to learn Buddhist scriptures. Our paths are different, so let's not cross here."

Jin Chan bowed to Jiang Ming: "Thank you Jiang Ming for taking care of you all the way, and I wish you success soon."

Jiang Mingdao: "I also wish you to obtain the scriptures as soon as possible and benefit the people of Tang Dynasty."

After saying goodbye to Jin Chan, Jiang Ming went to Kaiyin's hometown - Haidu alone.

Haidu is a city of science and technology, and the whole city exudes a strong sense of science and technology.

In addition to the sense of technology, Haidu is most famous for its class stratification.

Every country in King's Continent has class divisions, but Haidu is the only one that blatantly divides the entire city into upper, middle and lower levels.

The city of Haidu is divided into three layers, with the ruling nobles living in the upper layer, wealthy merchants in the middle layer, and ordinary people in the lower layer.

The hierarchy is strict, even worse than feudal society.

At the same time, the highest level of Haidu, the office of the ruler.

Blonde beauty, sitting on a recliner with long legs crossed.

Milady looked at the man in front of her with indifferent eyes: "So, you went to Datang this time, and you didn't bring back any news?"

Sitting opposite Milady was Marco Polo whom Jiang Ming met in Chang'an.

Marco Polo shook his head: "No, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Chang'an, there are too many capable people. With my strength, I can't get any useful information at all."

Milady narrowed her eyes: "I don't think you are not strong enough, but you are not paying attention, don't you want to know the reason for your father's disappearance?"

"I think, of course I want to!"

Marco Polo clenched his fists, "City Lord, please tell me why my father disappeared!"

Milady sneered: "I said, whenever you bring the news I want, I will tell you the truth about that year."

"You go, don't come to see me again until you find a way to lift the curse!"

Miledy waved her hand coldly, and several child-sized robots pushed Marco Polo out of the office, and then closed the door with a bang.

Marco Polo stood outside the door, gritted his teeth hard.

In the office, Milady took off her gloves, looked at her crystallized fingers, and worried on her beautiful face.

Milady's ancestor was the one who robbed the miracle power with the ancestors of the Cain family.

Her family is also cursed, but it's not the same as the Kain family's compatriots.

Those who inherit the miraculous power of the Milady family will crystallize their bodies little by little because they cannot bear the powerful power of the gods, and eventually the whole person will be reduced to a stone sculpture.

At this time, Milady has already shown signs of crystallization, and her fingertips have already crystallized.

If she can't find a way to break the curse, she is not far from death.

Marco Polo left the highest floor of Haidu and came to the prison on the basement floor.

This is where the prisoners are held.

Fifteen years ago, exactly the year Marco Polo's father disappeared, Marco Polo's master was imprisoned by Milady.

The reason is unknown.

Marco Polo didn't believe it was a coincidence. He believed that the master must know the truth about his father's disappearance, but no matter how he asked, the master would always say "I don't know."

Marco Polo saw Master again through the block of the prison.

It was an old man with white hair, his back was slightly aged, but he was still straight.

The old man's temper was as straight as his waist, and even though he had been imprisoned for 15 years, he never gave in to Milady.

"Master, I'm back." Marco Polo whispered after standing outside the prison for a long time.

"You're back, did you gain something?" Finch turned his back to him, his voice was still the same as before, low but not muddy.

"No, there is only one person in Tang Dynasty who has the power of miracles, but she is a descendant of God Nuwa, so she will not be cursed."

The person Marco Polo was talking about was Wu Zetian, because he didn't know that Jiang Ming also possessed the power of miracles.

"My child, maybe this is fate, so don't struggle anymore."

After hearing Marco Polo's words, Finch's voice seemed to relax a little, as if this was the result he wanted to see.

"I do not!"

Marco Polo said forcefully, "I must find my father, Master, you know what happened back then, please tell me!"

Finch shook his head, no matter how much Marco Polo begged, he stopped talking.

Lost and left the underground prison, Marco Polo appeared on the first floor of Haidu.

The first floor is the living area of ​​ordinary people. It does not have the solemnity of the upper-level aristocratic area, nor the luxury of the middle-level rich area.

Walking on the simple green brick road, Marco Polo felt much relieved when he heard the noise of the market in his ears.

Compared with the cold aristocracy and rich class, it is still more flavorful.

After walking forward with his head down for an unknown amount of time, Marco Polo raised his head, and a familiar figure came into view.

"This is... Jiang Ming!?"

The sea is very big, especially the three-story form, which makes Jiang Ming very uncomfortable.

He walked around the first floor for a long time, but he couldn't find the Cain family.

Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name.

Xunsheng looked over, Jiang Ming was stunned.

It was Marco Polo!
"Marco Polo!"

"Jiang Ming!"

The two recognized each other with a sense of intimacy as if they met a bosom friend in a foreign country, and hugged each other vigorously.

When he was in Chang'an, Marco Polo originally wanted to find a way to break the curse, but he accidentally got acquainted with Jiang Mingdi Renjie and others and became friends.

He not only helped Jiang Ming find the demon seed hidden in Chang'an, but also helped in the battle with Ming Shiyin.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

"This is my hometown!"

Jiang Ming suddenly realized, and slapped his head: "How could I forget, the sea is your hometown!"

Marco Polo chuckled: "By the way, why did you come to Haidu?"

Jiang Ming told Marco Polo about the Cain family, and the latter was so shocked that he petrified on the spot.

The Cain family is the top family in Haidu, tied with the Milady family.

Marco Polo, who was born in Haidu, naturally knew about this powerful family, but he never imagined that the Cain family still had such a secret.

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, so this is the reason why the Kain family is so prosperous."

Marco Polo murmured to himself, his eyes filled with disbelief.

What a crazy act to poison the Protoss, they succeeded.

Suddenly, Marco Polo thought of something, and he was startled suddenly.

"Jiang Ming said that there were two people involved in the plan to poison the Protoss, so the other person, could it be the ancestor of Milady?!"

"Fuck, I seem to know something I shouldn't know."

(End of this chapter)

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