The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 270 Demon Seed Invasion, Sunset Temple Falls

Chapter 270 Demon Seed Invasion, Sunset Temple Falls

Arthur was beaten up by the Templars, and then thrown out by the collar.

The pain in his body was far less unbearable than the pain in his heart.

It is unbelievable that the Knights Templar have fallen so far.

"Boy, don't say such stupid things anymore, live your own life well, and don't meddle in other people's business."

The leader of the Knights smirked, patted Arthur on the face, and left with a sneer.

That night, Arthur did not leave, but was not far from the Sunset Temple, staring silently in a daze.

In the temple, the knights set up a bonfire, sang and danced, drank and ate meat. They took off their armor, threw away the big sword in their hands, and indulged in the joy of wine and meat.

Arthur, who was peeping secretly, never put down his sword even though he was covered in wounds.

As the night grew darker, Arthur's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and when he was about to fall asleep, a strange cry suddenly came from his ear.

Arthur raised his head suddenly, and saw huge monsters protruding from the darkness around the temple.

"This is... a demon seed!"

Arthur's eyes widened in shock, and he almost made a sound.

He has worshiped heroes since he was a child, and he knows a lot about the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago, and he has seen the appearance of demons in ancient books.

"Why did the demons appear here? Haven't they been driven out by the ancestral heroes? Even the king of the demons has been sealed."

Arthur felt a storm in his heart.

He covered his mouth with his hands, not daring to make the slightest sound, for fear of being discovered by the demon species.

Fortunately, those demons didn't notice him, or they came prepared and aimed at the Sunset Temple.

At this time, the Templars were still singing and dancing indulgently, each of them was so drunk that they even walked crookedly.

Arthur wanted to remind them, but there was nothing he could do. If he made any noise, he would be spotted by a large group of demons.

He could only watch helplessly as the monster approached the Sunset Temple in the dark.

"Captain, finish drinking."

Haim's face was flushed, and he wobbled to the head of the Knights, and said wretchedly.

Heim smiled lewdly.

The leader of the Knights waved his hands in a pretentious manner: "That's not good, I'm a Templar Knight, and I can't do such a thing of robbing women."

"What are you robbing civilian girls, you are thinking too much, leader."

Haim laughed, "You don't know, the name of the Templar Knight is very useful among the people. When those little girls heard that I was a Templar Knight, they rushed to sleep with me!"

"Really? Is there such a good thing?" Knight Leader's eyes lit up.

"Of course, they thought I would be responsible, hahaha..."

Heim threw back his head and laughed.

"It's so good, let the head of the group come to taste the taste of the little girl."

"Leader, I'll put some water first, and when I get back, I'll take my brothers to have a good time together."

With a big belly, Haim staggered to the corner

There was a rustling sound in the darkness, as if something was moving in the grass.

"What is it, boar?"

Haim was puzzled, held the water gun with his hand, and aimed at the place where the sound came from.

"Come out, come out, I see you."

Haim said while spitting water.

In the darkness, the movement became louder and louder, as if something was about to come out.

Haim watched intently, and the next moment his pupils shrank suddenly.


Haim's heart-piercing cry made all the Templars tremble.

"What's the matter, it's Heim!"

The head of the Knights was frightened, and most of the wine sobered up, he picked up the big sword on the ground, and walked carefully towards the direction of Heim's scream.

When he got closer, he saw that the hairs all over his body were standing on end.

"Oh, poor Haim, just now he said he was going to find the little girl to have a refreshment, but now the tools of the crime have been confiscated."

He turned around and ran without hesitation, calling to his subordinates as he ran: "The demon seed is here, pick up your weapon and prepare to fight!"


The Templar knights were stunned, and some idiots had never even heard of this name, and asked in confusion: "What is a devil seed, can it be eaten, is it delicious?"

"Eating you is paralyzed, you know how to eat and eat all day long, the devil is a monster that can eat people!"

Just as the group leader was yelling, countless monsters had already surrounded the Sunset Temple from all directions.

Seeing their hideous and terrifying appearances, as well as their terrifying fangs and claws, the knights woke up one after another, picked up their big swords and aimed at the surrounding demons.


A monster rushed towards the knights, followed by all the monsters.

"Damn things."

With a swing of the sword, the Knights directly beheaded the demon seed in the front.

His own strength is not bad, but he is a serious platinum fighter, and these monsters are also at the level of silver and gold, so they can't stand his sword at all.

But there are too many monsters, and there is no end in sight.

"There are so many demon species, even if you are tired, you will die here."

There is a secret door in the temple, which can lead directly to the village behind, through which he can avoid being chased by the demon species.

But the knights were gone, and the demons would naturally destroy the temple, and then ran to the surrounding villages to slaughter innocent people.

"I'll go, the regiment leader has run away, why are we still fighting here?"

Some sharp-eyed knights didn't make a sound after seeing this scene, but quietly followed the leader into the secret door.

The rest of the knights, dead or injured, turned their heads to look, and suddenly found that the brothers were all running about the same.

"Still keep a fart, go to your mother's knight code, go to your mother's temple glory, my life is important!"

All the knights who were still able to move ran into the secret door, and gave up the Sunset Temple, which represented holiness and faith.

(End of this chapter)

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