The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 271 Arthur - King Arthur!

Chapter 271 Arthur - King Arthur!

The Templars abandoned their defenses one after another and fled through the secret door and alleyway.

The monsters lost their opponents, and they ravaged wildly in the Sunset Temple as if they were in no man's land. Some even bypassed the temple and went to the village behind to eat people.

"Stop, don't go, you are Templars, how can you abandon the Temple and the people at this time?!"

Arthur stood up angrily, pointing at the Templars who were about to go through the secret door.

The knights looked back at him with doubts and disdain in their eyes:

"This kid hasn't left yet, what a lunatic."

"Don't pay attention to him, it's this time, idiots don't run away."

Arthur gritted his teeth in hatred as he watched the knights disappearing soon.

Looking at the demon seed that was destroying the temple, he was heartbroken, raised his long sword and rushed over.

"The temple is my belief, you are not allowed to destroy it!"

With a roar, Arthur got the courage and strength he didn't know where he came from, and cut the demon seed into two pieces with one sword.

His movement immediately attracted the attention of the demon species.

The demons who had been wreaking havoc in the temple turned their heads one after another, staring at Arthur with scarlet eyes.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

"A true knight will never abandon his faith even if he dies!"

"As long as I have breath, you will never be allowed to destroy the temple and the home of mankind!"

In the face of countless ogre monsters, Arthur was not timid. He stared, bit his cheek tightly, and swept across with his sword, beheading the monster's head.

A large group of demons surrounded him, swallowing him like a black wave.

Half an hour ago.

Jiang Ming and his group walked slowly on the road, listening to Charlotte tell the story of the Sunset Temple while walking.

"The Temple of the Sunset is a sacred place in the minds of all Westerners, of course it was in the past."

"In the past, when humans were not the masters of the continent, they often faced threats from other races. At that time, the Templars were the patron saints of humans."

"Later, there were more and more warriors among humans, and other races were driven away. Especially after the great war thousands of years ago, the demons were wiped out, and the elves followed suit. Humans completely lost their enemies."

"Since then, there have been fewer and fewer people who believe in the Temple, and the Knights Templar has become smaller and smaller. Now there are only a few dozen people, and the scope of protection is only a few dozen miles away."

Speaking of this, Charlotte couldn't help showing a hint of regret on her face, and shook her head, "And I heard that the Templar Knights have completely degenerated and become a means for some people to make money."

After hearing this, everyone felt deeply regretful.

Jiang Ming felt the deepest. Isn't this typical, heroes are not needed in peaceful times.

In the previous life, there were also many young people of the new generation. They did not understand the peace that the predecessors bought with flesh and blood, and some animals even spoke out to slander the predecessors.

Jiang Ming suddenly remembered something, and said, "By the way, Charlotte, have you heard the story of Athena?"

"Athena, yes, that is the God of the West."

Charlotte told Jiang Ming what she knew, and the content was similar to what was recorded on the parchment.

It is a god of inheritance. The last one was in the great war thousands of years ago. After the great war, no new successor appeared.

Speaking of Athena, Charlotte said: "Speaking of which, in addition to Athena, we in the west also have an inheritance god."

"Oh, who is it?" Jiang Ming suddenly became interested.

"That is a special god. To be precise, it is not a person, but a sword."

"A sword?"

"That's right, a divine sword known as the King's Sword."

The king's sword, the sword of real name contract victory, is inserted in the boulder of the temple.

This sword is the sword of King Arthur, the ancient hero of the West.

When King Arthur died, he sealed all his power in this sword, and only righteous warriors can use this sword.

"In every troubled time, there will be warriors who pull out the sword of the king and become the new generation of King Arthur."

"King Arthur is the master of all Templar knights, and King Arthur participated in the millennium war."

Charlotte's eyes showed deep yearning: "King Arthur, who holds the sword of the king, is the real knight. Now those templars who are trying to gain fame are simply embarrassing the temple."

A few people were talking, and they walked to the Sunset Temple without knowing it.

Jiang Ming looked far away, and frowned suddenly: "There are demon seeds!"

"Demon species? Impossible, there have been no demon species in this land for 1000 years." Charlotte said hesitantly.

"No mistake, I have an old enemy with the demons, and I can smell their disgusting smell a few streets away."

As Jiang Ming said, his feet began to accelerate, like a thunderbolt entering the Sunset Temple.

In the temple, Arthur was surrounded by demons, and he kept waving his sword, beheading one after another.

Dirty blood with a fishy smell splashed all over him.

There were too many, too many demon seeds, his arms began to ache, his legs began to tremble, and even the big sword had already cut out its curling blade.

Finally, he swung his sword and cut off the demon's neck. The blade, which had long been overwhelmed, broke completely at this moment.

Losing his weapon, he was slapped on the ground by the demon, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

"Is this the end...I don't regret dying to protect the faith."

Before Arthur died, he looked past the demon seed and looked at the Excalibur stuck in the temple boulder.

"The legendary sword of the king, I feel like I can touch it with my own hands, but unfortunately, I don't have a chance."

The demon's ferocious face was magnified in his eyes, and the sword of the king had been blocked by the demon, but Arthur still stared in that direction intently.

At this moment, the king's sword stuck on the boulder seemed to be summoned.

It kept vibrating and buzzing.

The next moment, the boulder exploded with a bang, and the King's Sword turned into a golden light, which spontaneously sent out towards Arthur, beheading all the monsters along the way.

The sword of the king penetrated the demon seed that was attacking Arthur, pierced through the back, pierced through the chest, and slowly stopped in front of Arthur.

"Did you choose me?"

Arthur looked at Excalibur with ecstasy and disbelief in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, holding the hilt of the sword.

The majestic power of justice erupted from Arthur's body.

The figure of old King Arthur's majesty appeared in his mind, and he personally handed the sword of contract victory, which represented justice and courage, to Arthur's hand: "The spirit of chivalry will never go out, young man, in the name of the holy sword, charge!"

At this moment, a faint golden halo appeared in his pupils.

A new generation of King Arthur is born!

"Born by the sword, never betray!"

"Accept the judgment of the holy sword!"

Arthur roared, and the golden sword glowed all over the sky.

With a sword, it was like a golden dragon descending from the sky, devouring countless demon species in the blink of an eye.

The demons didn't even have time to scream, and evaporated in the sword glow.

At this time, Jiang Ming just arrived.

Seeing that earth-shattering sword, even he was slightly surprised.

"What a powerful sword energy, what a pure energy."

(End of this chapter)

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