Chapter 272
"Is this Arthur?"

Surprised, Jiang Ming recognized the blond man holding the holy sword.

Isn't he the panacea in the glory of the king - Arthur!

At this time, Arthur looked more mighty than in the game, with bright eyes and sharp eyes, just like a hero who dominates one side.

Jiang Ming's eyes stayed on Arthur's face for a while, and finally fixed on the golden holy sword in his hand.

"What a powerful force, is this the King's Sword that Charlotte mentioned?"

Arthur was covered in golden light, and there seemed to be golden candles burning in his pupils. The sacred power happened to be the nemesis of the demons, and all the demons showed terrified eyes.

"Those who defile the temple will be killed!"

"Spin strike!"

"Shield of the Oath!"

The second skill summons the shield, and the first skill pokes forward, immediately taking away dozens of monsters.

"Fierce, old Arthur is still fierce."

It is not difficult for Jiang Ming to see that Arthur's strength has reached the level of a king. Although almost all of his strength comes from the holy sword, it is his ability to be recognized by the holy sword.

Otherwise, why didn't Holy Sword recognize Haim and others before?
Arthur's combat power, killing all the demons is absolutely no problem. Jiang Ming didn't want to participate in the battle, but after thinking about it, why didn't he take the opportunity to get a wave of favors?

King Arthur, here I come!
Jiang Ming jumped into the battle, facing these ordinary monsters, he didn't need to use any force at all, just pointed at him, and the monsters he touched exploded into blood foam.

Feeling the unusual energy fluctuations, Arthur froze for a moment: "This brother, who are you?"

Jiang Ming smiled slightly: "I'm just a passing martial artist, nothing to say."

"oh oh."

Arthur nodded, eyes blank.

This person's strength is by no means inferior to mine, and he cannot be someone unknown, but he doesn't want to say it, and it's hard for me to follow up and ask.

Could it be a descendant of a certain god race?
It is very possible that such a powerful force at such a young age can only be of the blood of the God Race.

"Brother, I'm fine here alone. A lot of demons bypassed the temple just now to endanger the villages behind. Can you please help those unarmed villagers?" Arthur pierced the demons with a sword, He looked at Jiang Ming and said.

"of course can."

Jiang Ming nodded slightly, and his figure disappeared in place strangely.

"It's really a real master. In comparison, I'm still not strong enough."

Arthur was surprised.

The village behind the temple.

The leader of the Knights hurriedly came to the village through the secret door. Hearing the roar of the monster behind him and the wailing of his fellow knights, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"It's over, the Sunset Temple is over, the Paladins are over."

The leader of the Knights fled in embarrassment.

He passed the village and caught the attention of the villagers.

"Hey, isn't this the knight of the Sunset Temple? Why did you come to our village?"

"Really, really a knight!"

"Wow, he is so handsome. I never thought that one day I would be able to see the noble knight with my own eyes."

The village head of this village saw the knight descending in person, greeted him excitedly, and respectfully said: "Honorable Knight Templar, welcome to Kabul Village, what can I do for you?"

The group leader pushed him away impatiently: "No need!"

The village head thought that his attitude was not respectful enough, which made Lord Templar angry, so he hurriedly bent down and said in a low voice, "Don't be angry, Lord, you are the patron saints of the entire continent, please be careful with me."

The village chief said, offering a money bag with both hands.

It looks bulging, and the weight is not light.

The knight leader had already stepped forward, but when he saw the purse out of the corner of his eye, his eyes lit up, and he turned back.

He took the money bag, turned it upside down, and showed a satisfied smile on his face: "Actually, I don't want your money, but now the Knights just lack weapons and armor, old man, then I will accept it."

After he finished speaking, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he sighed, "Unfortunately, it's still not enough. It would be great if I could have some more."

The old village head was simple in heart and felt honored to be able to help the Templars. He immediately mobilized the surrounding villagers and said, "Villagers, the Templars are in trouble. We have to help even if we cut down on food and clothing. Who has the money?" , Hurry up and hand it over."

The villagers were also simple people, and they went home one after another to take out their savings and hand them over to the head of the group.

"Okay, okay, okay."

The leader of the Knights kept reaching out to accept the money, smiling so hard that he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Stupid villager, just in time for me to finally make a fortune.

After collecting the money, the head of the knight group pretended to give a knightly salute to the villagers: "Thank you for your generosity, we Templars will definitely guarantee your safety."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a desperate cry from the exit of the secret door. Just as half of his body was exposed, a fellow knight was thrown down from behind by the demon seed, and his head was bitten off.

"The devil seed is coming!"

The knight leader's face changed drastically, and he ran away.

The villagers didn't know what to do. The old village chief hugged his arm and begged, "Master Knight, a monster has entered the village, so hurry up and kill it!"

The head of the knight group had vowed to protect the village just a second ago, but now he didn't care about putting on airs, and kicked the old village head away: "Fuck you, who cares if you live or die."

The old village chief stumbled and fell to the ground, looking at him in disbelief.

The promise to protect us is all a lie?
Aren't the Templars all righteous people? How could this be?
Seeing the back of the knight leader running further and further away, all the villagers were dumbfounded.

"This is the Templar we adore? Shit!"

"Cowards, the current Templars are all cowards!"

"The monster is so scary, what should we do?"

At this moment, all the villagers stared angrily, scolding the Templar for being cowardly and irresponsible.

But the demon seed would not pity them because they were abandoned, and opened its mouth wide to bite the villagers.

"Ah!!! Help, who will save us!"

A young girl was directly frightened and cried by the terrifying face of the demon.

Just when the demon seed was about to tear the girl into pieces, one hand pinched the demon seed by the back of its neck and picked it up.

Demon Seed: "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?"

Turning back in doubt, it was greeted by a loud and powerful mouth.

Jiang Ming turned the Demon Seed Fan's dizzy head with a slap, then aimed at the direction in which the Knight Leader was escaping, took aim, and threw it forcefully.

The head of the knight group has already run several hundred meters away, and it is estimated that those few villagers are at the bottom, and the demon species will not catch up anyway.

He stopped, panting heavily.

Suddenly, I felt something was wrong.

"Hey, that's not right. Why did the screams stop so quickly? Could it be that those villagers were scared to death by the demon seed?"

He turned his head and tiptoed to look into the distance.

"Why are they still alive, where did the demon seed go?"

When he was in doubt, a huge monster fell from the sky, it was the demon seed thrown by Jiang Ming.


The leader of the Knights screamed, and before he could dodge in time, he was directly smashed into a pulp by the demon seed.

(End of this chapter)

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