The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 274 Great Magician Merlin and the Red-haired Girl

Chapter 274 Great Magician Merlin and the Red-haired Girl

"Haidu is the largest city in the western world. If Haidu joins the battle, the winning rate will definitely increase greatly."

Speaking of this, Charlotte's cheeks flushed with excitement.

"Brother Jiang Ming is really hiding something."

Although Arthur had just met Jiang Ming not long ago, he was not surprised at all.

After all, it is not normal for a person who is stronger than King Arthur to have no background.

Jiang Ming responded to the two with a smile, without telling them that he actually had another country in the east.

Yanhuang is the foundation of Jiang Ming's foothold in the world, he does not want to mobilize warriors from Yanhuang.

In addition, Yanhuang is too far away, even if they are transferred, they may not be able to catch up.

"If it is powerful, I can persuade the elves to join."

Irene interrupted suddenly, making Charlotte even more excited.

"Really, that would be great!"

All the people of the elves are warriors, especially the Eight Great Kings Shouna, who is comparable to the existence of the gods, which is equivalent to adding another king's combat power.

"Jiang Ming, Arthur, Jiang Ming's horse boy, and the eight kings of the elves. At present, we have four king-level combat powers here."

Charlotte counted the plates excitedly.

The combat power of the four kings, plus some Xingyao's combat power, may really be able to fight with Nathing!
"Actually, we still have a hidden comrade-in-arms."

As soon as Jiang Ming said the words, everyone turned to look at him, "Hiding teammates, who are you referring to?"

Jiang Ming smiled helplessly, and said, "Athena, the god of inheritance who is as famous as King Arthur, how could you forget her."

"Athena may indeed become a comrade in arms, but she is illusory, and no one knows when she will be reincarnated." A gleam of regret flashed in Charlotte's eyes.

Jiang Ming said: "You can rest assured. I once got the news on a piece of parchment. Whenever troubled times are approaching, Athena's heir will appear. Isn't it just that troubled times are approaching now?"

"But even if she will reincarnate, we don't know where to find her."

"You and I don't know, but someone does."

Jiang Ming tilted his head towards Nana.

"That's right, you can ask Nana to divination!"

Charlotte suddenly realized, and happily grabbed Nana's arm, "Nana, it's going to be hard for you to do divination again."

"No hard work, no hard work at all."

Nana smiled and took out the divination crystal.

"Please tell me where Athena will be reincarnated."

Charlotte said a question silently in her heart, and the star pattern in the crystal ball changed.

Nana read the result and said, "Divination shows that the answer to the question is in the Holy Land of Miracles."

"Holy Land of Miracles, what is that place, does anyone know?"

Everyone was silent, even Charlotte had never heard of this place.

"Nana, can you do some more divination to find out where this holy place of miracles is." Charlotte suggested.

"No." Nana shook her head. "Divination is not a way to know everything. It is not allowed to use divination to answer unknown results of divination. This is against the laws of heaven and earth."


Everyone was at a loss.

The scene suddenly fell into silence, and finally Jiang Ming said: "If you can't do divination, we can find out by ourselves, isn't there still a few months left, don't worry."

"Besides, even without Athena, our combat effectiveness is not bad."

Arthur also nodded: "Brother Jiang Ming is right, we still have time."

When Charlotte heard this, the frustration on her face faded a lot, she clenched her fists and said, "That's right, the most important thing now is to win over powerful forces and strengthen our team."

After discussion, several people decided to go to the village behind the temple to rest first.

The old village chief and others had seen Jiang Ming before, recognized him at a glance, and expressed their gratitude excitedly: "Little hero, I saw you again, you left too fast just now, we didn't come to express our thanks .”

After the old village chief finished speaking, he took out a money bag.

Because he was cheated by the head of the Knights before, this purse is obviously not that full.

However, it contains the wishes of all the simple villagers.

Jiang Ming smiled and said: "It's all what should be done. I am grateful that I accept it. I can't ask for money. Besides, do you think we will be short of money?"

"That's right. You are all capable people. How can you be short of money?"

The old village chief scratched his head and put away his money bag.

There was a little embarrassment on his old face, as if he was ashamed that he could not repay the kindness.

Jiang Ming was keenly aware of the heart of the old village chief, and his eyes shone brightly.

He patted his stomach and said carelessly, "Old village chief, I'm almost exhausted after working all day. Do you have anything to eat here?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"You come with me!"

The cloudy eyes of the old village head suddenly glowed, and he led Jiang Ming and others to his house excitedly.

Here, Jiang Ming and others really felt the enthusiasm of the villagers.

All kinds of food and drink, what the villagers had, were all brought over.

"It's really simple and honest."

Jin Chan sighed while eating the fruit.

"Master Jinchan, come and eat this, it's delicious."

Jiang Ming handed over a chicken drumstick.

Jin Chan immediately shook her head: "Amitabha, monks must not break the precepts, and the poor monk advises you to also abstain from meat and fish to reduce killing."

"Okay, I see."

Jiang Ming said and stuffed the chicken leg into his mouth, "Oh, it's so delicious!"

Jin Chan: "..."

While Jiang Ming and the others were feasting, many curious villagers peeked through the cracks in the door.

A few young girls were lying outside the window, watching with relish.

"Is this a warrior? He looks so powerful and eats a lot."

"I originally thought that high-level warriors were all elderly uncles and grandpas, but I didn't expect there to be such young ones."

"Yes, they look a few years older than us."

"Jimei, who do you think is the most handsome among them?"

"Of course it's the one in white. He looks pretty, but he's actually amazing. He's the one who saved me."

Said the girl who was saved by Jiang Ming, she secretly looked at the man in the room with red hearts in her eyes.

"I also think the one named Jiang Ming is the most handsome, but the monk next to him is also very interesting, looking sacred and inviolable, I really want to play him."

"Hey, you are so perverted!"

At this time, a red-haired girl said: "I am different from you, I like that golden-haired knight, I feel very safe."

The other girls said, "The one with the blond hair isn't bad either. All three guys are great. If only I could get one."

"Don't dream, they are all high-ranking warriors, how could they fall in love with ordinary girls like us, you should have a good time with that kid next door."

"Ah, you're too much, you ruined my fantasy all at once!"

A few girls chattered and chattered for a while, and then dispersed.

The red-haired girl took one last look at Arthur, deeply burying her admiration and love in her heart.

When she got home, she couldn't sleep repeatedly, and the shadow of the blond knight was always in her mind.

"I can't really fall in love with him."

The girl questioned her heart, but no one answered, but the answer was already ready.

"But I'm not good enough for him, he's a noble Templar, and I'm just an ordinary girl who couldn't be more ordinary."

The girl was melancholy and desolate in her heart.

Suddenly, she remembered an ancient legend in a village.

Legend has it that in the forest behind the village, there is a witch imprisoned in a tree, who was once the most powerful magician in the western world.

"The most powerful magician, she can definitely help me!"

Excitement flashed in the girl's eyes, Dang even jumped off the bed and ran towards the forest.

Deep in the forest, on a big old tree.

Ordinary people can't see it, and there is a transparent bubble cage hanging on the tree.

Inside the cage is Merlin, who was once the strongest mage in the west.

It's funny to say that the bubble cage that locked Merlin was a spell released by herself.

It was when she was fighting with another mage, her strongest control spell, she hit it crookedly, and she actually hung herself on a tree.

The cage is transparent and no one can see it.

Merlin's lifespan is also unlimited, and she was trapped like this for a long time.

No one knows how many years have passed, she racked her brains to break the bubbles, and the best result was throwing the gadgets she made out of the bubbles, but the main body was still unable to escape.

"Ah, I'm going crazy!"

"This damn bubble cage is so strong, it is indeed the masterpiece of my strongest mage Merlin!"

Merlin roared in the air bubbles, but people outside couldn't hear her at all.

At this time, she heard footsteps coming into the forest, and getting closer.

"Archmage, Archmage Merlin, are you here?"

The red-haired girl yelled as she walked.

She has been away for a long time, and has not received a response, and even began to doubt whether the legend is false.

Are there really archmages trapped in this forest?
"Not here!"

Merlin said angrily, she knew it was impossible for the girl to hear her voice.

"Being trapped here, even if eternal life is torture, if I can get out, I am willing to exchange everything!"

"Wait, exchange!"

Merlin suddenly thought of a way out of trouble.

"If my body still can't get out, then I might as well let my soul escape. A little girl happened to pass by. I can use the exchange spell to exchange my soul with hers, so that I can go out!"

Merlin became excited, as if he saw hope.

"But how should I let her come over?"

A problem presented itself.

The little girl couldn't see her, and couldn't hear her voice, so she walked farther and farther away from the big tree where she was.

This made Merlin very anxious, if he missed this little girl, it might not be when someone will come next time.

Moreover, in case it is a greasy uncle, should I change it or not?

After thinking for a moment, Merlin decided to take the initiative.

She uses all her magic powers to send a super cute doll out of its bubble cage.

The doll fell under a tree, and the sound caught the girl's attention.

"Come on, come on..."

Merlin prayed in his heart.

The girl looked in the direction of the big tree, and sure enough, she came over.

(End of this chapter)

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