Chapter 275 My name is Angela

"Master Merlin, is that you?"

The girl asked as she walked, with a pair of big black eyes, looking around in the night.

"It's me, it's me, come here..."

Merlin repeated like a mantra, even though she knew the girl couldn't hear her voice at all.

"Hey, why is there nothing? I clearly heard the sound coming from here."

The girl walked under the big tree, talking to herself in doubt.

"Idiot, quickly pick up the doll under your feet!"

Merlin said angrily.

The little girl shook her head, and when she was about to leave, she suddenly noticed the cute pink doll under her feet.

"Ah, what a cute doll, who threw it here."

She bent down and picked up the doll.

At this moment, the magic attached to the doll was activated, and a ray of light shot out from Merlin's body and injected straight into the girl's body.

"Ahaha, I, Merlin, have finally been reborn!"

The girl laughed, and the next second the laughter stopped abruptly.

"What's going on, why is your soul here too!"

Merlin was stunned.

There was a mistake in the exchange magic, and instead of transferring the girl's soul to Merlin's body, the two souls existed in one body at the same time.

"No, I don't want to do this!"

Merlin couldn't accept it, so he activated the magic again, trying to drive the girl's soul out.

However, her body was too weak, and the magic failed to drive out the girl's soul, but instead slowly fused the two of their souls.

At this moment, a strange memory appeared in Merlin's mind, it was a girl's memory.

"Ah, damn it, I made another mistake!"

Merlin wanted to cry, but the souls of the two had been completely fused, and they could no longer be separated.

In other words, there is no need to separate, because they are now a perfectly integrated person.

The girl with the memories of two people slowly opened her eyes, a red light flickered in her pupils.

"Actually, it's not bad. I still remember the original magic, and I got rid of the curse of having to obey King Arthur."

The little girl smiled gratifiedly, and walked towards the village relying on her memory.

Merlin is an archmage who has lived for a long time. She used to be unrestrained, behaved eccentrically, and loved to use magic to trick others.

Until that day, she met the original King Arthur.

King Arthur appreciated her magic very much, but had a headache because of her stubborn character, so he simply cast a curse on her, cursing her to obey King Arthur's orders unconditionally in the future.

From that day on, Merlin was no longer free.

With the shackles of King Arthur, she became a lot more honest, and was forced to participate in King Arthur's battle to save the world, and made great contributions.

After the death of the first King Arthur, Merlin thought he was finally free.

Who would have thought that that shameless guy would attach his power to the sword of the king, so that she had to obey the orders of the new King Arthur.

In this way, the immortal Merlin Archmage fought with King Arthur generation after generation.

After the loss of the previous King Arthur thousands of years ago, there was no new King Arthur in this world for many years. Merlin felt that he was liberated, and started wandering again, but was accidentally bound by his own magic.

It's too awful.

"I'm finally stuck. This body has never been cursed. I don't need to follow King Arthur anymore. I'm free from today!"

"What kind of bullshit King Arthur, go to hell!"

"I want to destroy, I want to vent, and I want to be the world's number one mage!"

The girl clenched her pink fist and swung it vigorously.

Suddenly, she jumped back.

On the road in front of him, a blond knight appeared at some point, holding a strangely shaped sword in his hand.

"It's him!"

The little girl's eyes widened with complicated expressions.

"He is that handsome knight, no, he is King Arthur!"

"How could this be, why is he King Arthur!"

The girl is upset.

The knight in front of him is the girl's crush and Merlin's hatred.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether I liked him more or hated him more.

"Girl, what's the matter with you?"

Arthur noticed her abnormality, smiled gently, and reached out to stroke her beautiful red hair.

"Do not touch me!"

The girl screamed and summoned a huge ball of fire.

"It's a magician!"

Arthur was taken aback, and quickly pulled out the King's Sword.

Just when he was about to swing the sword, the face of the red-haired girl on the opposite side changed several times, and finally lifted the fireball technique, and smiled obediently: "Please accept my allegiance, Your Majesty King Arthur."

In the end, it was the girl who liked it better.

So what if he is King Arthur, I am willing to follow him.

"What's your name?"

Arthur put away the King's Sword and asked with some doubts.

The girl smiled sweetly: "My name is Angela."

Arthur nodded: "Angela, your magic looks very powerful, then protect the mainland with me."

"Okay, Your Majesty."

. . .

Jiang Ming and the others were shocked when they found the red-haired girl following Arthur.

Charlotte and Jinchan were surprised by Arthur's charisma, while Jiang Ming was surprised by Angela herself.

And Angela also confessed her past without reservation, which made Arthur startled for a while.

It's unbelievable that I have such a deep bond with her even though I just met her.

But Charlotte was very excited: "Angela, you said just now that you personally experienced the great war thousands of years ago?"

"That's right, I was still Merlin at that time, following the previous generation of King Arthur to fight against the demons."

"Then, you must know the Charlotte family, right?"

"The Charlotte family, I have a little impression, seems to be subordinates of the Protoss at that time."

"Yes, I am a descendant of the Charlotte family!"

Charlotte was very shocked. The little girl in front of her had a soul bigger than that of Charlotte's ancestors. It was indeed a living fossil.

"Then do you know the Storm Dragon King?"

"I know." Angela nodded, "The Storm Dragon King was the most powerful demon species on the western battlefield at that time. Several protoss teamed up and failed to destroy it, so they had to seal it in the end."

"That's right, it's the Storm Dragon King."

Charlotte's tone became agitated, "The formation that sealed it has begun to fail. Do you have a way to strengthen the seal?"

Merlin is an ancient great mage, maybe he really has a way.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Angela pouted her mouth and thought for a while, then shook her head: "Sorry, I can't do it. Although I am good at magic, I am still far behind the protoss, let alone a few protoss." A seal that can only be made together."

After hearing Angela's words, hope flashed in everyone's eyes.

Charlotte even sighed, "Oh, it's really tricky."

"The Storm Dragon King is powerful, but it's not completely helpless."

Angela's words revived people's hope.

She said calmly: "I followed the previous generation of King Arthur to fight, and I heard him say: darkness will come back, and only by gathering the power of knights, mages, elves and braves can we see the sun."

(End of this chapter)

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