The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 276 Departure, Holy Land of Miracles

Chapter 276 Departure, Holy Land of Miracles

"Knights, mages, elves and heroes..."

Everyone repeated this sentence, checking their seats in their hearts.

There is no doubt that the knight is Arthur, the mage has Angela, the elf has Irene, as for this brave man. . .

Everyone guessed that it must be Jiang Ming. After all, he is the most powerful existence here, even Arthur is inferior to him.

Charlotte said what was in her heart: "Arthur is a knight, Angela is a mage, Irene is an elf, Jiang Ming is a brave man, and I am the initiator of this team."

Charlotte glanced over everyone one by one, until when she looked at Jin Chan, the air fell into an awkward silence.

Everyone looked at Jin Chan at the same time, with weird smiles on their faces, as if to say: We all have identities, how about you?

Jin Chan's face darkened.

Co-authoring me is redundant, so shall I go?
Jiang Ming laughed out loud, and said to save Jin Chan: "Master Jin Chan, don't think too much, we definitely have no intention of looking down on you, absolutely not!"

"The brave man in the prophecy didn't say it was a single person. Maybe all the other warriors are brave men."

After hearing Jiang Ming's words, Jin Chan's face softened a little, and he put his palms together and said, "Amitabha, goodness, goodness, Jiang Ming's benefactor is indeed a man of great wisdom."

After speaking, he gave Charlotte a sideways look, his eyes filled with resentment.

"Little brother Jiang Ming is right."

Arthur nodded seriously, "And I think it's not just for the brave, but also for knights, mages and elves."

"You mean, not a certain person, but the entire organization." Jiang Ming's eyes lit up.

"Yes, this is a catastrophe. It is not enough for us alone. We must unite the entire Western world."

"That makes sense, I think Arthur is right."

"Yes, this is the time to test the unity of the Western world."

Arthur's words were recognized by everyone, and he continued: "I am now the new head of the Templar Knights, and I can command all the knights, and I will summon some of the knights."

Angela said: "I am very famous in the magic world, the mage entrusted it to me."

Irene said: "Leave the elves to me. I believe that my mother will definitely let go of her hatred with humans before big things happen."

"In this case, I will be responsible for attracting high-level warriors."

Jiang Ming rubbed his chin, frowned and said, "At present, the most powerful helper is Athena, but no one knows where the Holy Land of Miracles is, so it's a bit troublesome."

"The Holy Land of Miracles, I know."

The crisp words immediately made everyone's hearts jump. Charlotte looked at Angela and said excitedly, "Do you know the Holy Land of Miracles?"

Angela raised her head triumphantly: "I am the strongest mage in the west, and I know all about the holy places of miracles like the back of my hand."

"Okay, don't be a fart, tell me quickly, where is the holy land of miracles."

Angela coughed twice, solemnly used magic to conjure up a map, and said, "The place marked with red dots on it is the holy land of miracles."

Jiang Ming took the map and looked at it in front of his eyes.

The map shows that the Holy Land of Miracles is in the east of the Sunset Sea, in a mountain range that is inaccessible.

It's quite a distance from here, but if you ride a dragon, one day is enough.

Seeing Jiang Ming eager to try, Angela seemed to recall some bad memories, and said cautiously: "Are you going to the Holy Land of Miracles? I'm telling you, there are ghosts there!"

"A ghost?"

A look of surprise flashed in Jiang Ming's eyes.

When I came to this world, I have seen gods and monsters, but I haven't seen ghosts yet.

Zhong Kui can barely be considered a half-ghost, he has no physical body, but also has never really lived.

He was created by Nu Wa to protect the power of miracles, and he has been in a ghost state since the beginning.

"By the way, are there really ghosts in the world? People become ghosts after death, so isn't there countless ghosts in this world?"

Jiang Ming asked suspiciously.

From ancient times to the present, how many dead people have been turned into ghosts, the ground will hardly stand up.

"Of course it's not what you think. Ordinary people can't become ghosts after death. Only gods with strong enough souls can become ghosts after death."

Angela said seriously.

"So, there are fallen protoss in the Holy Land of Miracles?"

A look of shock appeared on Charlotte's face.

The Protoss is almost invincible, and the only ones who can kill the Protoss are the Protoss and a very small number of particularly powerful demons.

Angela nodded: "It should be said that the Holy Land of Miracles is the cemetery of the Protoss. Throughout the ages, all the fallen Protoss in the Western world will be buried in the Holy Land of Miracles."

As soon as these words came out, not only Charlotte, but everyone was shocked.

The cemetery of the Protoss, what a sacred and terrifying place.

With a thought, Jiang Ming asked, "Then, will the ghosts of the protoss attack humans?"

This question is the key. If those ghosts kill people when they see them, the Holy Land of Miracles will really be a Jedi for the human race.

"As far as I know, most ghosts are very quiet. Only a very small number of ghosts who are unwilling to die will attack humans, and some are more extreme. They will find ways to take away human bodies and try to live a new life."

The ghosts of the protoss seized their homes. Thinking of this, Charlotte shivered, and shivered involuntarily.

Jiang Ming also frowned tightly.

No one present knew the power of the god race better than him. Even the most ordinary one-star king, who became a ghost after death, had at least the peak star power in his soul.

A ghost at the peak of Xingyao is enough to easily win over warriors like Charlotte and Jin Chan.

This is still the simplest, if you encounter the awesome soul of the Protoss, if you are not guaranteed to be stronger than Jiang Ming, then you are really doomed.

"It sounds like this holy place of miracles looks very dangerous."

Jiang Ming stroked his chin, not knowing whether to go or not.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Arthur, Angela and Irene, you three go gather your companions. As for the Holy Land of Miracles, let me try it alone. If you encounter evil spirits, use my strength to escape." It's not difficult either."

Charlotte said: "No, how can I let you go alone, I will be with you."

Nana said, "I'll follow Charlotte."

Jin Chan said: "Although the strength of the poor monk is not as good as yours, don't forget that the Buddhist teachings of the poor monk specialize in restraining Yin objects and have miraculous effects on ghosts."

"In that case, well, let's go to the Holy Land of Miracles together."

Seeing that the three insisted, Jiang Ming nodded in agreement.

It was agreed to meet in Haidu, and they headed in different directions.

Arthur issued a knight summoning order in the Sunset Temple, summoning all knights in the western world.

Angela and Arthur are together, using magic to contact the mages.

Irene returned directly to the Golden Forest and took the cross sword back.

As for Jiang Ming and the others, they headed towards the holy land of miracles in the east.

(End of this chapter)

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