The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 277 Palace of the Dead, Hades the Hades

Chapter 277 Palace of the Dead, Hades the Hades
According to the map instructions, Jiang Ming rode a giant dragon and reached the uninhabited mountain range in the eastern part of the western world in one day.

This is the natural dividing line between the East and the West, a continuous towering mountain range, ordinary people will die if they enter.

Because he didn't know the situation inside the mountain, Jiang Ming ordered the old master to stop at the entrance of the mountain and decided to enter from the ground.

In case there is really a particularly powerful evil spirit inside, flying in the sky is simply a target for others.

"It's very dangerous inside. Be careful at all times. If you really encounter evil spirits, you can run as long as you can. Leave me alone. I will find my own way to get out of trouble."

Jiang Ming explained a few words very seriously, and then walked ahead into the mountains.

After taking a few steps, everyone felt as if they had stepped into another world.

Nana shrank behind Charlotte, looking around with big eyes, and her eyes couldn't help becoming flustered.

"Don't be afraid, there should be an enchantment here that we can't see, maybe to prevent those ghosts from escaping."

Jiang Ming said, continue to move forward.

Going deep into the mountains, the journey was very quiet, except for the occasional cry of a wild animal, which made the timid Nana tremble from fright.

The four of them moved forward all the way, and their field of vision suddenly widened, and a sudden flat land appeared in front of them.

On the flat ground, there are tombstones standing impressively, and each tombstone is repaired in a noble manner, which shows that there are extraordinary people buried under the tombstones.

"A lot of graves."

Nana was already terrified by this weird scene, and grabbed Charlotte's clothes tightly.

"You stay here, I'll go and have a look."

Jiang Ming said, and walked to the cemetery alone.

The rest of the people stared with bated breath, for fear of accidents.

Jiang Ming walked to the nearest, that is, the outermost tombstone, reached out and wiped off the thick dust on it, and the handwriting on the tombstone was finally revealed.

Hai Yin, Houtian god, three-star realm, fell in 635 Western calendar.

Acquired gods, that is, gods cultivated by human beings, not innate gods such as Nuwa Pangu.

"Fall in 2635 Western calendar..."

Jiang Ming silently counted the time in his heart, "That is, he fell in the great war thousands of years ago."

After the Great War thousands of years ago, the Protoss of the entire continent were hidden, and there was no news of the fall of the Protoss since then.

Jiang Ming's eyes seemed to look further away, and there were densely packed tombstones, and he wiped off another tombstone casually:
Shirley, Houtian God, two-star realm, fell in 634 Western calendar.

Continuing to check several tombstones, Jiang Ming was sure that the closer the tombstone was, the earlier the time of death would be.

In other words, the tombstone is built from the inside, a little bit outward.

The early dead are inside, and the new dead are outside.

Jiang Ming glanced at the cemetery beyond the horizon, there were at least several hundred tombstones.

No trace of ghosts was found for the time being, so Jiang Ming hooked his hands and beckoned a few people to come in.

"Is this the cemetery of the Protoss?"

Charlotte asked, with vigilance and a little fear in her eyes.

She had already gotten some news from Angela, so it was not difficult to guess what it was.

"That's right, under each of these tombstones are fallen protoss." Jiang Ming glanced around and said in a deep voice.


Charlotte gasped.

The cemetery where hundreds of protoss are buried, if it is haunted, it will be too scary.

"According to my observation, this is a circular cemetery. The further inward the tombstone is, the older it is. Athena is an ancient protoss, and her ghost is most likely in the center of the cemetery."

Jiang Ming said lightly, "Let's go to the center of the cemetery."

Charlotte and the others inevitably had some fear in their hearts, but they still followed Jiang Ming closely and walked towards the center of the cemetery.

In the center of the cemetery is a super luxurious palace, which is even more magnificent than Wu Zetian's palace in Chang'an.

"Wow, what a beautiful palace, if only I could live in a place like this."

Nana exclaimed.

"Be sober, this is for the dead."

Jiang Ming extinguished her fantasy with one sentence, and then pushed open the gate of the palace.

There was a creaking, hollow sound, echoing in the valley.

"Really, spoil people's interest."

Nana rolled her eyes and walked in.

The palace is very large and beautiful, with Western-style buildings, it can be said that there are royal palaces, and there are all here.

Only not popular.

Thinking about it is also true, the dead will not build palaces, this place should be a living place specially built for the souls of the gods.

Jiang Ming glanced around, and although he couldn't see a single person, he always felt that there seemed to be something here.

"Jiang Ming, there is nothing here, let's go to the cemetery outside to find Athena's tombstone."

Charlotte suggested.

The purpose of their trip was to find Athena, not to visit the Holy Land of the Dead.

"makes sense."

Jiang Ming nodded and was about to leave.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up in the hall, and the door of the hall automatically closed with a bang.

"After entering my palace, you still want to leave? It's not that easy."

Cold laughter came from all directions, as if carrying an irresistible chill, Charlotte and the others shivered involuntarily, looking around in confusion, unable to catch the source of the sound.

Jiang Ming frowned, staring fixedly at the empty seat above the palace.

"Stop pretending to be a ghost, come out for me!"

Jiang Ming snorted, raised his hand and shot a golden energy towards the empty seat.

The energy cluster was extremely fast, penetrating a distance of [-] meters in the blink of an eye, and after reaching the empty seat, it disappeared strangely, as if falling into an invisible quagmire.

There was a turmoil in the space in the seat, and a half-truth and half-illusion figure appeared.

It was a middle-aged man with a standard Western face, blond hair, blue eyes, a straight nose, and a sharp-edged face, which looked aggressive.

The man just looked down from above, and Charlotte felt the pressure doubled, as if his eyes were full of weight.

"As expected, I was not mistaken, you are the king."

The man looked at Jiang Ming, with a half-smile expression on the corner of his mouth, "It's interesting to be a king in his early twenties, and a king with 25 stars. Which protoss are you descended from?"

Jiang Ming didn't answer his question, but asked instead: "You said this is your palace, who are you?"

"You don't even know me?"

The man laughed, "I am the greatest god in the world, Hades!"

"Hades, you are Hades!"

Just as Jiang Ming was about to say that he had never heard of it, Charlotte beside him suddenly changed his face and said in horror.

"That's right, do you feel fear and your legs tremble involuntarily?"

Hades' snake-like eyes fixed on Charlotte, and her legs trembled just watching her.

"Who is Hades, is he very powerful?"

Jiang Ming still doesn't know much about the protoss in the western world, and he has never heard of this name.

Charlotte replied with a trembling voice: "Hades is the oldest and most evil god in the western world. Because of killing too many people, he is called Hades the Hades!"

(End of this chapter)

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