The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 280 Nana, You Have Been Bigger

Chapter 280 Nana, You Have Been Bigger
"Amitabha, has the poor monk reached the end?"

Jin Chan was surrounded by many dead souls, and the nine-ring magic circle was on the verge of collapsing, and it was about to fail.

"Buddha, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to meet you, but it's a pity that I couldn't see your real body with my own eyes, and I couldn't listen to Mahayana Buddhism."

At the moment of life and death, Jin Chan was still indifferent.

It is a good story to die to save the common people.

"Monk, I accept your perfect body!"

A dead soul screamed sinisterly, and maggots burrowed into Jin Chan's body like bone-embedded maggots.

At this moment, the sacred golden light suddenly lit up from a distance, and the dead soul felt a familiar and terrifying atmosphere, and turned pale with fright: "Athena, it's Athena, she has found an heir!"

After being silent for a long time, Nana suddenly opened her eyes and shot a bright light.

Her hair turned a noble purple, and the golden light condensed on her body to form a layer of battle armor. Holding the spear and shield representing justice in her hands, her whole person's breath was completely new.

"Athena, Nana has become a new generation of Athena!"

Jinchan and Charlotte were overjoyed.

Originally, I asked Athena to take action, but in the end, my good partner became Athena directly, which was a pleasant surprise.

"Face your evil!"

Athena glanced around, and all the dead souls she caught trembled.

"The piercing gun!"

Athena shot out, and the power of the gods directly blasted the souls of the dead who were taking Charlotte into pieces.

Souls of the dead are immune to physical damage, but when they reach the realm of kings, the strength of warriors will be sublimated, and even ordinary physical attacks can hurt souls of the dead.

Just like Jiang Ming can attack Hades with a battle star in his hand.

"Athena is resurrected, run!"

Many of the dead souls here were once Hades' subordinates. They were killed by Athena and King Arthur, and they were instinctively afraid of them.

Seeing Athena's reincarnation at this time, I just want to drill into the soil.

"Evil guy, I will eradicate you completely!"

Athena pointed her spear, and the dead souls who were trying to hide in the ground exploded instantly. She flew forward and cleared away the dead souls surrounding Jin Chan and Charlotte with a few strokes.

"That's amazing, is this the goddess Athena?"

Looking at Athena's indifferent face, Charlotte was happy but at the same time complicated.

Now, is she a high-ranking goddess, or my good friend Nana?
Athena turned around and looked at Charlotte with cold eyes.

In the next second, a sweet smile appeared on her face: "Charlotte, am I good?"

Charlotte was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized, and said with a smile, "It's amazing, it's indeed my Nana."

Great, it seems that she is still the same Nana as before.

In the ruins of the palace, Hades was trembling with anger when he saw this scene.

"Damn it, it's Athena again, damn Athena!"

Originally, according to his plan, after the ghosts outside deal with Jiang Ming's friends, they can come and help him take Jiang Ming down.

At that time, he will occupy Jiang Ming's body and make a comeback. In this era of the disappearance of the gods, he can easily dominate the world.

"Haha, Hades, I never expected that my friend would become the heir of Athena."

Jiang Ming laughed out loud, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

"Boy, don't be too complacent, I, Hades, will return to the world sooner or later!"

Hades glared at him bitterly, said something big, turned around and ran away.

He knows Athena's strength best. If you haven't fought Jiang Ming before, you can still touch her.

But now that Jiang Ming has buffed his strength, let alone Athena, any king can break his soul.

"Athena, Hades is about to run away, are you sure you want to watch like this?"

Jiang Ming's remaining power was not enough to kill Hades, but it didn't mean he was indifferent. He resolutely shouted at Athena.

"Hades, you can't escape!"

A cold light flashed in Athena's eyes, and she chased after her with a spear.

"Holy March!"

Athena turned into golden light and appeared on Hades' escape route in the blink of an eye. The Holy Shield pushed forward and knocked Hades to the ground.

"Athena, you forced me!"

Hades knew he couldn't run away, and a frenzied look flashed across his face.

His body swelled up like a balloon, and the energy in his body became violent, like gunpowder that exploded at the slightest touch.

"Oops, he's going to blow himself up!"

Athena exclaimed and threw Jiang Ming to the ground.


Jiang Ming was stunned, what kind of operation was this.

However, in the next second, his head was pressed against his chest by Athena, and the turbulent waves slapped directly on his face.

Jiang Ming just wanted to say: Don't stop, I can hold on!

The appalling explosion shook, and the loud noise was earth-shattering.

A king-level divine soul explodes, with enough energy to destroy a city.

Jiang Ming doesn't want to hide under his breasts, ah bah, it's under a woman.

He was about to stand up and shield Athena from the storm, when suddenly a divine power burst from her body, and Athena's holy shield spontaneously released a skill, adding a shield for the two of them.

It's Athena's three skills - Awe of the Holy Shield!
The shield couldn't completely resist the damage from the self-explosion. Jiang Ming and the two were blown out, hugging each other and rolling away on the ground.

"Ah, my waist is about to break."

After the explosion, Jiang Ming stood up holding his waist.

Originally, Athena was holding him, but after rolling and rolling, it became Jiang Ming holding Athena.

Jiang Ming suffered most of the damage, especially when the shield broke and the explosion wave rushed over, Jiang Ming protected Athena behind him and used his back to resist the shock wave.

"Jiang Ming, Nana, are you alright?"

Due to the distance between Charlotte and Jin Chan, they were only slightly affected. Seeing Jiang Ming being blown out, they ran over anxiously to check.

"Jinchan, don't you know how to heal wounds? Take a look at my waist."

The waist is the key to a man. It depends on it to get in and out, and it can't leave any sequelae.

Jin Chan looked at Jiang Ming's waist very seriously, and said, "Don't worry, your waist is very good."

"How good is it?"

"It's no problem to move in and out continuously all day."

"I can rest assured that."

Jiang Ming smiled with satisfaction.

Charlotte and Athena are pure women, they didn't understand the meaning of moving in and out, and thought it was a little secret between men, so they didn't ask much.

"Jiang Ming, thank you."

Athena had already tidied up her messy clothes and smiled shyly at Jiang Ming.

"I should be the one thanking you. If I didn't have your shield, maybe I'd burp."

Jiang Ming moved his eyes down Athena's face, glanced at it without any trace, and then quickly retracted it. He smiled and said, "Nana, you have grown bigger."

In the past, Nana was a flat-chested little lolita. After inheriting the power of Athena, she directly changed into the style of Yujie, and even her breasts became plump.

Nana thought he was talking about strength, so she smiled: "That's right, I have indeed grown bigger."

Charlotte felt that something was wrong with their conversation, and gave Jiang Ming a weird look.

(End of this chapter)

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