The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 281 Humiliation Survive or Let Go

Chapter 281 Humiliation Survival Or Let It Go

Charlotte gave Jiang Ming a weird look, as if to say: something is wrong with you.

Jiang Ming smiled cheekily and said, "The matter here is settled, let's go to Haidu and wait for Arthur and the others."

"No, I still have something to do."

Athena raised her spear and looked towards the cemetery, "There are still many evil spirits hiding in the ground, I will dig them out and destroy them all!"

As she spoke, she plunged her spear into the ground, pouring the holy spirit into the ground, and the hiding ghosts jumped out screaming as if their tails had been scalded.

"The piercing gun!"

The golden beam of light pierced through the audience, and all the evil spirits were wiped out under this shot.

"Okay, you can go now."

The evil spirits have been wiped out, and the rest are sleeping spirits, which will not pose a threat to human beings.

Jiang Ming thought of something and asked, "The first King Arthur was at the same time as you, why isn't his soul here?"

Athena said: "He has integrated his soul into the sword of the king."

Jiang Ming asked again: "There should be many pure spirits here, why not ask them to help fight?"

Athena: "Their spirits are not strong enough. If they leave here, they may be polluted by the evil spirit of the demon seed and become our enemy instead."


Jiang Ming shrugged.

At this moment, the Sunset Temple is holding an unprecedented grand meeting.

In the western world, all the powerful knights and wizards attended under the call of King Arthur and the strongest wizard.

"Dear knights and mages, this is how things are. The powerful demons sealed by the gods thousands of years ago are about to reappear in the world. I need your strength, and the western continent needs your strength. Only by uniting can we overcome difficulties!"

Arthur stood at the forefront, giving an impassioned speech.

His words were passionate, but the audience's reaction was not enthusiastic.

Those who can attend here are all strong ones, and some are the pillars of the family. They have deep thoughts, and they cannot be encouraged by just a few words.

"Arthur, I believe what you said is true, but according to what you said, the storm dragon king can't even kill the gods completely. What's the use of us people? Just run away before the crisis comes. never mind."

A middle-aged man said, and everyone agreed immediately.

"That's right, none of us are kings, we can't stand it."

"I don't want to die in vain. The whole family is pointing at me."

It is difficult to be brave, but it only takes a small excuse to escape, and no one is willing to bet with their lives.

Arthur's eyes became a little anxious, and he said: "Everyone listen to me, we have three kings here, and there may even be four. As long as everyone contributes, there is a great hope of winning."

"Tch, I don't believe it, it's so easy to find a real king."

"You said there are three kings, where are they? Tell them to come out."

Facing everyone's doubts, Arthur became angry.

He drew out the King's Sword, held it high, and suppressed all directions with domineering power.

The audience fell silent in an instant, and everyone stared blankly at the holy sword, especially the knights, who were beyond shocked: "Is this the sword of the king, the sword of the first King Arthur, the owner can inherit the power of the gods. "

Arthur held the holy sword in his hand, with solemn eyes: "I, Arthur, swear by this sword, there is no lie in what I said today. Whether to stay and fight or flee without fighting, everyone makes up their own minds, and I will never force it. But there are An ugly saying, if we hold on in the future, the western world does not fall, this land does not welcome cowards who run away, and you will never come back!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed greatly.

Whether to escape from humiliation or fight for dignity, this question appeared in the minds of the people present.

(End of this chapter)

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