The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 282 The Intruder of the Charlotte Family

Chapter 282 The Intruder of the Charlotte Family

"Fleeing cowards are not welcome in this land, and you will never come back!"

Arthur's eyes were as cold as ice, and no one suspected that he was bluffing.


Everyone was in trouble at once.

In fact, they all have their own little calculations in their hearts, like the Storm Dragon King or something, let others fight, and I just take my family and wealth to hide outside for a while, and wait for the disaster to pass and come back.

Even if the Western Continent is really finished, is it possible that there is still no place to live in a place as big as the Eastern World?

Arthur's cold words directly shattered their little calculations, and there were only two ways in front of them, either fight to the death or leave.

Everyone looked at me and looked at you, and they all saw the entanglement in each other's eyes.

At this time, Arthur saw that the effect of deterrence had been achieved, and his tone eased, and said: "My allies are far beyond your imagination. In addition to the three kings, all warriors in Haidu, and even the elves have agreed to participate in the battle."

"As long as you also contribute your strength, there is at least an [-]% chance of winning this battle!"

Whether the elves will participate in the battle is still uncertain. As for the [-]% chance of winning, Arthur is talking nonsense.

In order to frighten these old foxes, Arthur could only use extreme means.

"Really, even the elves are participating in the war?"

"I've heard that the eight kings of the elf clan combined are comparable to the king."

"There is also Haidu, which has always been famous for its technology. The high-tech weapons that can be mass-produced are equivalent to having a large number of diamond star warriors."

Looking at the shocked people, Arthur smiled meaningfully and did not speak.

"In this case, my Roma family agrees to join the war!"

A knight in battle armor raised his hand and said loudly, followed by everyone following suit.

"My Kate family too!"

"Archmage Volt joins the battle!"

"I join the fight too!"

Arthur and Angela looked at each other and smiled.

Compared with the twists and turns on Arthur's side, Irene's side is much more relaxed.

She just stated the threat of the Storm Dragon King to the Elf Queen, and the Elf Queen decisively agreed to join the war.

The elves have always obeyed the Queen's orders. When the Queen said to join the war, no one in the entire race had any objections.

"Mother, haven't you always hated humans? Why did you agree so quickly?" Irene asked puzzled.

The queen snorted, and said arrogantly: "In front of big right and wrong, this king will not have the same knowledge as human beings."

"What's more, human beings are not all bad people. At least the one named Jiang Ming is very good. He didn't hurt our people and returned the Holy Cross Sword as agreed." The Elf Queen gritted her teeth, "It's just that he kidnapped you is too bad. Well, count him as sensible and send you back, otherwise my elves will never end with him!"

Hearing this, Irene secretly stuck out her tongue.

She dared not tell her mother that the plan to kidnap the princess was made by herself.

Just as the forces of the human race gathered towards the sea, a strange guest came to the Charlotte family residence a hundred kilometers away.

"This is the private territory of the Charlotte family, what can you do?"

Charlotte's cousin, Keith, was in charge of guarding the entrance to the family. He saw that the man in front of him was not from the Charlotte tribe, so he took a step forward and stopped the man.

"Charlotte, I remembered, there seems to be an ant in human beings with this name."

"It turned out that he became the dog of the Protoss and left a seal for the protection of future generations."

The man raised his head, with ordinary facial features, only his eyes were extremely sharp. When he met him, Gies felt as if he was being stared at by some beast, and his scalp felt numb.

"Bold, how dare you insult my ancestors!"

Keith was furious, and stabbed at the man with a sword.

The man looked a little weird, but he didn't have the aura of a warrior in his body, he was just an ordinary person.

Gith's sword deliberately avoided the vital points. In his opinion, men are just ignorant and fearless, just teach them a lesson, and there is no need to kill them all.

"A mere mortal weapon, also want to hurt me?"

The man sneered, and stood still, letting Keith's sword stab his chest.

"Are you crazy?"

Keith was taken aback, he didn't expect that this person was not only arrogant, but also a lunatic, facing a sword that could penetrate an iron plate, he didn't even hide.

He hurriedly withdrew his strength, but the sword edge still pierced into the man's chest with seven points of strength.

The imaginary scene of blood spurting did not appear, the sword edge pierced the man's chest, as if facing an impenetrable city wall, instead of being able to advance an inch, it snapped off with a click.

"Is this Nima an iron man?"

Keith was dumbfounded.

After ten years of sword practice, it was the first time I saw someone whose body was harder than a sword.

"Weak humans."

The man's eyes were pitiful, and the next second he suddenly pointed out his finger, poking a bloody hole in Gith's chest.

Keith's eyes widened in disbelief, he didn't even see the man's movements clearly.

Looking down at the hole in his chest, he fell to his knees with a plop.

The man withdrew his fingers, his expression calm, as calm as if he had crushed an ant to death.

At the last moment of consciousness, Keith saw the back of the man walking into the territory.

With the last of his strength, he pulled the lead wire of the signal arrow.

A cloud piercing arrow flew obliquely into the sky, and exploded into the unique totem of the Charlotte family.

After doing this last thing, Keith closed his eyes forever.

In the family, people were attracted by the sound of the explosion of the Cloud Piercer Arrow.

"That's the signal from Gith, someone broke into the family!"

"Get ready to fight!"

The particularity of the Charlotte family made them dare not underestimate any enemy invasion. As long as there is a crisis, the whole family must face it.

Hundreds of clan members were quickly integrated. Men and women, all wearing armor and holding swords, stared unblinkingly at the passage into the clan.

There, a figure who was neither tall nor short walked slowly.

"There is only one enemy, and there is no aura of a warrior yet. Did Geese make a mistake?"

Someone said in confusion.

"Seriously, he has blood on his hands!"

Charlotte's father, who is also the patriarch of the Charlotte family, said with clenched fists.

Everyone looked at the man's right hand at the same time, and sure enough, he had a finger exposed, as if it had been soaked in blood, and it was still dripping down.


Some people gritted their teeth and already guessed what would happen to Keith.

"Damn it, kill him and avenge Gies!"

A young clansman rushed out, a diamond-level warrior stabbed out with a sword as fast as lightning.

The mysterious man slowly raised his hand, and shook it at the void of the visitor.

The young Charlotte tribe exploded directly, splashing blood all over the ground.


Seeing their compatriots die in front of their eyes, the Charlotte people were furious, their eyes were about to burst, hundreds of fighters shot at the same time, and the bright sword light of various colors lit up the night into the colors of the rainbow.

Facing the attack with an energy level comparable to that of a king, the mysterious man curled his lips contemptuously, and just stomped his feet, and a majestic wave of air like a tsunami spread out.

All the sword glows exploded the moment they collided with the air waves.

The people of the Charlotte clan looked ashamed when they saw the incredibly powerful man.

"King level."

Charlotte's father's heart skipped a beat, realizing that today was the end of the whole family.

"Charlotte, my daughter, it's a good thing you're not in the family."

"The enemy is too strong for humans to contend with. You must never come back."

(End of this chapter)

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