The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 285 Support Arrives, Swears to Live and Die with Haidu

Chapter 285 Support Arrives, Swears to Live and Die with Haidu
"Kuang Tie, you take the lead, Xingyao warriors follow, and the rest attack from behind."

Jiang Ming guarded the rear of the Haidu soldiers and ordered the king-level mad iron to lead the attack. He and Athena stood still and watched the Storm Dragon King and the mysterious man from afar.

Just hand over the rotten fish and rotten shrimp to the people below. The real enemies are only those two.


All kinds of monsters poured in from the wide-open city gate.

The tyrant, the dark tyrant, and even the shadow master, the huge monsters almost smashed the tower.

"Damn it, if you dare to invade Haidu, you will never be spared!"

The arm that had been destroyed by Jiang Ming before had been reinstalled at this time, Kuang Tie pumped up his strength, held the electric rod tightly, and went up with a set of thunderous combos.

He smashed the head of a tyrant with a stick, and the thunder and lightning sputtered, like little snakes swimming back and forth among the monsters, killing a large number of monsters by electrocution.

The warriors were encouraged and showed their unique skills one after another. For a moment, the sky was lit up with colorful rays of light.

"Beast, eat me with a sword!"

"My big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

"Offend Haidu, and you will never return!"

The fighters who stay here are all above platinum, and they are the upper-middle-level combat power in any country.

Although there are many monsters, most of them are bronze and silver, and any energy aftermath can wipe out a monster.

The Storm Dragon King watched his compatriots die without any emotion on his face, just like a statue.

In other words, it is not moving because it is waiting for the master's order.

Di Jun put his hands behind his back, his eyes were calm, and he even looked down on the world with pride.

A mere demon species is just a life created by him. Even if the Storm Dragon King died before his eyes, he would not blink his eyes.

On the contrary, Jiang Ming on the opposite side made him very interested.

The last time we met, Jiang Ming was just a newcomer to the strength of a king, relying on the sword of Mo Xie, the general, barely wiped out his five remnant souls.

But now, in just a few months, Jiang Ming has already become the king with 25 stars, and his progress can be described as rapid.

"This son must not be left behind, he must be killed today."

Di Jun's eyes turned cold, and he waved to the Storm Dragon King.

"Yes, my master."

The Storm Dragon King said respectfully, and then his huge body moved, smashed a hole in the city wall, and broke into Haidu City rudely.

"Athena, let's work together to deal with it."

Jiang Ming and Athena are neither opponents of the Storm Dragon King alone, so they can only join forces.

But in this way, the mysterious person will be ignored.

"There is no other way, now we can only fight against the Storm Dragon King with all our strength."

Jiang Ming stomped his feet, flew into the sky holding two battle stars, and punched the Storm Dragon King on the forehead.

The Storm Dragon King swayed, but that was all. He quickly stabilized his body and slapped Jiang Ming.

The sky collapsed, and the whole ground collapsed.

Jiang Ming and Athena teamed up, but it was barely a tie, and they couldn't win the Storm Dragon King in a short time.

In addition, countless demon species poured into the city along the gap that the Storm Dragon King had just knocked out, and Kuang Tie had to mobilize half of the warriors to guard the new gap.

As a result, both sides seemed to be struggling, and the warriors died soon.

"City lord, we are about to lose our hold. When will the support you mentioned arrive?"

Kuang Tie was entangled by a shadow master, seeing several warriors die in front of him, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Hold on, it will definitely come!"

Jiang Ming frowned more and more.

Just at this moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of the mysterious man's mouth.

I saw him take a step forward without haste, the ground under his feet instantly cracked, the earthquake wave spread from his feet to the city wall, and a large wall collapsed with a bang.

Countless demon species rushed into Haidu howling.

Haidu Warrior's face was ashen, and even Jiang Ming's pupils constricted, showing shock.

"Di Jun, it really is Di Jun!"

At this moment, Jiang Ming finally felt Di Jun's aura, which was stronger than before, even three points stronger than the Storm Dragon King.

A sense of oppression came.

"The king of human beings is vulnerable."

Di Jun's figure flickered, and he appeared in front of Kuang Tie in the blink of an eye, and punched him in the chest and abdomen.

Kuang Tie hugged his stomach and knelt on the ground, his eyeballs almost popped out.

One punch made a king lose his mobility, which was terrifying.

"Demons, eat all humans."

Di Jun's eyes were indifferent, contemptuous of everything.

Looking at the monsters pouring in like a black tide, the human fighters were completely flustered.

"What to do, we are going to die."

"Oh my god, even the city lord can't do it to knock down Kuang Tie with one punch."

"The sea is over, the western world is over."

At this moment, human beings are desperate, and some warriors even start to retreat, wanting to escape.

"Everyone, don't retreat, we still have support!"

Jiang Ming's voice continued the last bit of hope for mankind.

"Believe in the city lord, believe in support!"

"Anyway, there are enemies on all sides, and you can't run away, so fight them!"


The fighters with high fighting spirit suddenly erupted with far more combat power than usual, and actually stopped the tide of demon seeds.

"It's like an ant."

Di Jun snorted coldly, turned his palm down, and a huge energy palm suddenly appeared in the sky.

The energy palm covered the sky and the sun, and it slammed down, crushing dozens of warriors into a pulp.

"Di Jun!"

Jiang Ming's eyes widened with anger, the eye sockets almost burst open.

"Jiang Ming, I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Di Jun aimed at Jiang Ming and grabbed Jiang Ming, and the invisible force pulled Jiang Ming over like a whirlpool.

Jiang Ming moved involuntarily, his eyes shone with horror, his feet firmly grasped the ground, and plowed two deep marks on the ground.

Even so, he still couldn't resist coming to Di Jun.

"Jiang Ming, you ruined my seven remnant souls, I want your life to be worse than death."

Di Jun pinched Jiang Ming's neck with one hand, and grabbed Athena with the other hand in the same way.

"Little girl, I remember your aura. You interfered with my great affairs thousands of years ago. Today, you are also taken care of."

There are fifteen remnant souls in Di Jun's body, and his strength is 35 stars for the king, 25 stars for Jiang Ming, and [-] stars for Athena. They are not his opponents at all.

Jiang Ming and Athena were suppressed by Di Jun, and the Storm Dragon King had no opponents, so he turned his attention to the surrounding human warriors.

The king's thirty stars, in the eyes of warriors who are not kings, are simply demonic existences, making them unable to resist at all.


A Xingyao warrior was caught by the Storm Dragon King, who grabbed his legs and pulled him.

With a thud, it tore in two.

Seeing the terrible scene, the warriors around trembled.

"We are dead, we are dead, this is simply invincible!"

"Humanity is over, humanity is over!"

"Where is the support, where is the support!"

Just when the hearts of the warriors were ashamed, and Jiang Ming and Athena were also pinched by Di Jun's necks, a burst of golden light burst from a distance, turned into a sword light, and slashed fiercely at Di Jun's back.

Di Jun frowned and turned his head.

I saw the galloping horse, the blond knight holding the holy sword, and the eyes sparkling.

Behind him, the mage with the appearance of a girl clenched her staff tightly, her lips trembling up and down, as if she was muttering something.

"Jiang Ming, is this what you call support? Just two people?"

Di Jun sneered.

"It's not two people."

Jiang Ming smiled palely, "Open your dog's eyes, look carefully."

Di Jun looked back again, at this time the young mage had finished reciting the incantation, and pointed to the sky with her staff.

"Teleportation, activate!"

A huge magic circle descended from the sky, covering an area of ​​[-] meters.

The light flickered in the magic circle, and countless figures appeared out of thin air.

"The Templars are here!"

"Mage Alliance is here!"

"The elves are here!"

"The Zhunkar family is here!"

"The Lyme family is here!"

Powerful voices came out from the magic circle. In addition to the knights, mages and elves, there are also many western martial arts families.

"Swear to live and die with the sea!"

(End of this chapter)

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