The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 286 Fighting Dijun, Difficult Situation

Chapter 286 Fighting Dijun, Difficult Situation
"The Templars swear to live and die with Haidu!"

"Mage Alliance vows to live and die with Haidu!"

"The elves swear to live and die with Haidu!"

"The Sith family swears to live and die with Haidu!"

"The Newt family swears to live and die with Haidu!"


"The mere human ants dare to resist the noble Creator."

Every time there was a brave voice, Di Jun's expression became even uglier.

It's not because of jealousy, but simply because I feel offended.

"I am the lord of the gods. When human beings see me, they can only kneel down and beg for mercy. If you dare to disobey, you will all die!"

With a roar, Di Jun grabbed Jiang Ming and Athena's necks and slammed them on the ground.

However, in the next second, the same teleportation circle rose under his feet, which directly teleported Jiang Ming and Athena to a safe place.

Di Jun froze for a moment, then became furious.

Fuck, got tricked!

"Partners, this is the time to show our warrior abilities, go!"

Arthur took the lead and launched a backstab towards the demon army.

The knights, mages, and elves behind them all followed.

In Haidu City, Jiang Ming also shouted: "Warriors of Haidu, our support has arrived, let's start to fight back!"

"Come on!"

Human warriors, attacking inside and outside, roaring crazily, and colliding fearlessly, stunned the army of demons.

Even Di Jun showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Thousands of years ago, human beings were still slaves of the gods, do they dare to resist now?"

He flew into a rage, his eyes flickered coldly, his figure rose violently, and he appeared in front of Jiang Ming in the blink of an eye.

"Jiang Ming, it's all about you, they wouldn't dare to resist without you."

With one punch, the terrifying energy shattered the ground.

Jiang Ming crossed his hand to block. He thought he would be injured, but it turned out to be surprisingly easy.

Looking up, I saw Arthur and Athena standing beside them, working together to catch Di Jun's fist.

"Jiang Ming, the three of us team up, do we have a chance to win?"

Arthur asked looking straight ahead.

Jiang Ming smiled slightly: "It may not necessarily win, but at least you won't lose too badly."

"Yeah, it looks like I'm going to do my best."

Arthur shook his head, looking helpless.

He looked at Di Jun: "Your breath is very familiar, but also very dark, try my great sword!"

After finishing speaking, Arthur strengthened his basic attack with one skill, and broke through Di Jun's defense with one sword.

This sword slashed solidly, directly breaking Di Jun's protective aura.

Athena followed closely behind, and a piercing spear sent Di Jun flying.

Di Jun's body smashed through the city wall, but quickly got up intact.

The body was not injured, but Di Jun was even more angry.

"Human ants, dare to attack me, damn it!"

Dijun's eyes showed bloodshot eyes, all the energy of the king's thirty stars was stimulated, and the invisible aura condensed in a radius of [-] meters around him, directly squeezing all the humans and demons within the range into pieces.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he smashed the void with a punch, sending Arthur flying hundreds of meters away.

In the next second, he moved at a speed as fast as thunder, his arms bulged, and he slapped Athena's head with his palm.

This palm is powerful, if hit by him, Athena might be headshot on the spot.

Jiang Ming hurriedly gathered his strength with his elbow, and slammed his elbow on the top of Dijun's forearm, then changed direction slightly, allowing the palm to slap Athena's shoulder.

Crack, boom!

With the sound of bones breaking, Athena flew out like a kite with broken strings.

When Jiang Ming and others were fighting with Di Jun, the strong human beings and the eight kings of the elves faced the Storm Dragon King, and the battle was not easy.

The Storm Dragon King is a monster of the Thirty Stars of the King. Only the Eight Great Kings Shou and Kuang Tie can barely face it head-on. seriously injured.

Fortunately, there are all kinds of occupations in the alliance camp. Knights are responsible for close combat and create a long-range output environment for mages. As for elves, they rely on their flexible skills to fight guerrillas.

It can also be regarded as a tie with the Storm Dragon King.

As for those warriors with weaker strength, they will join the team that flanks the army of monsters.

With the concerted efforts of many warriors, the demon army was gradually wiped out, leaving only the Storm Dragon King and Di Jun who were difficult to deal with.

Especially Di Jun, even if Jiang Ming, Arthur Athena and the three joined forces, he still beat him on the head.

With a bang, one of Jiang Ming's battle stars was crushed with bare hands.

Di Jun punched Jiang Ming with a backhand.

Holding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, Arthur sprinted towards Dijun's side. Dijun's arm made a circular arc and slammed on the shield, smashing the shield directly.

There was shock in Arthur's eyes, even the sword of the king was caught by Di Jun.

"Human beings are so insignificant. They could only be slaves to the gods 1000 years ago, and it is the same now!"

Di Jun grabbed the King's Sword and pulled it, Arthur's body fell towards him involuntarily.

The earth-shattering punch hit Arthur's lower abdomen like a cannonball.

Arthur opened his mouth, almost spitting out bile.

Immediately afterwards, an elbow hit the top of the head, and Arthur fell headfirst.

"Is this the god among humans? It's vulnerable."

Di Jun snorted coldly, his expression extremely arrogant.

As the greatest god of creation, he has never put the human race in his eyes. Even the acquired gods cultivated by the god race are still rubbish in his eyes.

"Little girl, it's your turn."

Athena seemed to be locked by a scourge, and her body shivered involuntarily.

"Revere the Holy Shield!"

Athena raised the holy shield, and the white light turned into a protective shield.

However, in the next second, the protective shield shattered, and Di Jun grabbed it in with one hand, grabbed Athena's neck and slammed down on the ground.

Athena's body was bent like a shrimp, and half of her body was buried in the soil, unable to move.

Athena and Arthur, one facing down and the other facing up, were completely incapacitated to fight, and only breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jiang Ming, it's you in the end!"

Di Jun was very excited at this time, extremely excited, so excited that his eyes shot out.

This human ant named Jiang Ming became more and more powerful with the help of Nu Wa. So far, he has defeated Di Jun's plan three times and destroyed his seven remnant souls. How rampant!
"Jiang Ming, I will torture you severely, making your life worse than death!"

Di Jun's figure exploded, and he traveled through the [-]-meter space in the blink of an eye, and punched Jiang Ming in the face.

This punch almost caused Jiang Ming's skull to burst open, and there was even a small cracking sound.

Immediately afterwards, a storm of attacks poured in.

"Hahaha, happy, nothing makes me happier than abusing you!"

Di Jun grinned grimly, and roared like a madman.

Punch after punch, Jiang Ming's vision was blurred and he almost lost consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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