Chapter 291 strangle him

"Patriarch, the great wizard's divination has never been wrong, so it can't be treated as a joke."

The businessman persuaded, with a complicated expression on his face.

At this moment, he wished to slap himself in the face, and insisted on asking the great wizard for divination, but something went wrong.

It stands to reason that even if this baby is the reincarnation of the evil wolf, it is a matter for the tribes of the Wolf Banner, and it is not up to him, a foreign businessman, to talk too much.

But Beihuang is his most important trading partner. If anything happens to Beihuang, the source of income will be cut off, and it must not be allowed.

So the businessman thought about it, and finally bit the bullet and persuaded him.

"I have traveled all over the world in recent years without a single accident. It is all thanks to the great wizard for divination. His divination skills are obvious to all."

After hearing this, Lati's face turned ugly.

"This baby boy is a gift from God to my tribe. How could it be a disaster? I don't believe it. Get out!"

Lati stared at people.

"Believe it or not, if you keep this baby boy, within ten years, your tribe will be wiped out!"

The great wizard smiled coldly, shook his sleeves and left.

"Nonsense, the old man won't believe it!"

Lati hugged his grandson tightly, fingering the small pee handle under him, smiling like a chrysanthemum on his old face.

That night, in order to celebrate having a grandson, Lati personally slaughtered a sheep and set fire to it, and hosted a banquet for all the clansmen.

"Today is the birthday of my eldest grandson. I named him Temujin. From now on, he will be the young patriarch of our tribe!"

Lati drank a few large bowls of wine and happily announced to the tribe.

"Okay, I wish the young patriarch to thrive and become a warrior like the old patriarch in the future, leading our tribe to prosper forever!"

The clansmen who don't know the truth sincerely offer their blessings.

In the crowd, the two men looked at each other and nodded slightly.

While everyone was drinking and eating meat outside, the two of them sneaked into the tent where Temujin was.

The two eavesdropped on the conversation between the great wizard and Lati, knowing that the newborn baby was the reincarnation of the evil wolf, and secretly wanted to get rid of Temujin who was still in his infancy.

In the tent, the baby Temujin was sleeping soundly, a gap was opened in the cloth curtain, and two black shadows rushed in.

"This is the patriarch's grandson. It doesn't look different. Is he really the reincarnation of the evil wolf?"

"Stop fucking nonsense, don't you have to kill him today, don't be afraid of [-], just in case, no one can afford the consequences of exterminating the clan."

The two whispered a few words, and one of them pulled out a bright dagger and stabbed it hard at the baby's heart.

The sharp dagger shone coldly under the firelight, and at the moment when the sword was about to stab it, the little baby suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange red light radiated from the pupils.

Under the reflection of the red light, the baby's face was particularly terrifying, and the phantom of a wolf appeared faintly on his face.

"Bad wolf, he is really the reincarnation of the bad wolf!"

"Quickly kill him!"

The man's heart froze, and he bit the bullet and stabbed down.


Roaring like a wild beast shocked the entire tribe.

Lati sensed the direction of the roar, and his whole body was stunned, and most of the wine was awake in an instant.

"Good grandson!"

When Lati and many tribesmen rushed to the tent, they saw an incredible scene.

The newly born baby, with a ferocious expression on his face, actually crushed two tall and strong prairie men under his body.

Temujin strangled the necks of the two of them with a palm that was only the size of a finger of a normal person, which made them unable to breathe, and their faces turned red.

Everyone was stunned.

"what's going on?"

"A baby on top of two grown men, are you kidding me?"

"Is this baby the patriarch's grandson? He doesn't look normal. His eyes look like a beast."

"Nonsense, even a blind person can see that he is not normal. Can a normal baby beat two grown men?"

Lati was shocked, and noticed the unsheathed dagger in the man's hand, and immediately understood everything.

"They came to assassinate Temujin, but they were suppressed by Temujin instead!"

"How did Temujin have such great power, and what is the scarlet light in his eyes? Could it be that he is really the reincarnation of the evil wolf as the great wizard said?!"

The old man who has lived most of his life has ups and downs in his heart.

He looked at his strange grandson vigilantly, and said cautiously: "Tiemujin, let them go, they are members of the clan."

Temujin looked up at Lati and sniffed like a wolf distinguishing scents.

As if believing that the old man had no malice, Temujin obediently let go of his hand.

The two men hurriedly got up, their faces looked like they had seen a ghost: "Everyone saw that there is something wrong with this baby, he is the reincarnation of a bad wolf!"

The man with the knife said what he overheard, in front of all the clansmen.

When everyone heard this, their faces changed drastically, and they looked at Temujin with fear and hatred.

"Old patriarch, is what he said true? Is this child really the reincarnation of the evil wolf?"

"As the patriarch, how can you be so selfish, isn't this a disaster for the whole clan?"

"This baby must be weird. Everyone has seen it. He must be disposed of today, otherwise we will all die in his hands in the future."

Facing the accusations from the clansmen, Lati's face became more and more ugly, and he tried to defend his eldest grandson:
"Everyone listen to me, that great wizard has nothing to prove, we can't believe it."

"Tiemujin is a stronger kid, besides, he is not very obedient. I told him to let go and he let go."

Everyone didn't believe it.

"This is more strength? This is a natural born monster, okay?"

"Now he is still young and can obey your orders. Once he grows up, can you guarantee to control him?"

"Old patriarch, monsters are very cunning. He needs your support now, so he is naturally obedient. When he grows up, the first thing he will eat is you and your relatives!"

"That's right, old patriarch, this child can't be kept, let's strangle him to death."

After hearing these words, Ratty would also start to doubt in his heart.

Could it be that my grandson is really the reincarnation of the evil wolf?

Will he really hurt the tribe and my family in the future?
Struggling extremely in his heart, Lati finally sighed: "Since everyone says so, let's listen to you."

Looking at the immature face of the baby, the eyes of the old man turned red.

Withered palms slowly wrapped around the baby's neck.

"Son, I'm sorry, grandpa is the head of the clan, so he can't risk the fate of the whole clan."

"If there is a next life, grandpa will cherish you very much."

The palm tightened little by little, and the old man actually saw a pure smile on the baby's face.

"Quack quack..."

Temujin smiled happily, as if playing a game with his dear grandpa.

Seeing such a smile, the old man's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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