Chapter 292
"No, I can't do it!"

Lati struggled with his eyes, gritted his teeth and turned his back, not looking at Temujin and his clansmen.

"Since you can't do anything, old patriarch, let me replace you!"

In the crowd, a burly man stepped out, his physique was as strong as a tiger, and he clenched his casserole-like fist, which was bigger than Temujin's head.

The big man should be a warrior, his strength is probably at the peak of bronze, only half a step away from silver.

A punch from the bronze peak can kill even a bull on the spot.

The fist brought a strong wind, and the person next to him felt like a knife was scratched on the face.

With one punch, the wooden bed in the tent was pierced, and little Temujin got up strangely, dodging the strong man's fist, and opened his mouth to bite on it.


With a heart-piercing wail, the strong man folded his arms and yelled, looking even more miserable than being bitten by a wild wolf.

When he shook Temujin away vigorously, his entire palm was covered with blood and flesh.

"You have seen it all, he is the reincarnation of the evil wolf!"

"I can't stay, I must kill him!"

The big man covered his hands and stared fiercely at Temujin.

"That's right, the great wizard's divination is correct, this child is the reincarnation of the evil wolf."

"Go, you go and kill him."

"Why don't you go, I can't beat him."

Everyone in the tribe knew that Temujin could not stay, but no one dared to step forward.

Who dares to mess with a wolf boy who is so painful to bite?

"Okay, let me do it."

Lati took a step forward, "This kid is my own grandson anyway, I can't kill him, but since you don't dare to do it, then let me throw him away, it's up to him whether he lives or dies Good fortune, as long as it doesn't harm our tribe."

"That's fine, as long as he is not allowed to appear in the tribe."

"Just listen to the old patriarch and throw it away."

Everyone nodded.

With a heavy heart, Lati carried his grandson Temujin several miles away from the tribe.

Behind him, a group of clansmen stared at him closely, as if they were afraid that he would go back on his word.

"Tiemujin, Grandpa is sorry for you."

Lati put the baby in the swaddle on the frozen river and turned away alone.

Behind him, the baby was crying, and the sound of crying resounded in the open grassland.

Just when Lati was about to return to the tribe, several tribesmen looked at the direction where Temujin was abandoned, and their faces changed drastically.

"what is that?"

"Wolves, it's wolves!"

I saw countless prairie wolves running from all directions, as if they were summoned by something.

Everyone was surrounded by wild wolves, terrified.

They have lived in the grassland for half their lives, and it is not that they have never seen wolves, but they have never seen or heard of such a large number of wolves.

It is no exaggeration to say that once these wolves go crazy, they are enough to eat the entire Lati tribe.

"What to do, so many wild wolves?"

"Are we waiting to die? Or take the initiative?"

"Don't move, these wolves are not coming for us!"

Just when everyone was panicking, the experienced Lati saw a clue.

Wild wolves are also divided into groups, so many wild wolves are clearly not from one group, and their target is not these tribesmen, but - Temujin!

Thousands of wild wolves are densely packed, more than the entire tribe's sheep combined.

They ignored everyone, staring straight at the crying baby on the ice.

Among the wolves, a mighty and tall wolf king came out more and more, approached the ice surface cautiously, picked up the swaddle in his mouth, and brought Temujin into the wolves.

Strange to say, the moment he was picked up by the wolf king, Temujin stopped crying, but patted the wolf king's head with his little hand while smiling.

The wolf king walked to the middle of the pack of wolves, raised his chin high, and lifted Temujin up.

At this moment, the pack of wolves lowered their heads one after another, like a group of officials worshiping the emperor.

After the pilgrimage, the wolf king left with Temujin in his mouth, followed by the pack of wolves.

Before leaving, the wolf king looked back at Lati, his eyes were indifferent, which made Lati tremble all over.

"Unbelievable, incredible!"

The clansmen were stunned.

"Order the pack of wolves, this child is indeed the reincarnation of a wolf."

"Fortunately, he was discarded. Otherwise, when he grows up, he won't order this group of wild wolves to be eaten by us."

Everyone was rejoicing, only Lati was very complicated.

He understood the wolf king's look before he left.

Not threats, not hate.

It's sarcasm, as if to say: stupid human being, you will regret it.

. . .

Twenty years later, on a winter night, Lati was already a gray-haired old man. After saying these words to his little grandson Timug, his face seemed to be a little older, full of regret and remorse.

"It's been 20 years, and I don't know if your brother is alive or frozen to death in that cold winter. If he is still alive, is he a human or a monster now?"

"I was so stupid at the time. How bad a newborn baby can be. If I can be firmer and keep him, even if the wolf is reincarnated, it is possible to learn the way of human existence."

Having said that, the old man let out a long sigh, and smoked heavily.

"I didn't expect that my brother, whom I had never met before, had such a twists and turns in his life."

Timug followed his grandfather and let out a long sigh.

Tonight is the time when all grassland tribes gather together to celebrate, just like the New Year's Eve in the Tang Dynasty, all relatives have to go home.

People drink and eat meat, sing and dance, just like when Temujin was born 20 years ago.

But now, who but old man Latty remembers that poor baby?
The banquet was in full swing, and when the nomads were drinking, countless black shadows approached quickly from the darkness.

Lati and Timug were still sitting silently far away from the tribe, when they suddenly heard a shrill scream from behind.

"Help, there are monsters!"

The beast-like roar and the wailing of the tribe instantly stimulated Lati's nerves. He stood up abruptly and looked at the group of four-legged monsters rushing out of the night, the expression on his old face changed drastically.

"The devil seed, it is the devil seed!"

Demon species once almost destroyed all human beings, but they have never appeared in the northern wilderness area, this is the first time.

"Grandpa, what is a demon seed?"

Timuge looked at this unknown brutal beast, a strange light appeared in his eyes.

"The demons are the natural enemies of human beings. They eat human flesh raw. There have been traces of demons' activities in the Heluo area in the south, but this is the Northern Wilderness. How did they get here?"

The old man was puzzled.

"Grandpa, leave it to me."

Timug clapped his palms and walked towards the demon seed.

As the most powerful young man in the tribe, he is confident that he can single out a few adult wild wolves. This monster looks similar to wild wolves.

"Timug, come back!"

"The demon seed is much more dangerous than the wild wolf, you will die!"

Lati shouted anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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