Song's love letter

Chapter 204 The most afraid

Chapter 204

It's just that now, he doesn't know what to do, which is the best.At present, giving birth to a child seems to be the best way.

Song Ji took a set of cotton long-sleeved pajamas from the closet and gave it to Ruan Shu.

With a pale face, Ruan Shu reached out to grab it, her wrist was lightly clasped.

Song Ji looked at her, Qiushui Hanxing's eyes were gentle and quiet, and he said: "Wanwan, don't be afraid, I will always be with you."

In one sentence, Ruan Shu's deepest uneasiness was captured.

Her eyes suddenly turned red, and she also forgot that her clothes were still wet, so she hugged Song Ji's waist.

The room is centrally air-conditioned and the temperature is very comfortable.The light was like water, shining on her paper-white face, her voice trembled slightly with sobs and bewilderment.

She cried and said, "I'm afraid. I'm afraid of myself. I can't be a competent mother. Song Ji, I'm afraid I can't take care of him well."

He touched her silky hair, and his tone was incredibly soft: "I will take good care of you and the child. If it is a boy, I will teach him skills so that he can be independent. If it is a girl, I will Give her everything she wants, and let her grow up carefree."

"And Wanwan, as long as you stay by my side." His voice carried a promise, which established Ruan Shu's forever.

Ruan Shu raised her head to look at him, her eyes were full of water.The tip of her nose was red, and she looked a little funny: "But in this way, can I still be considered a qualified mother?"

He smiled lightly, with faint dimples on the corners of his lips, and his eyebrows were elegant and picturesque: "I don't know what other people want from their wives, but for me, my Wanwan worked so hard to give birth to this child. , it is enough."

"The thing I fear most is that you suffer"

Suddenly weep.

After Ruan Shu changed her clothes, Song Ji carried her to the bed.He pinched her soft little face, and said softly: "Su Xijing and Tang Tang came to City C today, wait until I ask Qin Gu to pick up Tang Tang at the airport, and let her come to accompany you, okay?"

Ruan Shu nodded with bright eyes upon hearing this.

Since we left the hospital a long time ago, we have never seen each other again.Even at Su Jimu's funeral, he didn't see him.It is naturally a very happy thing to meet an old friend again.

Seeing that her mood improved, Song Ji raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said, "I'm going back to Jinzhou now, and I have to discuss something with Su Xijing later, you wait at home for Tang Tang to come over."

Ruan Shu nodded obediently: "Okay."

Not long after Song Ji left, Tang Tang came.

She carried many small clothes and smiled at Ruan Shu from a distance.

Ruan Shu hurried over and said with some embarrassment: "You just come, bring something."

Tang Tang's smile widened, and he sincerely wished: "Ruan Shu, congratulations, you have your own child."

"Thank you." After Ruan Shu finished speaking, she pursed her lips, afraid of bringing up Tang Tang's sad past, and wanted to change the subject: "Look at what you want to eat tonight? I'll let the kitchen make it for you."

Tang Tang blinked: "I can eat anything."

She put the little clothes on the sofa and poured them out: "You are young now, and you don't know whether it is a boy or a girl. I bought some for both boys and girls. Look at the styles, aren't they cute?" .”

The child's clothes are all small, not much bigger than a slap. Ruan Shu held it in her hand, her heart softened a little, and even her tone became gentle: "Very cute, Tang Tang, thank you."

Tang Tang's smile deepened, and he said, "As long as you like it."

Ruan Shu looked at her with a slight unbearable look in her eyes.

Although Tang Tang was very happy, she knew that after all, it was the separation of flesh and blood, so how could she let go.As a woman, she understands her pain.It's just that Tang Tang didn't mention it, and she could only pretend not to see it.

Some wounds seem to be scabbing. If you don't touch them, they will be painful and itchy; if you touch them, they will be dripping with blood.

Ruan Shu gathered up the small clothes on the sofa and put them in a cabinet beside her, then smiled and said, "What are you and Su Xijing doing here this time?"

"It seems to be about cooperation." Tang Tang took a sip of tea and sighed contentedly: "I don't know why, but the tea in your house is particularly fragrant."

Ruan Shu hurriedly said: "There are a few traditional Chinese medicines in this tea. I used to drink it when I was not pregnant. I will ask someone to pack more for you, and you can take it back."

Tang Tang smiled and thanked.

"How long will you stay this time?" Ruan Shu blinked and asked curiously.

"About half a month."

"So long? Then we must go out and have fun." Ruan Shu smiled embarrassedly: "Song Ji usually doesn't let me go to any place he thinks is dangerous, and he is also busy. I don't want to go out."

Tang Tang put the teacup on the table, hesitated a bit, and asked softly: "Ruan Shu, don't you feel depressed when he looks like this?"

Ruan Shu froze for a moment, then shook her head slowly and firmly: "Tang Tang, I won't. I used to feel very angry, why I couldn't go if he disagreed with some places. But then I figured it out, Song Ji With such an identity and background, there will be enemies more or less, if someone wants to threaten him with me, what will he do?"

"At the beginning, he didn't let me go out alone. But after a long time, if he didn't accompany me, I wouldn't go out." She looked at Tang Tang's shocked appearance, pursed her lips and smiled: "I I know that you must feel incomprehensible, after all, freedom is such an important thing."

"But later, I gradually understood. The so-called restriction is the greatest freedom that Song Ji can give me. I know how afraid he is that something will happen to me. So I don't want to take this risk. .”

Such words, spoken from Ruan Shu, who Tang Tang always thought was innocent, were so shocking that no one else knew.Only Tang Tang knows how touched he is.

Lovely, isn't that what it looks like?For the one you love, willingly give up something that you think is important, or change yourself.
Jinzhou Group.

Su Xijing put the contract in front of Song Ji, and said with a smile, "I've already signed it. As long as Mr. Song feels that Ting Yi is sincere enough, this cooperation must be very pleasant for both parties."

Song Ji just glanced at the contract, and then looked at him casually, with a soft tone, but with deep meaning: "I am very satisfied with the contract, but I cannot sign it."

"Why?" Su Xijing raised his eyebrows.

"Because Ruan Shu is pregnant."

"Ruan Shu is pregnant, what does it have to do with us signing the contract?" He frowned, his tone tinged with doubt, and the next moment, he regained his original calm: "Besides, procrastination is not good for either of us."

(End of this chapter)

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