Song's love letter

Chapter 205 The most afraid

Chapter 205 Most Scared (Part [-])
Song Ji's eyes were dim, and when he spoke, his tone was lazy: "When Ruan Shu and Tang Tang are together, they are in a good mood. I want them to chat more together."

Su Xijing: ".?"

He was really speechless, for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

But in the end, there is something to ask for. After a long time, he thought about it and said: "So, Tang Tang and I will stay in City C for a month. You sign the contract, and we will arrange it first."

Song Ji closed his eyes, seeing that his goal was achieved, he spoke lightly: "Yes."

At this point, the business is settled.

Su Xijing sat back on the seat, with long legs crossed casually, with a relaxed posture: "How many months has Ruan Shu been?"

"Two months." Hearing this, Song Ji softened his brows and eyes slightly.

Su Xijing looked at him, and suddenly remembered the child between him and Tang Tang who died young.

In fact, he has never told anyone about his expectations for this child. After all, Tang Tang is already very sad, and he can't bear to mention it again.

But at this moment, countless feelings of loss suddenly flooded my heart.

He opened his mouth, his tone darkened slightly: "You must protect her well. If something happens, it's really...too late to regret."

Song Ji's eyes were full of inquiry, but his tone was flat and cool: "How could something happen when I'm by my side?"

"Song Ji, I used to be as confident as you." Su Xijing had no expression on his face, and it was hard to hear the emotion in his tone.

"and after?"

"Later, Tang Tang had a miscarriage, and I wanted to pay the price for all of them. I did so, but in the end I found out that it didn't help."

Su Xijing looked at Song Ji and said, "Tell me, if it were you, what would you do?"

In Song Ji's life, there are only a handful of people who have lost their language.

It's already the autumnal equinox, and the fallen leaves return to their roots, and a new round of life changes begins.

Arriving as scheduled on Monday, Tang Tang accompanied Ruan Shu to the entrance of the public relations department, and the two began to say goodbye.

"Then I'm going to work, go up and find Su Xijing." Ruan Shu blinked at her, smiled and waved.

Tang Tang smiled back and said: "Then I will go up, if you have anything to do, call me."

Ruan Shu nodded with a smile, and urged: "Okay, okay, I know, you go up."

After the two said goodbye, Ruan Shu walked to the office.

Since Song Ji's "reminder" that time, although Ruan Shu has been idle in the public relations department on the surface, she has a lot of gossip behind her back.In the entire public relations department, only Xiaoyu treats her as usual, so the relationship between the two is getting better every day.

Ruan Shu put the press release on Xiao Yu's desk, and said, "This is what I sorted out over the weekend, you can use it."

Xiaoyu's eyes moved slightly, first she was grateful, and then her emotions became a little bit more complicated, but she covered it up so quickly that Ruan Shu didn't notice it.

She smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you, Ruan Shu. In order to repay you, I decided to invite you out for lunch today."

Ruan Shu hesitated: "But today, we still have a lot of things to sort out. If we go out to eat, will we be in a hurry."

"It's okay, we don't want to go too far away, we'll be right back after we finish eating," Xiao Yu promised.

"Okay then, I'll talk to Song Ji, and then we'll go out."

"Okay." Xiaoyu nodded, teasing a little: "You are such an old man, why do you have to tell President Song everything?"

Ruan Shu smiled a little embarrassedly: "If I don't tell him, he will be anxious."

Xiaoyu nodded understandingly, and said, "Okay, you can talk to Mr. Song. I won't talk to you for now, I'll sort out these manuscripts."

"Okay, then I'll go get busy too." Ruan Shu said lightly.

It wasn't until Ruan Shu left that Xiao Yu let go of her smile and covered her face with her hands.

No one knew how complicated her inner activities were just now.In the beginning, she was actually guilty, cheating her other people's emotions, no matter whether it was due to difficulties or not, it was not an act of integrity.

Then I got a little jealous.Although she also knew that this kind of feeling should not be there, but her heart was out of control.All children know that if all the children are equally poor, but suddenly there is a high-ranking little princess in the middle, then no matter what, they will be jealous.

In her previous life, what she believed in was nothing more than the saying that only hard work can win, and that only by suffering and suffering can one be a master.

After she could, she realized that there are some people who have stood at your end from the very beginning, such as Ruan Shu.

In the end, all these emotions were emptied, leaving only the involuntary sadness.

Ruan Shu sent Song Ji a text message at noon, and then left Jinzhou with Xiao Yu.

I met Qin Gu at the gate, he handed Ruan Shu a coat, and said, "Boss Song is busy now, it's windy outside, Boss Song asked me to give you the coat."

The season has begun to turn cold, Ruan Shu put on her coat, looked at Xiaoyu who was in a daze, raised her hand and waved in front of her eyes: "Xiaoyu, let's go."

Xiaoyu came back to her senses, did not miss Qin Gu Weiwei's penetrating eyes, and said with a smile: "Yes."

The two went to the noodle shop across the road.

In the middle of the road where cars were coming and going, Xiao Yu carefully guarded her, full of vigilance.

Ruan Shu was amused by her appearance, and said a little amusedly, "Xiao Yu, are you too sensitive?"

She half-jokingly said, half-truthfully, "Of course you must be protected. If something happens to you, Mr. Song will not have to fire me."

The noodle shop is the oldest noodle shop in this area. It has been around for many years. In the economically developed area full of commercial sense, it is both out of place and somewhat complementary.

Ruan Shu ordered a fish noodle with pickled cabbage, and after a few mouthfuls, it became a little hot.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said with some emotion: "When you are pregnant, people really get hot easily."

Xiao Yu put down her chopsticks, her eyes flashed, and she said with a smile: "I also feel quite hot, why don't I go to the opposite side to buy water."

Ruan Shu hesitated: "You haven't finished eating yet."

"It's okay, I ate too many potato chips in the morning, so I'm not hungry." She got up and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

"Mineral water will be fine, thank you."

"It's okay." Xiao Yu shook her head, as if thinking of something, she pointed to the coat on the back of Ruan Shu's chair, and said, "Can you lend me this coat to wear? I feel a little cold outside."

Ruan Shu quickly handed her the clothes, with a sorry tone: "I should have asked Qin Gu to prepare one for you just now."

Xiao Yu took the clothes, and there was a glint of water in her eyes, which was suppressed silently.She opened her mouth, but her tone was not the slightest bit strange: "How can I be so delicate, I just ate noodles, and I'm afraid I can't stand the cold and the heat. Normally, there is nothing wrong."

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked outside.

The noon sun and traffic gathered together, like a painting with brilliant colors to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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