Song's love letter

Chapter 223 Oriole

Chapter 223 Oriole ([-])

When I got out of the elevator, I saw Xiao Yu standing not far away, followed by a few strong-looking bodyguards.

Su Xijing raised his eyebrows, looked at Song Ji who had no expression, and said in a playful tone, "What do you have to blame Xiao Yu?"

Song Ji walked towards Xiao Yu calmly, and said in a very calm tone, "Ruan Shu."

Su Xijing wasn't too surprised, it was exactly what he thought.

Seeing them approaching, Xiaoyu sat down with a pale face.

"Both of you, please sit down." A bodyguard behind pointed to the seat in front of Xiaoyu.

Song Ji looked at him coldly, and spoke coldly: "I advise you to speak quickly."

Xiaoyu shivered for a moment, and said, "Mr. Song, you must take me away today."

He smiled, his tone indifferent: "Why?"

"Mr. Song knows how Ms. Ruan's mother passed away?" Xiao Yu deliberately paused at this point: "Or, it should be said, because of something."

Xiao Yu bravely looked at the two people opposite her, she looked normal on the surface, but her heart trembled unconsciously.

Song Ji's face was expressionless, as if the opposite of her didn't exist.

Xiaoyu gritted her teeth, resisted the urge to retreat, and straightened her back.After all, what she has endured these days, she absolutely does not want to do it again.

"It was Gu Feng who halved Miss Ruan's mother's dose of medicine, which led to her final sudden death."

Her words were amazing, and she uttered the secret many years ago: "Gu Feng wanted to get the Gu family in a legitimate way, and forced Miss Ruan's mother to testify, and asked her to say in front of all the media that it was Chairman Ruan Yun. Let yourself be in the position."

"Miss Ruan's mother didn't agree, and Gu Feng completely ignored his family affection, which led to the final tragedy."

Xiao Yu looked at Song Ji completely unmoved, and was shocked after all: "Mr. Song, aren't you surprised?"

Song Ji got up and looked at her lightly: "This is what you call a secret?"

He seemed to be planning to leave.

Xiao Yu showed her trump card in a panic: "Mr. Song can leave, but as long as I don't leave here. The moment you leave, Miss Ruan will know everything."

Fu Jingyan's words yesterday were suddenly clear.
His gentleness cannot be stimulated.

Song Ji looked at Xiaoyu, his eyes seemed to be frosty, extremely cold.

"Okay, I'll get you out." The next moment, he chuckled, and said in a sudden soft tone: "But you'd better not play any tricks, you have to know that if you fall into my hands, your fate will not be better than it is now too much."

Xiaoyu shivered involuntarily, bravely spoke up, and made a promise: "Mr. Song, Ruan Shu is also my good sister. If it is not a last resort, I don't want her to be hurt. You trust me."

Song Ji ignored her, just looked at the man behind her, and said coldly: "Conditions."

"As long as you are willing to meet my lady, this matter will be over." The bodyguard said with a smile, pointing to the door beside him, and said: "My lady is in the room."

Who is the person in the room, Song Ji already has the answer in his heart.It's just that he never thought that she would go back to the country despite his warning, but now that the matter has come to this point, he can only be on guard.

Xiaoyu couldn't stay on it any longer. Once something happened, she would most likely be taken away by the people present, and there would be endless threats after that.

He glanced at Su Xijing and said, "Take Xiaoyu away and wait for me below."

The other party nodded: "Be careful yourself."

Song Ji walked towards the door beside him, when his hand touched the handle, he paused slightly, his finger bones turned white...

After Song Ji entered, Su Xijing leisurely walked to Xiao Yu's side: "Come with me."

A bodyguard stopped him: "Sir, you can't take Miss Xiaoyu away."

Su Xijing raised his eyebrows, and asked in surprise, "Can't you take it away?"

The next moment, his tone became gloomy: "What if I insist on taking it away?"

"Then we can only be rude to you."

"You guys have to think about it," he smiled indifferently: "If you make any noise, Song Ji will become suspicious and disturb your lady's good affairs. Do you think she will let you go?"

This passage touched everyone's heart.

The headed bodyguard looked moved.

Su Xijing smiled: "Well, you go down with me, and if the situation changes, you will take Xiaoyu away. If not, let her leave with me, okay?"

"OK then."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Su Xijing's mouth, and he made a gesture of invitation very politely.

In the room, the lights were dim, the light was orange, and the smell of incense was strong.

Song Ji stood at the door, looking at Yu Ziyu who was half propped up on the bed.

She was only wearing a thin gauze dress, and she was faintly beautiful.

In fact, it was a very attractive scene, but Song Ji didn't feel anything except discomfort.

The door was closed from the outside, followed by the sound of locking.

Yu Ziyu walked down from the bed slowly, her feet not touching an inch, and her curves were beautiful.

Standing in front of Song Ji, she raised her hand, wanting to caress his face, but before she touched it, her hand was swung away by gravity.

Song Ji's words were very cold, without any temperature: "Stay away from me."

Yu Ziyu just smiled and glanced at the back of his red hand, and said in a gentle tone, "Song Ji, I don't really have any demands. From childhood to adulthood, every time you look at me, I feel happy."

"I asked you to come here today, but I actually only have one wish. As long as you promise me, from now on, I will disappear completely and never trouble you again."

She pretended to be innocent and smiled sweetly: "Song Ji, do you want me? Just once."

Song Ji raised her hand and waved her away with all strength.

Yu Ziyu's body bumped into the pear blossom wooden table beside her, she let out a cry of pain with a thin layer of tears in her eyes.

"Song Ji, are you just...disgusting me?" She maintained the posture of falling down in embarrassment, looking at the man she had cared about for so long, her heart felt so empty for a moment.

Everyone felt that she was not self-respecting, that she was entangled blindly, and would never let go.But Song Ji, after all these years, what can I do, I'm sorry for you?

Song Ji's eyes couldn't be colder, as if he was looking at a dead object, he said without any waves: "Yu Ziyu, if it weren't for the so-called affection between you and my family, do you think I would tolerate it today?" Are you up to now?"

"In that case, then I don't want to compromise anymore." Yu Ziyu was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and stood up from the ground.

Her hair is messy and graceful with light gauze, like a fairy.

She looked at Song Ji and smiled sweetly: "Do you feel anything different?"

The pungent sweet and greasy smell in the air is more obvious at this moment.

Song Ji's eyes were as cold as ice, full of darkness. After a long time, he slowly smiled, but his tone was cold: "Yu Ziyu, I hate other people plotting against me the most."

(End of this chapter)

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