Song's love letter

Chapter 224 The Oriole

Chapter 224 The Oriole ([-])

Yu Ziyu gritted her teeth, she didn't believe that such a strong medicine, he could resist touching her.

Song Ji suddenly leaned down, his hand grabbed Yu Ziyu's jaw with all his might, forcing her to look at him.

The temperature of his fingertips was very cold, soaking Yu Ziyu's skin a little bit: "I will give you one last chance to let someone open the door."

Yu Ziyu's heart was ashamed, and the next moment, she raised her arms and wrapped them around his waist, almost whispering: "I won't let you go, I won't let you go."

When she said this, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the person in front of her with hope in her eyes: "I only want one time, just one time."

She doesn't want the most important self-love of a girl.

Song Ji smiled and let go of her jaw. The next moment, he clasped her neck and whispered softly, "Ask someone to open the door."

Opposite to such gentle words, the hand clasped around her neck was pulled back little by little with a force that cannot be ignored.

No pity at all.

Yu Ziyu was scared after all, she shook her hands to open the secret compartment of the pear blossom wooden table, and the door was slowly opened.

Before Song Ji left, he turned his face slightly and said to her: "Yu Ziyu, don't show up again, next time, I can only get rid of you."

Yu Ziyu just looked at him silently, his eyes dimmed, leaving nothing but gray defeat.

That Xiaoyu, the one who told her that she could get Song Ji in this way, was really playing tricks on her!

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's expression suddenly became fierce, she walked out of the room quickly, only two bodyguards and Song Ji were left outside.Xiaoyu and Su Xijing had long since disappeared.

The corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth trembled a little, the feeling of being teased was so clear.That Xiaoyu, this is the second time she has played tricks on her!
"Go! Go and get Xiaoyu back to me!" Just as she finished speaking, her personal cell phone rang suddenly.

is the father.

"Ziyu, where have you been these days? The family's financial loopholes were suddenly exposed just now, and the police are now accusing us of tax evasion." Father Yu's voice was full of anxiety: "Let me tell you, you don't want to go back to China in the short term, you know ?"

Yu Ziyu's mind was buzzing, she looked at Song Ji in disbelief, tears fell without warning.

She pretended to be calm, and said lightly, "Dad, I see."

Then hang up the phone vigorously.

She looked at Song Ji with a sad tone: "Are you not afraid that I will tell my uncle and aunt if you treat me like this?"

Song Ji twitched the corners of his mouth, his smile was almost zero.He spoke slowly, somewhat threateningly: "You might as well try to see if the Yu family closed down faster, or my mother pleaded for you faster."

This man's heart is too cruel.Except for Ruan Shu, he really didn't care about anyone.

"What do you want?" Yu Ziyu sat on the seat, resting his hand on his forehead, and said in a tired tone, "Song Ji, don't touch Yu's house, I beg you."

Song Ji smiled gracefully, with an unmoved look: "First, I don't want what Xiaoyu said just now to reach Ruan Shu's ears. Second, don't let me see you again."

Yu Ziyu smiled, with a sad smile: "Song Ji, who do you think I am? I won't use such indecent means to Ruan Shu."

She took a deep breath, and her tone suddenly choked up: "Yes, I did it before. But in the future, I won't do it. As for you saying that you don't want to see me again, it's fine, as long as you don't hit the Yu family again."

Song Ji looked at her indifferently, then turned around and left the next moment.

Probably because Ruan Shu was pregnant, he would take care of many things, fearing that if he killed too much, he would ruin the child's luck.In that case, Ruan Shu would definitely be very sad.

So, after all, he still didn't kill him.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the wind was fierce in winter and the sun was shining brightly.

Song Ji came out of the old building, and saw Xiaoyu standing obediently on one side, surrounded by Su Xijing's people.

Seeing Song Ji approaching, one of them said respectfully, "Boss Su has already left."

Song Ji nodded, seeing Xiao Yu from the corner of his eye, and said flatly, "Let her go."


Xiao Yu hurriedly walked towards Song Ji, and begged, "President Song, take me away with you."

Song Ji stopped slightly, and a driver respectfully opened the car door for him.

Song Ji didn't look at Xiao Yu who had been following behind him all the time, but said in a cold tone: "Don't push yourself too far."

After everyone left, Xiaoyu was still standing there.Her eyes were blood red, and her teeth were chattering because of the force.

Why didn't she do anything, but from the beginning, Yu Ziyu didn't let her go, Song Ji hated her, and that Ruan Shu kept saying that she regarded herself as a friend, but she didn't even want to do anything for her.

She is really not reconciled...

When Su Xijing returned to the hospital, he saw Tai Chuxia at the door of the hospital.

The little girl had two braids and was holding a stack of things wrapped in an envelope.When she saw him coming, her eyes lit up.

"Sir!" She trotted towards him: "I'm here to pay you back."

Tai Chuxia handed the envelope in front of Su Xijing, pursed his lips, and continued: "Here is a small part, and the rest, I will find a way to return it to you slowly. Sir, thank you for saving the tavern for me work, and paid off my debts.”

Su Xijing smiled: "No need."

Tai Chuxia opened his mouth, obviously feeling ashamed, feeling very uneasy: "But I can't take your money for nothing."

Su Xijing narrowed his eyes slightly, not far away, there was a familiar figure looking at him for a moment.

He suddenly smiled, looked down at Tai Chuxia, and said softly, "Are you planning to change jobs?"

"Sir. What do you mean?" She couldn't recover.

"Come to Ting Yi with me, I will ask Qin Gu to contact you later." He deliberately spoke slowly to ensure that the person not far away could hear every word clearly.

After he finished speaking, he saw the man leave the scene quickly.

He left so simply, as if he didn't care at all.

Su Xijing was filled with anger, he didn't wait for Tai Chuxia's answer, and followed quickly.

He was at the corner of the corridor, blocking Tang Tang who was leaving.

Her eyes were watery, the tip of her nose was also red, and her lips were pursed stubbornly.

Su Xijing looked at her, and suddenly felt soft-hearted: "That little girl's life is not easy, I will give her a position in Tingyi, other than that, there is nothing else."

Of course, Tang Tang knew that there was nothing, but there was some sourness in his heart, which was blocked and uncomfortable.When she opened her mouth, her tone was involuntarily harsh: "What does your hero save the beauty have to do with me? Let go!"

Su Xijing is not a good-tempered person. Hearing this, he sneered, with an inhuman smile, a bit cold: "What does it have to do with you? Tang Tang, can you stop being so mean when you speak."

He bullied her, seeing the panic in her eyes, and became more and more angry.

(End of this chapter)

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