Song's love letter

Chapter 243 Breakpoints

Chapter 243 Breakpoints
It takes a lot for a person to get out of his comfort zone.

Ruan Shu has stayed under Song Ji's shadow until now, but suddenly left, feeling at a loss.

In fact, she hasn't been to Gu's for a long time. Song Ji has a strong personality, and she doesn't have it at all, and she doesn't want to give her a chance to be alone.But now, she wants to find Gu Feng by herself.

She walked in from the door, and the little girl at the front desk knew her, so she didn't stop her, but called Gu Feng swiftly.

Ruan Shu walked a certain distance, and heard her say: "Chairman, Miss Ruan is here. She is alone."

For some reason, she felt a little sad.

A person, isn't it a person?
She lowered her head and pressed the button of the elevator. While waiting for the elevator, she heard footsteps.

My heart gave a heavy meal.

She saw Song Ji walking over slowly, with a few bodyguards behind him, his face as cold as frost.

His face seemed to have been polished by the best jade, without any blemishes.

He stood beside Ruan Shu, and said in a calm tone, "You are still pregnant, I will do this kind of thing."

Ruan Shu looked at him, and took a step back for a while.

Song Ji's brows were filled with gloomy, unresolved hostility.

He sneered: "you just avoid me like this now, don't you?"

Ruan Shu's tone was very soft, with a clear distinction that she had never had before: "This is my mother's business, I can handle it myself."

"Wanwan," he smiled slowly, so as to see a trance-like face, with a bit of threat: "Don't force me to take you back."

These words finally hit her sore foot.

With tears in Ruan Shu's eyes, she complained slightly: "Song Ji, you will always be like this. But this time, you are the one who did the wrong thing, and you should be the one who should feel guilty."

"This time, it's different from every time before." When she said this, she held her breath subconsciously: "You promised me before, you said, you will respect me in the future, and you will not hide me."

The elevator door dinged and opened slowly.

Ruan Shu walked in, decisively, and pressed the close button.

Song Ji watched the elevator door slowly close in front of him, his brows and eyes lowered, so calm.

Just now, his Wanwan looked at him like that, as if looking at a stranger.

She never, never did.

Behind Song Ji, all the bodyguards lowered their heads, not daring to speak.So far, the only one they know who can make Mr. Song shut the door is his wife.

After a long time, someone hesitated and said, "President Song, should we go up?"

He turned his back to them, and his tone was so calm that there was no wave: "If there is anything, go and protect Madam."


In Gu's chairman's office, Gu Feng is drinking tea.

Gu Yise probably didn't tell Gu Feng that she came to see him yesterday, so he looked at Ruan Shu calmly, even with a smile on his mouth.

"Ruan Shu, come, uncle will make tea for you." She looked like a parent.

Ruan Shu looked at him, picked up the celadon cup from the tea table, and watched silently.

The tea color is clear, with a clear and delicate fragrance, which complements the celadon.

"Speaking of which, this was your favorite when your father was alive."

Gu Feng didn't finish his sentence, because Ruan Shu splashed all the tea in the cup on his face.

"Gu Feng, how dare you mention my father." She called him by his first name, her eyes flushed.

Ruan Shu is pregnant, if something happens to him, according to Song Ji's personality, it is likely that this place will be razed to the ground.

Gu Feng thought of this, and the anger that had been rushing up suddenly disappeared completely: "Ruan Shu, did you misunderstand something?"

"Misunderstanding? Misunderstood you and killed my mother?" She finally lost control of her emotions and threw the cup in her hand to the ground heavily.

There was a harsh crackling sound.

The bodyguard standing in the dark outside the door had a serious look on his face.If there is any change, they can only rush in.

Gu Feng's complexion is ever-changing, so exciting.

He really didn't expect that Ruan Shu would learn everything so quickly.

"Yesul told you, right?" He tried to defend: "She misunderstood, this child is just thinking about it all day long."

Ruan Shu just looked at him with very indifferent eyes, obviously unwilling to say any more: "Mr. Gu can't stay in the hands of someone like you, I will ask a professional manager to take care of it. In the past few days, you have to deal with the matter at hand. Get over it and retire."

"As for my mother's matter, and your persecution of my mother and me after my father passed away, we will settle it one by one." Calm and firm.

Acting vigorously and resolutely to such an extent is really not like Ruan Shu's usual weak style.

Gu Feng never thought that Ruan Shu would take back her rights in Gu's.I'm afraid that even Song Ji would not think that a person who has always been docile and harmless would turn out to be like this once he becomes ruthless.

If only relying on Ruan Shu, it might not be possible to pull Gu Feng down directly, but if Song Ji made a move, it would be a breeze.

According to Song Ji's love for Ruan Shu, it's just a matter of one sentence...

He panicked for a moment: "Ruan Shu, you can't do this."

Ruan Shu looked at him with cold eyes: "Uncle, you should have thought about what will happen one day."

"What happened to your mother was an accident." Gu Feng's tone was anxious.

Ruan Shu calmed down her emotions, and said calmly: "You can keep these words and tell yourself, I won't believe a single word. Do you want to listen to the recording pen in Gu Yise's hand?"

"I can't do anything about what happened back then! Ruan Shu, that's my own sister, and I don't want to kill her." Gu Feng knew that everything was hopeless, and began to thump his feet and wail.

"Ruan Shu, my uncle has been working in the Gu family for most of his life. If there is no credit, there will be hard work. You should care about your family a little bit, and don't do it so hard, okay?"

No image, even funny.

Ruan Shu looked at it for a long time, and said in a calm tone, "You know, why didn't I get angry in front of Song Ji when I knew all this yesterday?"

"..." Gu Feng looked at her puzzled, with a painful and puzzled expression on his face.

"If I break down in front of Song Ji, or blame you. Do you think it's as simple as losing Chairman Gu?"

Ruan Shu's tone was calm enough: "You don't know what kind of character Song Ji is. I've already missed the so-called family affection you mentioned."

Gu Feng was speechless.

"When you leave Gu's, you are not allowed to take a penny from here." After Ruan Shu finished speaking, she walked out without caring about Gu Feng's reaction.

Gu Feng fell to the ground slumped, his eyes were empty, he suddenly felt that all these years, his life was really a joke.

He worked hard for wealth and power, but in the end he left nothing behind.

In this life, except for a whole body of sins, and even his own daughter looked down on him, he left nothing behind.

(End of this chapter)

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