Chapter 244
When Ruan Shu left, several bodyguards hiding in the dark kept watching her whereabouts.He didn't report to Song Ji until he saw her walking away.

"President Song, Madam has already left."

"Understood." Song Ji replied in a flat tone, without any emotion.

He was sitting in the car with the window half rolled down, and he could see Gu's gate not far away.

When Ruan Shu walked out, she was alone.She seemed to have stopped in place for a while, with a dazed look on her face, and after a long time, she stopped the passing taxi.

The coat on her body seemed to be a little thinner.

Song Ji frowned slightly, but remained silent.

The atmosphere in the car became more and more gloomy.

The driver observed Song Ji's expression from the rearview mirror, and said hesitantly, "Boss Song, do you want to follow Madam?"

He was silent, and just when the driver thought he would not speak, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, his smile approaching zero, and then he spoke very lightly: "There is no need."

The driver was slightly taken aback.

At this moment, the car that Ruan Shu was sitting in had already slipped slowly into the traffic flow and was nowhere to be seen.

"I know where she will go." His tone became calm, and he looked at the scenery outside the window with extreme indifference.

Gu's private hospital.

Ruan Shu sat in front of Fu Jingyan, her eyelashes drooping, and she remained silent for a long time.

Fu Jingyan looked at her, his eyes shifted to her lower abdomen bit by bit, and then he said slowly: "Ruan Shu, when are you going to blame Song Ji? Next spring... the child between you will be born .”

Ruan Shu shook her head with a light arc, as if mocking herself: "I can't accept his concealment from me, I can't accept it at all."

After she finished speaking, she raised her eyes and looked at Fu Jingyan: "Brother, I came here today to get my medical records. In the future, I will go to other hospitals for prenatal checkups."

Ruan Shu's reports on all the conditions of the fetus in her womb are in Fu Jingyan's hands. If she needs to change places for medical treatment, these things must be taken away.

Fu Jingyan looked at her and frowned: "The Song family's private hospital has the best medical facilities, even if it's for the sake of your children, you should stay here."

"Brother, I really don't want to have anything to do with Song Ji in a short time." Her nails were embedded in her flesh, and her tone was trembling when she spoke.

Fu Jingyan's expression changed.

At the door, Song Ji stood with his face sinking like water, but he didn't show any anger.He just looked at Ruan Shu from such a distance for a long time, and said softly, "I don't want to have anything to do with me."

Fu Jingyan subconsciously glanced at the pale Ruan Shu, then stood up nervously: "Song Ji, what's the matter, let's go out and talk about it."

As he spoke, he walked towards Song Ji quickly.

"Let's go out first, okay? Ruan Shu is pregnant with a child, and her emotions are definitely not very stable. Sometimes what she says may not be her original intention." Fu Jingyan said, trying to pull Song Ji out.

Unexpectedly, Song Ji just took a deep look at Ruan Shu, and then walked out.

The office door was gently closed.

Ruan Shu trembled uncontrollably, and closed her eyes heavily.

The winter wind is already very cold, and it hurts a little when it blows on the face.

Fu Jingyan and Song Ji stood on the terrace, speechless for a long time.

"The last time the two of us stood here was when Ruan Shu was injured." Fu Jingyan tried to change the topic: "Look, time has passed in the blink of an eye. Now you are all about to have children."

Song Ji just sneered. When he looked at Fu Jingyan, the arch of his eyebrows was very cold, and his jade-like face was clear and without warmth: "The me at that time, and the me now, were put in a situation where she had no way out. point."

Fu Jingyan was at a loss for words for a moment.

Who is right and who is wrong? In fact, Song Ji's starting point cannot be said to be wrong.It's just that his methods are too authoritarian, and from the beginning to the end, he lacks the so-called human touch.

Ruan Shu is his wife, sometimes, it really shouldn't be so arbitrary.Not to mention, this matter is related to parents.Fu Jingyan thought so, but still didn't say it.

It's not a good time to say it now.

The two stood speechless, and the snow began to fall lavishly again.

Fu Jingyan sighed: "Then, have you calmed down now?"

In the situation just now, if he didn't pull Song Ji out, now, what would happen inside.Song Ji was just on the verge of anger.

Song Ji didn't say a word, but the aura around him plummeted, which was a bit colder than this winter's twelfth lunar month.

Fu Jingyan wanted to say something, but he had already walked back without saying a word.

The snow fell a little harder.

Fu Jingyan stood where he was and did not follow.

There are some things that are always inconvenient for outsiders to intervene.

It is best for the two of them to resolve matters between two people by themselves.

He stood alone for a while, and for some reason, suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling.He and Shen Lu also spent this kind of snow together.
Ruan Shu sat alone in the office for a long time. She maintained the sitting posture when they left just now, with her palms covering her slightly raised belly, stroking once and for all.

It seems that only in this way can she not be so flustered and have a little support in her heart.

Ruan Shu always remembers the time when Song Ji built a snowman with her and laughed together on that snowy morning.Looking back now, it seems like a dream in the distance.

Song Ji walked lightly behind her, and when Ruan Shu came to her senses, she was already hugged in his arms.

His embrace was very cold, Ruan Shu lowered her head, and could see the dark blue cufflinks on his cuffs.The slightly cold light dazzled anyone's eyes.

"Wan Wan."

He called her name softly, and breathed in her ear, warmly: "Let's not be angry anymore, okay?"

Ruan Shu just held his hand clasped around her waist, looked down, and kept silent.

Song Ji's eyes brightened, she thought her heart was softening: "Wanwan, I shouldn't have kept this from you, give me a chance, let me."

The second half of the sentence was completely swallowed in his throat.His complexion turned cold instantly.

Ruan Shu in her arms was silently and vigorously opening his fingers one by one.

She is so stubborn that she hurts people invisible without saying a word.

Song Ji just hugged her harder with one hand, he sneered, and was instantly cold: "Ruan Shu, my patience is limited, be good."

"Song Ji, I'm not quarreling with you. I'm just, disappointed in you." She had never talked to Song Ji with such an attitude, her deer-like eyes contained nothing but thorough seriousness.

Song Ji pinched her delicate chin and forced her to look up: "You're disappointed in me, are you?"


(End of this chapter)

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