Chapter 254
Ruan Shu couldn't hold back, her eyes were wet.

She forced a smile at Song Ji, sniffed, and said in a reproachful tone, "Why do you make me cry on purpose?"

"I didn't want to make you cry." He smiled helplessly: "I want to make you happy."

It turns out that there are really people in this world who will take every word of yours to heart.Even if it is the unconscious dream language in your sleep.
On the day when Zhao Chang went to the hospital to see Su Jubei, the snow was heavy and the temperature was cold to the bone.

When Zhao Chang walked into the ward, Su Jubei was still half asleep.When his cloudy eyes saw Zhao Chang, they opened slightly, and an indistinct sound came out of his throat.

She just stood at the door, looking at the people on the hospital bed, suddenly feeling sad.This winter is too difficult to endure, and no one can tell whether it will survive.

"Ju Bei." She called his name with a choked voice, and sat down beside him.

Su Jubei looked at her, with tears in his eyes faintly visible: "Chang Zhao. Come back."

With such a light tone, one can clearly hear the uneasiness in it.

Zhao Chang smiled: "Okay, I'll be back."

She held his hand and recounted everything that happened during this period in detail: "Tang Tang is pregnant, you take care of your body, and when you are discharged from the hospital, you can see your grandson."

"Also. I have learned ceramics during this time. When you are well, we can work together."

She spoke slowly, and the people on the hospital bed looked at her and listened carefully.

These warm words were blocked by the door, so I couldn't hear them clearly.Su Xijing stood outside the ward, expressionlessly waving away those who wanted to go in and inform Zhao Chang to come out.

The little nurse was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Su, if this is the case, it will not be conducive to your father's recovery. He needs to rest more."

"You all know very well in your hearts that he won't recover." He said this without any ups and downs, as if he was talking about other people's affairs, but the little nurse could hear the imperceptible tremor in his tone.

In the end, it's just a sentence that people are not grass and trees.

After Tang Tang became pregnant, Su Xijing wouldn't let her go to places like the hospital.

She was sitting bored in the chairman's office, it was really boring.

After sitting for a long time, people feel a little tired.Tang Tang knew that he had slept for a long time at night, and it was best not to continue sleeping during the day.So Qiang cheered up, got up and walked around.

When she walked to Su Xijing's desk, she inadvertently saw a safe under the desk, and she couldn't help feeling slightly puzzled.

It stands to reason that if it is a very confidential document, it will not be placed here.But if not, why use a special cabinet for it?
She knelt down and entered her birthday on the safe for tentative purposes.

There was a very soft beep, and the cabinet opened with a beep.

There are many letters in the cabinet that are exposed to Tang Tang, yellowed, and have a deep sense of age.

This is her letter to Su Jimu.

Tang Tang's heart shrank uncontrollably.

The letter is still there, but the old friend is no longer there.

She took a letter from the cabinet and pulled out the paper.

The light blue handwriting is Tang Tang's. Because of the age and other reasons, it has already opened a little bit.And the strong black handwriting on the side is Su Xijing's.

The comments one by one are mostly words of disdain or sarcasm.

The sentence "Su Jimu, it has snowed recently in City A." He commented beside it, "Don't you know the weather forecast? By the time the letter is mailed, the snow will have stopped."

The sentence "I hope you are in good health and everything goes well." He also wrote down the four characters "the words are really ugly" quite emotionally.

Tang Tang looked at it, and the original little sadness suddenly disappeared completely.

When Su Xijing came in, he saw Tang Tang squatting on the ground, holding a letter and smiling extremely silly.

His expression was a little unnatural for a moment.

This kind of behavior of writing comments on the letter is really naive.

He coughed lightly, walked over, looked at Tang Tang who couldn't restrain his smile, and said uncomfortably, "What are you laughing at?"

"If you don't write it for me, why don't you let me read it?" After he finished speaking, he also felt that something was wrong, so he turned his head away in embarrassment.

Tang Tang put the letter on the table and looked up at him.

He was wearing a white shirt, and he had a sharp demeanor.With an outstanding but inhuman face, others just looked at him, how could they have imagined that he would write such words.

"Su Xijing." Tang Tang smiled, and suddenly called his name seriously.

He frowned, and his tone was embarrassing when some of his embarrassing things were exposed: "What are you doing!"

Tang Tang smiled with eyebrows and eyes crooked, and slowly stood up.She put her arms around his waist and said softly, "I can also write to you in the future."

He snorted coldly, as if dismissing it, but after a long time, he couldn't help asking: "Really?"

"Really." Her smile deepened, she closed her eyes slightly, and buried her face in his chest, not holding back the tears: "Also, I love you."

What a serious confession, never before.

These words finally appeared in front of Su Xijing after thousands of mountains and rivers.

Su Xijing froze for a moment.

He originally thought that in his life, he loved her a lot.He takes 99 steps towards her, and she can take one step towards him, that's good.

As long as she is willing to respond, then he will fight for her, and she just needs to stand in the warm spring and wait for him to come over.

But it turned out that she was willing to walk by his side.

It turned out she was willing.

Su Xijing slightly hugged the person in his arms, his voice hoarse: "Can you please say that sentence again."

"Well," she thought seriously, "I can also write to you in the future."

"No, it's not this sentence." He leaned close to her with a gentle gesture: "Next sentence, say it again, okay?"

Tang Tang tiptoed and kissed his face, pursing his lips and smiling: "Also, I love you."

On that day, everyone in the group felt that the chairman was in a particularly good mood.Seeing people smile three-pointedly, and even the employees are not so harsh when they do something wrong.

Time flies, and it's New Year's Eve.

Ruan Shu's belly is growing day by day, and the doctor said that when the peach blossoms bloom next spring, the child will be born.

Ruan Shu didn't say anything, but she was a little scared in her heart.She has never given birth to a child who is so difficult and dangerous.How is it possible, will not be afraid.

But apart from fear, there is more joy and anticipation.This little life is the crystallization of her and Song Ji.

Ruan Shu didn't know if his face would look more like her own, or more like Song Ji's.If there are more like Song Ji, both boys and girls must be outstanding.

The weather on this day is very good, it is rare that there is no snow, and there is a slight early sun.

(End of this chapter)

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