Chapter 255
"Song Ji."

"Huh?" He put aside the postpartum care manual in his hand, and said softly, "What's wrong?"

"Let's go out in the afternoon to buy new year's goods." Ruan Shu suggested.

He smiled and touched her little head: "OK."

Ruan Shu got the guarantee, so she happily went to the side to flip through comic books.

She flipped through the pages, and after a while, she couldn't help but look at Song Ji again: "Song Ji, I have a question I've always wanted to ask you."

"What's the problem?" He put down the postpartum care that he had just turned a few pages, and said in a good-tempered manner.

"Oh, I just wanted to ask you why you never read books about babies."

"No time," he pinched her face, solemnly: "Mom can't take care of her anymore, so how can she have time to watch the baby?"

Ruan Shu was a little wronged: " don't care about the baby in the future?"

"I will hire a special aunt for the baby, many of them." After he finished speaking, he hugged his little wife into his arms: "Also, children can't remember things before they are two years old, let's talk about them after they are two years old. "

Ruan Shu: ".?"

In the afternoon, the sun was warmer again.

Ruan Shu walked quickly when she went out, but before she could take a few steps, she was grabbed back by Song Ji.

He looked at her with a helpless expression: "It's snowing outside and the ground is very slippery, what should you do if you walk so fast and fall?"

Ruan Shu blinked, and thought deeply: "I will pay attention next time."

Song Ji had been tempered by her during this period of time, and almost everything went smoothly.Hearing what she said, I couldn't bear to be harsh.

He smoothed the hair on her forehead, and wrapped the scarf around her, and then said softly: "I'll go and drive the car over, you stand here, don't move around."

Ruan Shu: "Good!"

The heater in the car was fully turned on, and there was a thin layer of fog on the windows.

Ruan Shu wrote her and Song Ji's names on it with her fingers, over and over again, having a great time.

Song Ji drove the car, and looked at her from time to time, with elegant eyebrows and eyes, gentle and beautiful.

He chose to let her go, as long as she was happy, he could do anything.

Ruan Shu painted glass by herself for a while, and then lost interest.She picked up a book and read it.

Song Ji saw it, and frowned slightly: "Wanwan, don't read in the car, it's not good for your eyes."

"Oh" Ruan Shu let go resentfully, touched her stomach, and said in a melancholy tone, "When the baby is born, it will be the two of you who will control me together."

Song Ji twitched the corners of his lips, smiling lightly: "Except for me, who dares to care about you?"

It was originally a 10-minute drive, but at Song Ji's extremely slow speed, it took an hour.

When Ruan Shu got out of the car, she was a little sleepy.She didn't hold back, and complained in a low voice: "It's great that you let me read just now, I'm sure I won't be sleepy."

"I'll read it to you at night, okay?" Song Ji dragged her to the supermarket with a soft voice.

These days, when Ruan Shu was sleeping at night, Song Ji was always reading storybooks.Although I used to read storybooks, but it was the same book, and I read it over and over again many times.

But the current story, under Ruan Shu's criticism day after day, has become more and more novel and tricky.

Fu Jingyan was shocked by the variety of stories and the wide range of stories involved.After all, Song Ji is so patient, he has never seen it before.

Ruan Shu has become more than a little squeamish these days, her eyes turn red at every turn, and she cries when she is unhappy.But Song Ji coaxed him very patiently, hardly a trace of impatience was seen, and his gentleness was so outrageous.

Such a person who is willing to be pampered and a person who is willing to be self-willed, there is really nothing to say to others.

There were still quite a lot of people in the supermarket. After all, the New Year was approaching, and Ruan Shu and Song Ji were of course not the only ones who came out to scour the New Year's goods.Cheerful songs matched with the flow of people coming and going, it really feels like the New Year is approaching.

This time, Song Ji didn't clear the scene exaggeratedly. Ruan Shu pushed a shopping cart from the side and said with great interest, "Let's go, let's go!"

Song Ji stood still, frowning and glanced at the vast supermarket, with a slightly hesitant tone: "Wanwan, I think we are still."

Or find an empty supermarket.

In the second half of the sentence, under the gaze of his beautiful wife's big watery eyes, he made a turning point: "Be careful, don't be touched later."

Ruan Shu nodded, and she didn't know how credible the guarantee she said was: "Okay! I know."

Song Ji shook his head helplessly, and followed her to the supermarket.

Song Ji's temperament was too outstanding, and the expensive suit revealed the word "elite" from the beginning to the end, and everyone chose to stay away from them in unison.

Ruan Shu wandered around unconsciously, and from time to time put some snacks in the cart thinking she was hiding.

After she finished playing, she would take a sneak peek at Song Ji proudly.

New Year's Eve, let her be happy.

Thinking of this, Song Ji acted as if he didn't see anything, and became more conniving.

When two people finished shopping and went to checkout, there was a long line, and it took about half an hour to wait in line.

Song Ji didn't show any impatience, but Ruan Shu sighed slightly: "The team is so long."

Song Ji smiled, squeezed her shoulder, and asked softly, "Are you tired?"

Ruan Shu shook her head, smiling sweetly: "Not tired."

After she finished speaking, she said half-jokingly: "If I'm tired, you can't do anything."

"If you're tired, I can hug you." He said it seriously, not like joking at all.

Ruan Shu glanced at the crowded people around her, and hurriedly waved her hands: "Not yet, not anymore."

She deliberately changed the subject, coughed lightly, and said, "Song Ji, wait for me to pay, don't argue with me."

Song Ji smiled lowly: "All my money is yours."

"I haven't used the salary of the previous two months. This is mine." After she finished speaking, she nodded vigorously.

Song Ji: "Okay, you pay."

So, people should not talk too much, otherwise it will be very embarrassing.

Ruan Shu felt ashamed when the cashier girl said "Ma'am, it's three yuan short".

I should have brought an extra card, so it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

She looked at Song Ji, who was watching the fire from the other side, and was a little embarrassed: "What is that? You lend me three dollars."

"Lend it to you?" He lowered his eyebrows, his tone was tinged with a smile, very gentle: "I don't want to borrow it."

Ruan Shu: "."

Song Ji handed the card to the cashier lady and smiled: "Use this one."

The two went out from the supermarket, and Song Ji handed the chocolate in the bag to Ruan Shu: "I just teased you, I apologize."

Ruan Shu took the chocolate and happily took a bite: "Okay, I won't be angry anymore."

The sun is warm, the person in front of me is my sweetheart, everything is fine
Su Xijing accompanied Tang Tang back home.

(End of this chapter)

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