Chapter 275

No one has ever told him that things like feelings are the most unpredictable.I can't grasp it today, and I don't cherish it well.The next moment, it won't be my own.Even try your best, even use up all your Linglong thoughts.

After Shen Lu left, Ning Yebai went to see Fu Jingyan.As a purely rich patient.

"Pay more attention to rest during this time, I think your complexion is not good." Fu Jingyan lowered his head and prescribed some Qi-enhancing medicines for him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and handed the list to him in a chic manner.

The rich people nowadays, if they have nothing to do, they have to make themselves unhappy and come to the hospital to prescribe medicine.How should I put it? People are stupid and have a lot of money.

Ning Yebai smiled, took the list, and carefully looked at the person in front of him.Have to admit, appearance, impeccable.

"This gentleman, do you know me?" He squeezed his chin and smiled harmlessly.

Ning Yebai rubbed the list in his hand, also smiled: "I've heard a little about the famous amorous young master in City C."

Fu Jingyan's smile faded a little: "This is a thing of the past."

"Dr. Fu has washed his hands in a golden basin?" He concealed the sneer in his tone, showing slight disdain.

"It's not about washing hands in a golden basin. I didn't do anything evil before." Fu Jingyan waved his hand and said, "The love between a man and a woman is a matter of your love and my wish."

Ning Yebai knowingly asked, "Does Doctor Fu have a girlfriend?"

"It happened before, and then, I was dumped." When he said this, he didn't see any sadness.

Ning Yebai suddenly felt a little resentful, Shen Lu, this is the man you didn't hesitate to fall out with me, he, did he ever take you to heart?
"I'm sorry. I asked about your sadness." Ning Yebai lowered his eyelashes. After speaking, he ignored Fu Jingyan's expression and left.

In the empty office, Fu Jingyan sat on the sofa and smiled wryly.When he spoke, his voice was very soft, and he didn't know whether he was speaking for himself or the strange man who left.

"But I will wait for her, ten years, twenty years, I will wait."

Deer, I will wait for your return.

If I really can't wait any longer, or if you get married one day, I will naturally dress up to attend your wedding and witness the important moment in your life.But if you are willing to come back, I will wait for you whenever and wherever.

This year's New Year, Ning Yebai spent abroad.

There were only him and Shen Lu. They were sitting in the snow scene in a foreign country, in the semi-open-air courtyard, with frost and snow blowing on their hair from time to time.

The villa is located in a remote place, and as far as the eye can see, there are old American-style small villas, and the sound of laughter can be heard from every family's home.

Nothing has changed in their lives, as it has for many days.Warm and beautiful.Their new year is not on this day, and Shen Lu can't understand the language they speak.This place gave her no sense of belonging.

Ning Yebai wanted to make her laugh, but she just looked into the distance, neither smiling nor speaking.

"Lulu, wait for us to go shopping in the supermarket, okay?" He rubbed her hair and asked softly.

Shen Lu's face was full of weariness.

"I don't want to go." When she spoke, her voice was a little hoarse: "Ning Yebai, you don't have to do this. In fact, you left me in the country, isn't it good? Why, put me so far away?"

Because the members of the Ning family are too dissatisfied with her, only by letting her stay abroad can he feel at ease.
"Lulu, after the Chinese New Year today, I'm going to get married." He smiled lightly and said suddenly.

Shen Lu's eyelashes moved slightly, she raised her head to look at him: "Then congratulations."

After she finished speaking, she got up and planned to go inside.

The wrist was pulled.

"Lulu, as long as you say" every word he said was very slow and difficult: "As long as you say, and you don't want to, I won't marry her. Okay?"

She seemed to chuckle lightly, struggling hard with her wrist in his palm, and her wrist was red.

But Ning Ye made up his mind to grab her, such a little struggle was like shaking a tree.He kept looking at her flushed side face for a moment, never wanting to miss any expression on her face.

Shen Lu took a deep breath, turned his head and looked directly at him: "Ning Yebai, whether you get married or not is up to you."

There was a slight emptiness in his heart.After all, it was a self-deprecating smile.

Why do you want to humiliate yourself?

This year's New Year, the two broke up unhappy.

On the day Ning Yebai left, Shen Lu curled up under the blanket and slept deeply.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, maybe in her dream, she dreamed of something beautiful.But now Ning Yebai is not sure whether the person or thing she dreamed of has anything to do with her.

It's true that she doesn't love him anymore.

The moment Ning Yebai got off the plane, he passed out.The hustle and bustle of the Spring Festival has not yet ended, and the faces of people coming and going are full of joy. They all looked at the man in luxurious clothes but suddenly passed out. His complexion was a little fragile, giving people an irreparable feeling taste of despair
When Ning Yebai woke up, he was lying in the VIP ward of the hospital. The doctor told him that he had cancer and it was only seven years old.

He actually felt relieved.

Yes, for a person like him, life is really tiring.

He needs to do many things in the Ning family.But no one has ever asked him: Ning Yebai, do you want to do it?
He doesn't want to.

But now, he can really cancel his marriage with Miss Chen's family.When a person knows that his death is approaching, his worries and so on will be much lighter.

Ning Yebai suddenly remembered that three years ago, in that small room, all the prominent figures of the Ning family gathered together just to persuade him to expel Shen Lu.

What did he say at that time?
He said: "As long as I am here, whoever dares to touch a hair of Shen Lu, I will demand his life."

The respected old man complained and said hysterically that he was bewitched.

He just sneered and picked up the carving knife beside him
At that time, he really disobeyed the family's wishes for the first time because of her.

At the end of the New Year this year, many things began to go on a completely different track.

For the next six years, Ning Yebai went to see Shen Lu twice a year as usual.

It is snowy and full of flowers.

Any scenery is good, as long as the person beside her is her.

In fact, Ning Yebai has always been reluctant to leave, every second by her side is stolen.He just wished that time could stop.

But Shen Lu, for six whole years, never smiled at him again.

Sometimes he would say: "Lulu, just smile, okay?"

She would look at him with that kind of cold eyes.

Ning Yebai had never seen him look at anyone other than him with such eyes.

Six years is enough to erase all the innocence of a young girl.

(End of this chapter)

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