Song's love letter

Chapter 300 Can't You See That I Love You

Chapter 300 Can't You See That I Love You (End)

The wrist was held by someone, the expression on Wei Zhaoxi's face could only be described as ferocious.

"Su Yiyi, who gave you permission to go?" After he finished speaking, he wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms.

What happened next, was too fast.

When Song Yan took Su Yiyi from Wei Zhaoxi's hands and protected him behind him, his movements were so swift that no one could react.The aura around him was unbelievably cold.

"Song Yan, you came just in time, let's settle our business today." Wei Zhaoxi said through gritted teeth.

Song Yan's face remained unchanged, he looked at him lightly, with a slightly disdainful tone: "Don't Xiao think about things you shouldn't think about."

His aura was so strong that the younger brothers beside Wei Zhaoxi looked at each other in uneasiness.None of them thought that Song Yan would come here.

At that time, Su Yiyi was young and energetic, with an incomparable pride.She was just taken advantage of by Wei Zhaoxi's sarcasm, and she already felt resentful in her heart.At this moment, she took Song Yan's hand and said without thinking, "He just bullied me."

Many years later, Su Yi recalled that day with regret.Why is it so strong? In order to fight for a moment, put Song Yan in such a dangerous situation.

He is just a person, no matter how powerful he is, he is only a flesh body, and it is not that he will not suffer pain.But at that time, he was squandering wantonly, why did he think about him for a moment?
After Song Yan heard her words, there was no wave in his eyes, and he looked at Wei Zhaoxi coldly.

Su Yiyi heard him ask himself: "Yiyi, let me make him dare not come to you in the future, okay?"

She said, "Okay."

Wei Zhaoxi who was opposite heard the words, sneered and sneered: "Song Yan, your position in Su Yiyi's heart is nothing more than that."

Song Yan's beautiful eyebrows and eyes flashed with chilling intent, and his tone seemed to freeze: "That's also between me and her, what right do you have to intervene."

Su Yiyi didn't know why, but his heart ached.

After that, there was a scuffle. Wei Zhaoxi brought a lot of people. How could Song Yan fight? In the second half, he was still at a disadvantage.

The corners of his lips were bloodshot, just now, Wei Zhaoxi punched the corners of his lips.

Su Yiyi's heart twitched, and she stopped her voice: "Wei Zhaoxi, if you treat him like this, the Song family will not let you go."

After she finished speaking, she clearly felt that everyone around her hesitated for a moment.When they fought just now, it was just because of their passion. There was no blood feud between them, and no one really wanted to make a big deal out of it.

What's more, bullying the few by the crowd is disgraceful in itself.

Some people have begun to hesitate in their actions.

The power of this sentence seems to be much stronger than what I thought.Su Yiyi was already thinking about it, and continued to shout: "Those of you who help out, think clearly, if something happens to the only son of Chairman Jinzhou, who among you can take care of it?"

Several people had already stopped, and then left in a panic.

At the last moment, Song Yan hugged her, blood slid down his forehead, staining his eyes red.But his tone was so gentle, he said: "Be good one by one, I will take care of it if there is anything."

It's her selfishness and selfishness, it's her reckless behavior.

That night, Su Yiyi sat for a long time in the corridor of the hospital, like a sculpture.She originally wanted to go in and see Song Yan, but he said to her: "The way I wait to treat the wound may be scary, so don't look at it one by one, okay?"

She didn't even have the strength to refuse.

She didn't inform Song Ji and Ruan Shu immediately that she was the one who caused the incident. She felt uneasy and didn't have the courage to speak out.

At night, she slept in the hospital room for a while, and because she was worried about Song Yan's injury, she woke up when it was still daylight.

The next day Su Yiyi took advantage of the twilight of the morning light and hurried to find Song Yan.

She really wanted to know how his current situation was, and she was worried, but also worried.Holding the biscuits she bought from the hospital gate, she walked over with some anxiety.

Outside the ward, Su Yiyi heard a male voice, that person was probably Song Yan's friend.

"Su Yiyi is ignorant, and you are also stupid, why are you making trouble with her like this?" The man's voice carried some resentment.

Su Yiyi could tell that there was dissatisfaction with himself in his tone.

She squeezed the biscuit in her hand, her face pale.

"Don't say that one by one, she didn't do anything wrong, I should protect her." Song Yan's tone was soft and gentle.

"Yes, she didn't do anything wrong. Song Yan, you've been insisting for so many years, so it's time to give up, right?" The man sighed: "There is no girl who can make the boy she likes take such a big risk." Risk, just to let out a sigh of relief. Song Yan, Su Yiyi really doesn't like you."

No, I like it.She protested quietly in her heart.

Song Yan...Song Yan should know.There was a small but not negligible hope, palpable and clear.

But soon, Song Yan's voice dispelled her idea: "I know, she doesn't love me."

For a moment, his hands and feet were icy cold, but the next moment, it was completely as if he had entered an ice cave.

"I used to think, do I really love Yiyi?" Song Yan's tone was soft: "I treat Su Yiyi like candy that I couldn't eat when I was a child. I think, as long as I taste it, I will naturally love it." And gave up."

Su Yiyi didn't dare to listen anymore, she left in a hurry and bumped into the little nurse who was passing by.

The nurse glanced at the biscuit in her hand and frowned: "Is it for patients?"

She nodded.

"Patients are generally in poor health. It is best to eat some porridge in the morning." The nurse's voice was a little dissatisfied.

Su Yiyi, who was always proud, apologized obsequiously.

She went to the corner and threw the biscuit in the trash can...

Su Yiyi didn't know, but after she left, Song Yan said softly after she left, "I really thought so at one time, but later, the longer I got along with her, the more I understood that I really must have her." .”

After the past was over, Song Yan looked at the surprised girl in front of him, and smiled: "You are like this, and you have misunderstood me for so many years?"

Su Yiyi's heart overflowed with joy little by little, she smiled and didn't speak.

"Then, am I clarifying now?" As soon as he finished speaking, he felt himself being gently hugged.

The sun was just right, hitting the two people who were embracing each other.

"Song Yan..."


"I think... I love you too."

His eyebrows and eyes were deep, gentle, and he smiled brightly: "What about Mo Chen?"

The little girl rubbed against his arms, her tone was sweet: "I like his smile, because that smile is very much like you before."

I miss you in the past, so the person I thought I loved later also has your shadow.In the end, they met by luck and never separated.

(End of this chapter)

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