Song's love letter

Chapter 301 Su Xijing & Tang Tang: The Minister of No Two

Chapter 301 Su Xijing & Tang Tang: The Best Ministers ([-])

This is the most secluded and remote residence in City A. The higher you go, the more expensive it is.The properties in this area are all under the name of Tingyi Group, and their value is so high that it is difficult to measure.

Su Xijing moved out from the Su family's old house three years ago, and settled here.Few people around, relatively private.

But now, he was sitting by the bed, looking at the unconscious woman on the bed.

Last night, Tang Tang had a dispute with Su Xijing.

In a rage, he threw her on the sidewalk.

At the beginning, Tang Tang tried to resist, but in the end, it was still a compromise like countless times in the past.Following her own ideas, she obediently returned to the villa.

Su Xijing had never been a gentle and kind person. That night, he deliberately taught her a lesson and asked her to apologize and admit her mistake.

Tang Tang refused anyway.

He was furious, and punished her for standing alone at the door in the late autumn night.

Then there was a drizzle of rain, heavy and windy.

After all, Su Xijing still couldn't sit still, and after a while, he quickly pushed the door open and went out.

At that time, Tang Tang outside the door had already fainted.

Su Xijing didn't know before that girls were so delicate.In other words, he never cared about whether Tang Tang was weak or not.

Later, he carried the unconscious Tang Tang upstairs, his hands began to tremble uncontrollably.How... How could he force her into such a field?
Tang Tang's face was abnormally red because of the fever, and his brows were slightly condensed, showing discomfort and sadness.

She lay on the bed, probably because she was suffering so badly, and started talking nonsense.

Su Xijing heard her call: "Su Jimu."

At that moment, he actually felt a little powerless.

Not anger, but powerlessness.

After a person knows that he has done something wrong, how can he still have the strength to be angry.After all, this relationship has been forced by him from the very beginning, so how can she expect that she will not blame him.

Su Xijing sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out several times to touch the face of the person on the bed, but he still couldn't muster up the courage.

"Tang Tang," he called her name, his tone was rare and fragile: "Let's start again, shall we?"

The person he called was in a deep sleep and naturally did not respond to him.

Su Xijing looked at her sleeping face, and his heart tightened a little bit, as if someone had cut the skin with a sharp weapon, and it was bloody and bloody, even after healed, it would leave scars.

He vaguely remembered what happened not long ago. The first love affair between him and Tang Tang was completed under his own compulsion.At that time, he didn't actually feel any guilt.Because he thought she was just his plaything.

That night, Su Xijing hugged Tang Tang who had a high fever, and for the first time in his life, he understood what regret is.

He took care of her all night and barely fell asleep.Sometimes her inadvertent humming can wake him up suddenly from his sleep.When the sky is about to light up, I put on my clothes and go to sleep.

When Tang Tang woke up the next day, he felt a little top-heavy.She lowered her head and saw the arms around her waist.

Her consciousness was awakened in an instant.

Su Xijing was busy late last night, and when he woke up, he saw the person in his arms pulling his arm vigorously.

She was ruthless, her movements were stubborn, and she didn't keep a little bit of sense in her strikes.

Su Xijing sneered in his anger, and the warm words he had prepared disappeared in an instant: "A sick person still has such great strength?"

The tone is not without sarcasm.

Tang Tang gritted his teeth, his voice hoarse: "Let go, don't touch me."

"Oh, when I was holding you last night, I didn't see you telling me to let you go." The tone was soft and cold.

Tang Tang looked up, just in time to meet his sharp eyes.

She word by word, her tone became hoarse: "Let go."

"Do you think I want to hug you?" He raised his eyebrows: "Tang Tang, you have to make it clear that I hugged you out of kindness. Don't push my nose on my face."

After he finished speaking, he left the bed without waiting for her response.

The moment Su Xijing let go of her, Tang Tang felt a cold wind blowing in from the back of her spine, and shivered involuntarily.She seems to be a little colder.

"I have a few important meetings today, you go to Ting Yi with me." Su Xijing picked out a tie from a variety of ties and was tying it.

Tang Tang looked at his back and said coldly: "I don't want to go."

He sneered, but wrinkled inadvertently.He originally wanted to say: "If you don't go, what should you do if something happens at home? I don't worry about letting the family doctor take care of you."

But when the words came to his mouth, it became: "Tang Tang, I am notifying you, do you still have to say whether to go or not?"

After Su Xijing finished speaking, she turned around and leaned closer to her pale face.Her face was a little haggard, but it made her eyes darker, like the sky in the middle of the night.

His heart softened slightly, and his tone softened: "Be good, I can treat you better."

"I don't care, stay away from me." She got up and turned her face away from him: "I want to change clothes, you go out."

He just stood up straight, then crossed his arms and looked at her leisurely: "I'm going out? Tang Tang, what's on your body that I haven't seen?"

Ten minutes later, Tang Tang changed her clothes with red eyes, and was carried out by Su Xijing.

She was in his arms, trembling all over: "Su Xijing, is it interesting for you to bully me like this every day?"

His steps froze slightly, but he didn't say anything after all.

When the morning meeting was held this day, everyone noticed that the president was not in a good mood.

Su Xijing sat in the main seat, and asked tricky questions about the reports handed in.

The crowd did not dare to breathe, but they wanted to be wise and wise, watch their noses and noses carefully, never look at them more than once, and never say a word more.

When the regular meeting was halfway through, Liang Cheng walked in.

He leaned over and lowered his voice so that only Su Xijing and himself could hear: "Boss Su, Miss Tang said that she wants to go for a walk alone."

Su Xijing's eyelids twitched heavily, and his smile was so sinister that the surrounding people fell silent.

He got up and walked out without saying a word...

Tang Tang was sitting on the sofa, admiring the inkstone from Su Xijing's desk.

When the office door was pushed open, she pursed her lips, feeling at a loss for a moment.She deliberately picked Liang Cheng to pass the message when he was busy, because she thought he would have no time to care about her.But she didn't expect that he would come.

"What do you want to do, go out for a walk while you have a fever?" Su Xijing stood in front of her, looking down at her.

The sense of oppression in his words was too heavy, and Tang Tang's originally ugly face became paler by three points.

(End of this chapter)

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