Song's love letter

Chapter 302 The Minister of No 2

Chapter 302 The Unparalleled Minister ([-])

"I want to go out for a walk alone without you."

"You deliberately picked this time for Liang Cheng to come over and tell me, didn't you just want me to come over?" Such a natural tone.

Tang Tang only thought that what he said was funny, she looked at him with sarcasm in the corners of her eyes and brows: "You probably think too much."

The atmosphere was dead silent for a moment.

"You can't go out now. I'll take you out when your fever subsides." He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and still didn't intend to care about her as a patient.

Tang Tang lowered his eyelashes, unwilling to see him again, and said without any emotion in his tone: "I'm going out now."

In Su Xijing's life, he has compromised with others very few times. He has a cold and conceited personality, and he rarely takes good care of people or things.

But Tang Tang, he seems to have no bottom line for her.

At this moment, he looked at the resistance in her eyes, and realized with a little belatedness that she picked this time to tell him to go out, but in fact she just wanted to stay away from him, and didn't want him to follow.

He sneered, but still said: "Okay, you go out, but you must come back within two hours. Tang Tang, don't let me find you."

Seeing that he agreed, Tang Tang didn't speak, pursed his lips, and left.

It's just that the moment he walked out the door, there was a sense of sadness overflowing from his chest.It turns out that today, where she wants to go and what she wants to do, she can no longer decide on her own.

And Su Xijing stood where he was, looked at the door that had been closed again, and said in a cold tone, "Bring me today's report."

Liang Cheng didn't ask any more questions, and responded in a low voice: "Yes, President Su, I'll make arrangements now."

Su Xijing used to think that the so-called love was nothing more than a needless embellishment of the relationship between a man and a woman.Most people, in fact, will not be tempted once in their whole life.

If you really love someone with your heart, in the end, there is a high probability that you are asking for trouble.He thought he would not add trouble to himself
Tang Tang went a long way alone, she stopped at a public telephone booth, hesitated again and again, but still did not dare to go in.

She memorized every number of that person's phone number by heart.The name of the boy deepest in her heart, Su Jimu.

Do you want to find him, do you want to disturb him?

When Tang Tang left, she thought that if she had the chance, she should go to Su Jimu, at least she should tell him what happened to her.There are still so many years of liking, there should be an end.

But now that she really has a chance, she is so hesitant.Tang Tang stood outside the phone booth, and when he closed the doorknob, his already pale face turned paler.

During the time she was by Su Xijing's side, it seemed that she had spent all her energy in her life.

Tang Tang took a deep breath and opened the door of the phone booth
After a very short busy tone, the phone was connected.

Tang Tang heard the voice of the person opposite, low and gentle, like the light rain in June in the south of the Yangtze River, hitting her heart a little bit.

"Hello? Who are you?" She heard him ask.

Tang Tang suddenly began to regret, why, to bother him?

She didn't speak, but snorted, a little bit heavier.

The person on the other end of the phone spoke again, with a more gentle tone: "Who are you?"

Tang Tang covered her lips with her hands, and barely restrained the crying that was almost overflowing. She didn't speak, but bit her lips with red eyes.

There was a busy tone from the receiver.

Short and dull.

Tang Tang hung up the phone top-heavy, but she was a little thankful in her heart. She was glad that he hung up the phone.If she doesn't hang up, what can she say to her?

with a smile?With joy?It's just barely.

But if you tell him everything, what can be changed?Tang Tang never wanted to involve Su Jimu.

She hoped that he could start his own life, have nothing to do with the Su family, and be happy as he pleases.

When Tang Tang pushed open the door of the phone booth and walked out, he saw Su Xijing.

He was slender in a steel gray suit.His eyebrows and eyes were long and narrow, and his facial features were originally sharp. At this moment, he was covered with a chill that could almost make one's heart tremble.

Tang Tang seemed to be held back by something, standing in place, unable to move.

She watched him walking towards her helplessly, the smile on his lips was cold, completely indifferent.

"Tell me, two hours." When she spoke, her tone was slightly hoarse and difficult.

"I thought you could run farther." Su Xijing suddenly reached out, grabbed her waist, and pulled her into his arms.

In late autumn, the weather is already cold.But the warmth of his embrace gave the people in it the illusion of being cared for.

But it's just an illusion.

Because the next moment, Su Xijing pressed her ear, with a gloomy tone: "I can let you out, and I am sure that you will stay by my side safely. Tang Tang, who do you think can save you? I advise you to be good Some, don't think anything stupid."

Tang Tang's eyes, which were already smoky red, turned terribly red in an instant.She chuckled, and under such a warning, she responded unceremoniously: "Su Xijing, what are you trying to threaten me with this time? My parents? My friends?"

Su Xijing looked down at her, the hostility between his brows and eyes was instantly broken.He sneered, and his tone couldn't be colder: "Tang Tang, what are you doing this for, are you showing off your tongue for a while? Stay by my side obediently, don't provoke me, it's the best for you."

Tang Tang's paper-white face has no blood at all
This afternoon, Tang Tang's high fever became more serious.

She was lying in the bedroom next to the office, her face flushed.An unconscious murmur escaped from between his lips, tugging at Su Xijing's heart.

He fed her anti-fever medicine, and then gave her a cup of hot water, and her heart calmed down a little.

Su Xijing's original plan was to let Tang Tang speak softly.The more stubborn she is, the stronger she is, and she refuses to show any kindness to him.The more he wanted her to smile at him and pay more attention to herself.

He deliberately didn't notify the family doctor, as if he was taking a gamble, betting that she would eventually show weakness to him.But in the end, he was still nervous and worried, so he went to give her medicine to reduce the fever.

In the end, he suddenly realized that he was the one who compromised in the end.

He cared about her day by day and couldn't control it at all.

Later, when he hugged her, he was still indifferent on the surface, but his heart began to ache.

She unconsciously called Su Jimu's name, so defenseless, so wronged.

She said, "Su Jimu...why didn't you come to me?"

"I am very unhappy every day now," she said.

This grievance, this unhappiness, was given to her by him.

Su Xijing always knew that she was unhappy, but no one could tell him how to make her happy.

The word "love" is just a fan of the authorities
(End of this chapter)

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