Enchanting Divine Sound Master

Chapter 300 Curse the Scarecrow, the Talking Tree

Chapter 300 Curse the Scarecrow, the Talking Tree (4)
Le Wushuang's body was supported by the flame.She opened her eyes, but... the look in those eyes was not her own.

Scorpio was shaken by this force and fell down. She turned her head to look in astonishment, ignoring her burned hands.The cursed scarecrow has been burned, turning into sparks and slowly disappearing.

Le Wushuang raised his palm, and the milky white light in his palm merged with the flame.The fingers of the left hand were lifted slightly, and swung forward, dragging like a whip, trying to throw Scorpio away.

Scorpio slowly closed her eyes and raised her head, allowing her to punish herself or kill herself.only……

The whip fell down, but it stroked his cheek like a pair of warm hands, warming his heart.At the same time, the flame on Le Wushuang also disappeared.

Scorpio opened his eyes, looking at Le Wushuang who was lying on the ground.

She squatted beside Le Wushuang and said, "What kind of power and obsession is it that makes you desperately want to survive? You are clearly on the verge of despair, but you still break this miracle."

Le Wushuang was drowsy, opened his eyes, and said, "I'm waiting, waiting for someone to come back. I want to tell him my important secret. There is absolutely no way I will die here. If I die... …he……"

The eyelashes fluttered, outlining all the sadness and longing on her face, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she said: "If I die, he will be sad. I want to know why he wants to go back to get love..."

Scorpio smiled lightly, sat beside Le Wushuang and said, "Your test has passed."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, and the Scorpio ring worn on his middle finger emitted a dazzling light.

"Thank you!" Le Wushuang smiled, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth on the ring of Scorpio.

Scorpio's face darkened immediately, this guy actually signed the contract with blood stained with saliva.

The corner of Le Wushuang's mouth cracked into a smile, and his body was slowly disappearing: "Don't waste it in vain, the same is blood."

"You!" When Scorpio was about to throw a punch at the injured Le Wushuang, she had already disappeared in place.

When the world was spinning, Le Wushuang felt dizzy.Opening his eyes, he found that he was flying into the sky, and the speed was very fast.

But, who can tell himself why the mountain hangs down from the sky?

When Le Wushuang looked up at the sky, it was the same blue, but it was a different place.She saw white birds flying around, but the birds flew past with their backs to her.Everyone who is normal knows that all the scenes are illegal and reasonable.

Le Wushuang was not flying into the sky, but fell down violently.

Le Wushuang waved his limbs in a mess, but in the end it was of no avail, and he fell into the water.

"Bang——" Le Wushuang fell into the water like a bomb, and there was a very loud sound, echoing in this place with beautiful mountains and rivers and pleasant scenery like a fairyland.

"Puff!" Le Wushuang desperately drilled out of the water, her hair was wet by the water, and it was uncomfortable to stand on her skin.Fiddled with his fingers, and finally got his vision out.

Le Wushuang spat a few mouthfuls of water in the water, and then swam to the shore.

It's just... When I'm swimming, why do I always feel that I'm being watched? It gives me the feeling of being cold from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.

Now in the water, I was still injured, so I couldn't use my strength for a while.

Le Wushuang parted the surface of the water with both hands, swimming and swimming, swimming and swimming.Turn around to see if anything is following you.

"Bang!" The moment Le Wushuang turned his head, his head hit a wall as hard as a diamond.

"Oz!" Le Wushuang backed up a bit, raised a hand to rub his forehead that hurt from the impact.

But... When Le Wushuang saw the huge monster in front of him, his eyes widened.

It was a huge blue crab that was as big as a small mountain. It looked at Le Wushuang with a simple and honest smile, as if it was greeting you.

"Fake!" Le Wushuang turned around and swam forward with all his strength.

Seeing Le Wushuang wandering around, the huge crab raised its two pincers to open and close them again and again, showing off its extremely hard, shiny and well-maintained hands.

But... the crab frowned, and its calf slapped the water surface, chasing after Le Wushuang.

Le Wushuang swam frantically towards the shore, and when he turned his head to look, his heart couldn't bear the blow again.

"God, crabs can actually float on water!"

Le Wushuang swims and swims desperately, swims and swims.

The crab kept running wildly on the surface of the water, squinting its starry eyes while chasing Le Wushuang.If it was a beautiful woman's action, it must be very beautiful, but... it is a very heavy blow to Le Wushuang, who is so huge and who likes crabs in the modern age.In this life, what she hated the most were crabs.

"Ah Lie! What are Shuangshuang doing?" Yan Ye turned into a little silver snake and came out of the pet space, lying on Le Wushuang's head and said inexplicably.

Unexpectedly, she actually enjoys the fun of life so much, swimming in this beautiful place.

Although Wushuang's figure is good, she let herself see a nosebleed, but... that is one of the great pleasures in life!

While thinking about it, Yan Ye couldn't help but smirk.

"Little bug, you have a nosebleed." Huo Qilin walked out of the pet space, turned his head, and said to Yan Ye.

Yan Ye shook his head, shook off the blood hanging from his nose, and said, "Master, where is the nosebleed!"

"Yes!" Huo Qilin narrowed his eyes and said.

"You... get lost, old lady!" I kept running for my life, and it was fine if the two things on my head didn't help me, and it added to my burden.

In anger, Le Wushuang simply shook his head and sent the two ancient beasts flying.

"Huh? Wushuang is angry!" Huo Qilin hugged his chest wall with two cat paws, and kept wagging his tail behind him, but he didn't notice that a huge crab appeared behind him, and the direction he fell was the crab's claws .

Yan Ye was quickly thrown onto the crab's shell. It thought it would fall into the water in a perfect posture. When it turned 360 degrees in mid-air, when its head fell towards the water, its whole little head was smashed hard On top of the extremely hard crab shell.

"Bang!" Yan Ye's head was knocked down, and the whole snake lay limp on it as if deflated.

When Huo Qilin, who kept falling backwards, turned his head with laughter, suddenly, his tail hurt.

"Ahhhhhhh!" With tears in the corners of his eyes, Huo Qilin yelled indifferently, struggling non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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