Enchanting Divine Sound Master

Chapter 301 Curse the Scarecrow, the Talking Tree

Chapter 301 Curse the Scarecrow, the Talking Tree (5)
It hurts, it really hurts!

The Fire Qilin kept twisting, but every time it twisted, the tail would hurt even more.

"Which bastard is messing with my tail!" Huo Qilin roared angrily.

The crab pinched the fire unicorn's tail, as if it didn't like the fire unicorn calling it a bastard, but it was the famous Mr. Crab.

Le Wushuang finally swam and swam, and when he reached the shore, he was so tired that he collapsed on the ground.

"Hoohoo! I'm scared to death. I'm done for tonight. I'm sure I won't be able to sleep early." Le Wushuang covered his beating heart with one hand, and when he tilted his head, he saw Yan who had fainted on top of the crab. Ye and the Fire Qilin with its tail clamped.

These two idiots can't even solve a crab, it's really...

"Ah, ah, let go of labor, let go of labor!" Huo Qilin, whose tail was clamped, roared angrily.

Yan Ye moved his body, finally opened his eyes, and saw the side of Huo Qilin with its tail clamped, he couldn't help laughing, pointed at Huo Qilin and said, "You are so useless."

"Whoever is useless, whoever fainted all of a sudden!" Huo Qilin twisted his body and said unhappily.

It was only then that the crab noticed that there was something extra on his head. He stretched out his other hand, clamped Yan Ye's small tail, flicked and flicked, and then circled around playfully.

"Ugh! Don't shake it anymore, or I'm going to vomit." Yan Ye said, resisting the discomfort in his stomach.

However, the crab is a super-big monster with one tendon. It can't understand your words at all. It only knows how to play, as long as it is fun.

Le Wushuang supported his forehead, sat up immediately from the ground, put his hands on his hips, and roared at Huo Qilin and Yan Ye: "Are you two ancient beasts! You were made like this by a big crab, and you will be ashamed to go to grandma's house." If you spread the word, my reputation of Le Wushuang will be ruined by you two!"

In an instant, all three movements stopped.

The fire unicorn became angry, and a raging fire burned all over his body, just like the explosion of the small universe, the hot crab immediately let go of its pincers.

After the fire unicorn's tail no longer hurt, it immediately appeared in midair.The original shape appeared, but there was an extra magic spell on his forehead, but... that doesn't matter, the most important thing is that he must not lose face to Wushuang.

After Yan Ye heard Le Wushuang's words, a blue light suddenly appeared, and clouds and mist emanated from him. When a very thick, fat and long super dragon appeared, the crab was petrified.

The fire unicorn on the left, and the Dongfang Qinglong on the right, they are hot and cold, with angry gas spraying from their noses, and they want to tear up this guy who almost lost their face to grandma's house at any time!
"Gulu..." Ying Mingyi's Le Wushuang, even though she was so powerful, was already very hungry after consuming a lot of physical strength and fighting regardless of black and white.

Just when Huo Qilin and Yan Ye were about to kill the huge crab that was chasing Le Wushuang, a loud voice sounded.

The crab shivered and huddled up to escape, and slowly opened its eyes.

"Wushuang, what's wrong?" Huo Qilin asked.

"Shuangshuang, you want to torture it, don't you!" Yan Ye said excitedly.

Le Wushuang raised his clenched palm, put it to his mouth and coughed lightly: "Tie it up for me!"

"Yes!" Fire Qilin opened his mouth, and immediately threw out a flame rope to bind the crab.

Yan Ye and Huo Qilin dragged the crab in front of her with a smile on their faces in order to please Le Wushuang.

Le Wushuang touched his chin with his fingers: "Tonight's dinner, that's it!"

"Oh!" Huo Qilin nodded.

"Yeah!" For foodies, as long as there are good things, they will be very satisfied.

Before it was dark, a raging fire was burning on the shore of the Great Lake, and an oversized roasted crab waved its wings to meet God with tears streaming down its face.

Le Wushuang ate the crab meat with his mouth chattering. Anyway, there was so much crab meat that he couldn't finish it by himself, so these two guys happened to help him finish it.

After eating and drinking, Le Wushuang patted his swollen belly and lay on the grass with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, his eyes thinking.

"Trial, this trial, what is it?" Le Wushuang was puzzled.

"This trial is about medicine!" At some point, an enlarged face appeared in front of Le Wushuang.

Le Wushuang was so frightened that he rolled to the other side, immediately stood up and raised his fist, looking at her warily.

The maiden was carrying a bamboo basket on her back, on which were some freshly picked herbs, and said, "What? You don't recognize me?"

Le Wushuang raised his fist, but when he opened his mouth to speak, a full hiccup came out of his mouth.

"Hehehe!" The virgin covered her mouth and snickered.She looks very pretty, and her appearance is similar to Shiyin's. Speaking of them, how are they doing now?
"What are you laughing at, won't it be like this if you're full?" Le Wushuang sat cross-legged, blushing slightly and said unhappily.

"No, I just think you're very funny, and it's different from what other people say." Maybe the virgin has a very gentle personality!She didn't start the trial quickly like everyone else, she just sat by your side and talked with you.

"Oh, tell me, what is the purest bloodline in your mind?" Le Wushuang asked curiously with a dog's tail grass in his mouth.

The virgin hugged her thighs with both hands, and put her chin on her knees, saying, "Holy, solemn, gentle, domineering, and enchanting, just like the strictness in the sky, the kind that people need but dare not approach."

"Oh! Then I don't qualify." After all, Le Wushuang, who was used to being a man, could hardly become what they said.

"However, this is also very good. After all, our purest blood is also a person of flesh and blood!" The virgin didn't know if she was comforting Le Wushuang, but what she said made people feel very comfortable.

"En!" Le Wushuang nodded, drawing circles with his fingers and said, "What's the next step?"

The virgin stopped her smile and said, "The trial of plants, this place will be especially dangerous at night, you saw it just now!"

"You mean the giant crab?"

"Well! This is a place in the north called Cannibal Island." The virgin smiled and continued: "It used to have a beautiful name here. It was called Wanyuan Island, but since I appeared, those small things It can become big, and it can turn gentle into fierce, so this is the place to test you."

Le Wushuang's eyes twitched suddenly, is this guy a pervert?

The virgin smiled and said, "By the way, you're going to find something here. It's a ginseng!"

"Is there a picture?" Le Wushuang asked.

There must be a lot of things here, and if you let yourself make gestures, it must be very difficult to find.

(End of this chapter)

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