Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 151: Chapter 151: Seeing the Sun through the Clouds

Chapter 151: Chapter 151: Seeing the Sun through the Clouds (3)

The next day, Ning Gui went downstairs to the kitchen at four o'clock in the evening, and made a breakfast at a quarter past five.

At this time the kitchen was already busy, Steward Fang came over to check the situation, he was a little surprised to see Ning Guiwan carrying a tray.

With that look, Ning Guiwan couldn't help but blush.

"Make love breakfast for sir?" The housekeeper smiled ambiguously.

Ning Guiwan's face turned even redder, but he didn't hold back, and admitted generously, "He came back late yesterday, so I'm afraid he won't come down for breakfast, so I'll bring it to him."

Butler Fang smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, "Go, go, Mr. must be happy to see you."

Arriving at Quan Yu's gate, Ning Guiwan took a deep breath, raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, but the door opened first.

Quan Yu appeared behind the door in black pajamas. The pajamas were cross-collared, probably due to sleep disturbance. The neckline was wide open until it reached the abdomen, revealing the delicate collarbone and well-defined chest and abdominal muscles.

The belt is loosely tied, and the image is... sexy and alluring.

Ning Guiwan looked away, and sent the tray forward, "Eat something before going to sleep."

Quan Yu's eyes fell on her, he didn't make a sound, he didn't answer, he just moved aside, the meaning was obvious, let her send it in.

"There is a very important meeting in the morning, I have to go there early..." Ning Guiwan realized that he had gone in, and he was afraid that it would not be so easy to leave, if he said he was not nervous, he would be lying.

Quan Yu still didn't speak.

Ning Guiwan couldn't help raising her eyes to look at him, only to see the man leaning against the door with his arms around his chest, a pair of glazed eyes staring at him with no expression.

I don't know if I'm mad at the soft nails last night.

After a moment of silence, she walked in the door.

The next moment, there was the sound of closing the door behind him, followed by the sound of locking it with a click.

Ning Guiwan's heart skipped a beat following the sound of the locked door, and she couldn't help speeding up her steps towards the coffee table, put down the tray, turned around and stared at Quan Yu closely.

It was as if there was a man-eating beast in front of him.

Quan Yu didn't do anything out of the ordinary, walked slowly to the sofa and sat down, carefully looked at the food on the tray, and then said respectfully: "You made it?"

Ning Guiwan nodded and smiled unnaturally, "Eat slowly, I'll go back to my room first."

After speaking, he walked towards the door.

Quan Yu didn't stop her either, but when she reached the door, he casually said: "The person you asked me to find for you, I found it, do you want to meet?"

Ning Guiwan was about to open the door with his hands, but when he heard this sound, his hands paused in mid-air.

Some time ago, she asked Quan Yu to help her find the former servant of the Ning family.

Those few, who swore to see her secretly changing the servants of Ning Qinghan's birth control medicine.

She turned around, "Where are they?"

Quan Yu didn't answer, and gestured to the position beside him with his eyes, "Come and sit down, I'll tell you slowly."

Ning Guiwan: "..."

After a moment of silence, she raised her red lips and walked over.

She was wearing the usual red dress with a very thin waist, and the white legs under the skirt formed a stark contrast with the warm red, and the visual impact should not be underestimated.

Every time she took a step closer, Quan Yu's eyes deepened.

"Can we talk now?" Ning Guiwan sat down, two palms away from him.

Her hair was straightened because of attending the He's banquet last night, it was not as lazy and charming as before, but more clean and pure.

"What's the rush?" Quan Yu ate breakfast, taking his time.

Elegant as a medieval noble prince.

The dark and thick curtains were tightly stitched together, and the outside light could not penetrate at all, and Quan Yu didn't turn on the headlights, only a bedside wall lamp was on, the light was soft and dim.

Confined space, lonely men and widows.

It made the man's phrase 'why are you anxious' sound particularly ambiguous.

Ning Guiwan looked at Quan Yu's unhurried and calm demeanor, not knowing that he did it on purpose.

It's not that she hasn't resisted him before, and she hasn't seen him so angry.

Instead, he became more careful now.

Although Quan Yu ate elegantly, he was fast. It only took five or six minutes. After eating, he got up and went to the bathroom.

When Ning Guiwan heard the sound of him washing and taking a bath, she felt her heart beating faster and faster, and she had already guessed what might happen next, but she was powerless to resist, and even... wanted to try, if it was possible.

In the past, she resisted the overly intimate behavior of the opposite sex because she had seen the bed photos of Quan Xiangruo and Ning Qinghan. At that moment, those photos would pop into her mind, making her feel sick.

But when I recalled it recently, my emotions have not fluctuated so violently.

Having said that, Ke Ning Guiwan was still so nervous that her heart would jump out of her throat, she stood up and walked around the room.

This is not the first time to visit Quan Yu's room, but I didn't pay attention to him before, so I didn't look carefully.

The layout of the room is very simple, except for a two-meter-two bed, there is only a set of sofas, and the walls are painted light gray.

Simple and majestic, exuding mature nobility, very much like Quan Yu.

"What are you looking at?" When Quan Yu came out wiping his hair, Ning Guiwan was raising the curtains to look at the misty yard outside, and some gardeners had already started tending the flower beds.

Ning Guiwan withdrew her gaze and looked at Quan Yu.

The man who just took a shower looked even more handsome.

He changed into a pajamas, but the fabric was similar in style, the belt was tied loosely, and the hem of the pajamas exposed male legs, which looked full of texture, clear bones, and masculine strength.

"There are a lot of people outside, I was wondering, is your room soundproof?"

These words are very suggestive, Ning Guiwan clearly saw that Quan Yuben's already dark eyes deepened a bit.

In the past, Ning Guiwan would have embraced him the moment he entered the door.

But now, he calmly threw the towel on the sofa, sat down, leaned over and poured himself a glass of water.

Ning Guiwan stared at him secretly.

I've never noticed that he has such a small mind before.

This is clearly... wanting her to take the initiative.

Ning Guiwan bit her lip, walked over, sat down next to him, wrapped her arms around the man's strong waist, bent down and slipped into his arms from the man's armpit.

The Wenxiang nephrite immediately filled Quan Yu's arms.

Ning Guiwan's nose smelled of a man's body, the clear body odor was mixed with a trace of aloof fragrance, cool and slightly bitter.

"I was wrong." The girl said coquettishly, her voice soft.

Quan Yu switched the teacup from his right hand to his left, and put the free right hand on Ning Guiwan's waist.

"Where is it wrong?" At this time, Quan Yu actually still remembers to settle accounts, he really is a narrow-minded man.

It's just a voice, low and hoarse.

"You came back early and wanted to surprise me, but I really shouldn't have been hiding when I saw you." Having said that, there was clearly no apology in Ning Guiwan's expression, and the smile almost overflowed those seductive eyes eye.

 Yao Hansan is gaining weight again.

  I don't know if there are any cuties watching.

(End of this chapter)

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