Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 152 Chapter 152: Seeing the Sun Through the Clouds 2 More

Chapter 152 Chapter 152: Seeing the Sun Through the Clouds (4) Second Watch

Ning Guiwan said apologetic words, but there was clearly no apology in his expression, the smile almost overflowed those charming eyes.

She looked up at Quan Yu.

A man's jawline is well-shaped, handsome and good-looking.

Quan Yu was also looking down at her, his fingers unconsciously stroking her thin waistline, his voice became lower and hoarse, "Now that you realize your mistake, how do you plan to correct it?"

Ning Guiwan tightly grabbed Quan Yu's pajamas at the waist, with a bright smile on his face, "It's up to you, can you?"

Quan Yu's dark eyes deeply grasped the little face of the girl who hadn't applied Fendai, "Are you ready?"

Ning Guiwan smiled: "I want to try, but I can't live forever..."

Before he finished speaking, his lips were blocked by Quan Yu.

After Ning Guiwan froze, her arms wrapped around the man's neck.


By the time hair was done, it was almost ten o'clock.

Ning Guiwan said that there was a meeting in the morning, not an excuse to fool Quan Yu, but that it really happened, but when she saw the time on Quan Yu's phone, she couldn't help but glared at him.

I swear in my heart that I will never give him a second chance to torture people.

Quan Yu was in a good mood, and even smiled when he was stared at. He already had a pair of amorous eyes, but he always put on a stern face in front of outsiders, looking cold and difficult to touch.

Taking off the cold mask at this moment, those peach-blossom glazed eyes are full of affection, extremely gentle.

He held Ning Guiwan's hand, kissed it, and said, "I'm arresting you, you can see him anytime."

Speaking of this, Ning Guiwan's attention was immediately diverted. After thinking about it, she said: "Tan Xi has asked for leave, the company has too many things to do, so I don't have time during the day, let's go at night."

"En." Quan Yu replied, his voice was low and hoarse.

"Then I'll go back to my room to tidy up, and then I'll go to the company." Ning Guiwan said as she got up and got out of bed, but when she saw that the clothes she was wearing when she came here had turned into the tattered appearance she is now, she turned her head and looked at Quan Yu again. stare.

Quan Yu smiled, got out of bed and went to the cloakroom.

Come out again, white shirt and black trousers, meticulous, well-dressed, dignified and elegant.

"I'll get you clothes." He leaned over and kissed Ning Guiwan's lips, and opened the door with a breezy expression.

After a while, he came in with a suit of clothes.

Ning Guiwan buried herself in the quilt, watched him put the clothes beside the bed, and said, "Turn around."

Seeing her shy face, Quan Yu chuckled lightly, "Is it too late to be shy now?"

Ning Guiwan said nothing, just looked at him like this.

Quan Yu looked at her for a while, then really turned around.

When she finished packing, Quan Yu took her hand and went downstairs with her.

Mrs. Quan had already finished her walk outside, she was sitting on the sofa listening to opera, Fang Butler was beside her, when she heard footsteps, she looked up and saw Quan Yu and Ning Guiwan going downstairs hand in hand.

He stretched out his hand and gently pushed the old lady Quan, "Look, old lady, Xiaowan and Mr. have such a good relationship, Duodeng is right."

"Grandma Quan, Aunt Fang." Ning Guiwan greeted her with an awkward smile, she wanted to break away from Quan Yu's hand, but the man held her tightly.

Mrs. Quan looked at the hands of the two who were holding each other tightly, and frowned slightly as she thought of something.

Fang Butler knew that she still couldn't accept her granddaughter becoming a daughter-in-law for a while, so she smoothed things over, "Xiaowan hasn't had breakfast yet, right? I've left it for you, come and eat before going to the company."

Quan Yu had already eaten, but he still ate some with her.

UBS Group and Tianchi Group were built in the same business district, Ning Guiwan didn't drive, Quan Yu sent her off.

Cullinan has a low-key black car in the front and back, and several bodyguards of Quan Yu are sitting in it.

After the scene in the morning, the relationship between the two obviously changed again, and Quan Yu no longer restrained himself and returned to courtesy as he did some time ago, holding her little hand and playing with it.

When they arrived at Tianchi, Ning Guiwan said goodbye as before and got off the car.

But Quan Yu didn't let her go as usual.

He took her hand and pulled it back.

Ning Guiwan immediately fell into the man's arms, and the man's body odor immediately filled her breath.

"Did you forget something?" The man said in a low voice, the partition was not put down, the driver Ren Yong was watching his heart, wishing he couldn't be deaf and blind on the spot at this moment.

Ning Guiwan blinked, thought for a while, "What did you forget?"

"Alas..." Quan Yu sighed softly, and pointed to his thin lips in a serious manner.

Ning Guiwan was stunned for a moment, and understood.

Blushing, he glanced at Ren Yong, quickly pecked Quan Yu's lips, and then hurriedly got out of the car.

When she got into the elevator, her face was still hot.

When she arrived at the office, Ren Xiaofei saw her seductive and moistened appearance, her eyes widened in surprise, "Mr. Ning..."

What she wanted to say, Ning Guiwan didn't give her a chance: "Bring me the minutes of the morning meeting."

The focus of the meeting was on the infrastructure project that was acquired again. Ning Guiwan read it again, and the main speaker was Song Changfeng. He is capable and willing to make progress, so naturally there will be no problems.

At noon, I received a call from Quan Yu asking her to have dinner together.

The two of them found a restaurant near the company without going far.

The private room is on the second floor, and the waiter led the two of them upstairs, but before they got there, they heard a familiar voice: "Brother Xiangru, I won't talk anymore, okay, don't be angry..."

Before the words finished, Quan Xiangrui's figure appeared in Ning Guiwan's sight.

The young man at 27, wearing a suit and leather shoes, looked mature and demeanor, but his overly handsome face was as cold as ice.

Ning Qinghan chased over and grabbed his arm, her face was pale with tears, she was stunned for a moment when she saw Ning Guiwan and Quan Yu.

She has always wanted to create an illusion of love and affection with Quan in front of Ning Guiwan, but Ning Guiwan sees her in a mess again and again, and she can't even maintain the illusion.

She hates.

If Ning Guiwan hadn't caused her to have a miscarriage four years ago, if she had had a child with brother Xiangru, even for the sake of the child, brother Xiangru would not have been so indifferent to her.

After being startled for a while, her eyes were like knives, wishing she could pounce and tear Ning Guiwan's face.

But seeing Shang Quanyu's gaze, she couldn't help but feel a chill down her back, and subconsciously hid behind Quan Xiangrui.

Quan Xiangru ignored her, his eyes fell on Ning Guiwan's waist.

Quan Yu's hand was hugging there, as if swearing his sovereignty.

His throat was uncomfortably choked, and after a long silence, he found his voice and said hello, "Second Uncle, Xiao Wan..."

Quan Yu glanced at Ning Qinghan, but remained silent.

Ning Guiwan's face was calm, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he leaned towards Quan Yu's side, "Are you leaving?"

Obviously, Quan Yu was very satisfied with her act of righteousness, and pinched her cheek with the other hand.


"Well, let's take a step first." After Quan Xiangru finished speaking, he walked away quickly.

Ning Qinghan hurriedly followed.

Meeting these two people was just a small episode, Ning Guiwan soon forgot about it.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she went to the bathroom halfway, she found that Ning Qinghan had gone and returned.

Ning Guiwan was standing in front of the sink washing his hands at that time, Ning Qinghan just stood behind her, looking at her resentfully.

 After more than a year, today is extra diligent, (╥╯^╰╥)
(End of this chapter)

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