Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 158: Chapter 158: Seeing the Sun through the Clouds

Chapter 158: Chapter 158: Seeing the Sun through the Clouds (10)

It was already the next morning when Ning Guiwan saw the video of Yun Shu arguing with his two daughters.

The things about the Ning family's flying dogs and dogs always attract some attention in Shencheng. The video was secretly shot outside Ning Qinghan's room. The angle was so bad that no one could be seen, but the voice inside could be heard clearly.

After Ning Guiwan listened to it, she was a little surprised, but more of it was ironic that Ning Honghua actually drove her, her own daughter, out of the country for four years for the sake of someone else's child, and ignored her.

However, the person who took the sneak shot was probably a servant of the Ning family. Ning Guiwan propped up his cheeks and stared at the screen of his phone. The video was posted on the website with the highest traffic in the city. The popularity was quite high. In the comments, Ning Guiwan's scandals four years ago, and what happened at Ning Rongyue's birthday party the day before yesterday.

Ning Rongyue and Ning Qinghan became people who would do anything to get into a wealthy family.

The reasoning ability of netizens should not be underestimated. Some people even posted a post suggesting the possibility of Ning Rongyue's disfigurement being self-directed and self-acted.

Ning Guiwan looked at it, and couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth.

It's really interesting where things are going.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Ren Xiaofei came in, "Mr. Ning, Director Tan is back."

Hearing this, Ning Guiwan's eyes lit up, and just as he was about to say something, Tan Xi's figure had already appeared outside the door.

"When did you come back?" Ning Guiwan put down his phone and stood up, "You should have told me earlier so that I can catch you."

Tan Xi changed her broken appearance not long ago, wearing a black and white professional dress, with light and delicate makeup, and smiled as if nothing had happened, "It's not too late tonight."

When Ning Guiwan saw her in this state, she was actually a little worried. After all, the matter of Song Changfeng and Zhang Ziyan had hit her too hard, and she must not be able to digest it cleanly in a short time.

"Is everything settled?"

Tan Xi smiled, "Don't worry, I've explained everything clearly. Before I came, my mother was trying to introduce me to a good young man."

Ning Guiwan met her parents in the evening, and they are indeed very sensible people.

"I just came to report to you. I'm back in the office. This job is rare. I will work hard to live up to your trust and myself."

Ning Guiwan took a look at her, she was not considered pretty, she had good features, she could barely be considered delicate, but the good thing was that she had a good personality, her face came from her heart, making her look comfortable.

During the meeting in the afternoon, it was inevitable that Song Changfeng and Tan Xi would run into each other.

Tan Xi's smile was appropriate, and he didn't give Song Changfeng any embarrassment, nor was he too familiar, as if he was just an ordinary colleague who cooperated with each other tacitly.

On the contrary, Song Changfeng always had some guilt on his face.

At the end of the meeting, Tan Xi nodded with Ning Guiwan holding the documents, and walked out calmly with his head raised.

When everyone else left, Ning Guiwan looked at Song Changfeng, "Sister Xi has let go, why do you look reluctant?"

Song Changfeng lit a cigarette and took a few puffs while sitting in his seat. When he was studying in the UK, he was a celebrity in the circle of overseas students. She has a stable temperament, and she looks like a professional elite in a suit and leather shoes.

It can't be blamed that Tan Xi has been with him day and night for several years and has developed feelings for him.

"She is a good woman, but I don't know how to cherish it." Song Changfeng's expression was flat, and he didn't have much regret except guilt.

A good woman is suitable for life without necessities, but a beautiful and sexy woman like Zhang Ziyan can easily ignite a man's passion.

Ning Guiwan nodded and said with a smile: "You have indeed lost a good partner."

After a pause, she asked him: "Do you still have contact with Zhang Ziyan?"

She is not someone who likes to meddle in other people's private affairs, but Zhang Ziyan obviously has evil intentions, and she doesn't want Song Changfeng to get too entangled with her.

Song Changfeng took two deep puffs of the cigarette, and slowly exhaled a long puff of green mist, before he said in a self-deprecating tone: "She, you must have forgotten me."


At a quarter past five, Ning Guiwan received a call from Quan Yu to make a dinner appointment.

Ning Guiwan smiled softly, a woman who is less than 23 years old is actually a girl, when she chuckles, her voice is soft and pleasant, and she can scratch people's hearts through the phone.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Quan, I have an appointment with someone else."

Over there, Quan Yu's voice was low, with the magnetism unique to men, "Tan Xi?"

Ning Guiwan was stunned for a moment, but after he was stunned, he realized that Tianchi had people from UBS, Tan Xi must have reported it when he came back, and Tan Xi has a good relationship with her, now that he is back, she naturally wants to treat her to dinner.

"Hmm," she replied.

"Where are you going to eat? I'll pick you up after eating."

"It's not decided yet, I'll call you later."


At seven o'clock in the evening, Tan Xi said that she wanted to eat hot pot, and Ning Guiwan must have followed her, but the two of them were deserted, so she pulled Ren Xiaofei along.

Ren Xiaofei was so moved that she followed with tears in her eyes.

The three of them ordered mandarin duck soup base and several bottles of beer.

After drinking, Tan Xi's cheeks turned red, she pinched the ceramic cup and asked Ning Guiwan: "I also saw the matter of Ning Rongyue and Ning Qinghan, what are you going to do?"

Ning Guiwan did not shy away from it, "There is nothing to do."

After a moment of silence, she said again: "Mr. Ning has known about this for a long time, whether I know it or not will not have much impact."

"But the loss of Ning Qinghan's child is none of your business, your father... Did Mr. Ning call you to say something?"

Ning Guiwan took a sip of beer and didn't answer.

But the answer is obvious.

Tan Xi and Ren Xiaofei exchanged glances, how can a daughter not want her father to love her, Ning Guiwan didn't show anything on her face, and she felt uncomfortable after all.

Tan Xi felt a little sorry for bringing up such an unappetizing topic. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone, "Let me show you the fat boy my sister-in-law added to our family."

She found the photo and showed it to Ning Guiwan, Ren Xiaofei approached from the other side.

The child in the photo is four or five months old, white and fat, with big black eyes and cute.

Ning Guiwan looked at it, and also felt a little liking, Tan Xi swipe the photos while explaining the interesting things about the little guy, Ning Guiwan slowly smiled.

After looking at a dozen or so, Tan Xi slid his fingers to the next one.

That photo was not of Tan Xi's little nephew, but a photo of a new couple.

The groom is very old, he looks to be in his 40s, with small eyes and high cheekbones, and a very thin stature, but the bride is only in her twenties and looks very beautiful.

Originally, this was not enough to attract Ning Guiwan's attention, but when he saw the groom's face, his eyes tightened.

Tan Xi didn't want to introduce these two people to his friends and colleagues, so he subconsciously slid to the next one.

But Ning Guiwan stopped him.

"Who is this man?" Ning Guiwan stared at the couple without a trace of expression on his face, and his whole body became cold several degrees.

Tan Xi felt that her reaction was a bit strange, but she still replied: "He, my neighbor."

Ning Guiwan stared at the man's face without saying a word.

Tan Xi faintly sensed something, and said again: "He used to be lazy, and he drove for others outside. I heard that he was fond of gambling and lost a lot of money. Four years ago, he was sentenced to several years in prison for killing someone while driving while fatigued." , just came out a few months ago."

"After I came out, I got rich. I don't know where I got a sum of money. I built a small villa in my hometown, bought an Audi, and married a beautiful wife with a high betrothal gift."

 A huge conspiracy, I wrote it to pieces
(End of this chapter)

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