Jiaotai, the richest man in the right door

Chapter 159 Chapter 159: Seeing the Sun Through the Clouds 2 More

Chapter 159 Chapter 159: Seeing the Sun Through the Clouds (11) Second Watch

Ning Guiwan slowly turned her head and looked at Tan Xi.

"Have you prospered since you got out of prison?" She repeated Tan Xi's message, word by word, obviously without a trace of emotion, but so solemn that the scalps of the two people next to her shivered.

"What's wrong? Do you know him?" Tan Xi asked.

Ning Guiwan turned her eyes to the groom again, and smiled coldly, "The person he hit and killed was my mother."

Tan Xi was taken aback.

I didn't expect such a coincidence.

Thinking about getting rich after being released from prison...

"You suspect that the accident back then was not an accident?" Tan Xi immediately thought of this.

Ning Guiwan's eyes were heavy, she didn't think about it at first, but the moment she saw this photo, her heart skipped a beat.

How can a man in his 40s who has been in prison and looks so ugly marry a beautiful girl in her early twenties?
unless you have money.

A person who was penniless four years ago and just got out of prison a few months ago, where did he get the money?

Ning Guiwan's face turned pale. She never thought that the car accident back then was not an accident. Four years ago, her ruin was planned by someone, and her mother's car accident was planned by someone. What else was planned by the person behind it?
Because of this big event, the three of them lost the mood to eat and drink, Ning Guiwan told Tan Xi and Ren Xiaofei not to startle the snake, and it was only after nine o'clock when the show ended.

Ning Guiwan called Quan Yu, the phone connected, and before she could speak, Quan Yu's pleasant voice came out from the phone: "Come out."

As soon as the three of them went out, they saw a calm black SUV parked on the side of the road. Quan Yu was dressed in black and was leaning lightly on the side of the rear door.

When Tan Xi saw this situation, he wanted to tease him, but when he saw Ning Guiwan's complexion was not good, he said nothing, he and Ren Xiaofei greeted Quan Yu, and left first.

Ning Guiwan wore a red coat, her hair was permed into charming and lazy big waves, falling on her shoulders one after another, her red lips were hot.

When the two came together, they were very eye-catching.

There were even little girls passing by taking pictures of them with their mobile phones.

Probably forgot to turn off the sound effect, and when the shutter was pressed, there was a click.

Quan Yu originally lowered his head and was about to talk to Ning Guiwan, his eyes were full of tenderness, when he heard the voice, he turned his head to look, his eyes were cold and powerful.

The little girl was very embarrassed at being caught, but when she met his menacing eyes, her face changed. Even though Quan Yu didn't say anything, she apologized incoherently, and hurriedly deleted the photo.

Not knowing whether it was the cold night or the chill in his heart, Ning Guiwan instinctively felt the cold all over his body, and unconsciously tightened his coat.

Quan Yu stretched out his long arms and brought her into his arms.

Sitting in the car, Ning Guiwan was about to speak when Quan Yu spoke first: "What happened?"

Ning Guiwan has been calm since seeing that photo, but now being held in Quan Yu's arms and asking, she couldn't help but blushed, "My mother died in a car accident back then, I'm afraid it wasn't an accident."

Quan Yu's eyes froze obviously.

"How to say?"

Ning Guiwan showed Quan Yu the photo of the couple that Tan Xi had sent to her mobile phone, and told him her own analysis.

Quan Yu listened, his eyes darkened.

"Don't worry, leave this to me." He shook Ning Guiwan's hand vigorously.

Ning Guiwan leaned in the man's warm and generous embrace, closed her eyes, and carefully sorted out the things that happened four years ago and after she returned to China, some details that seemed unimportant at the time were played back in her mind one by one.

After a long time, she opened her eyes and looked at the man who was close at hand. The light inside the car was dim, so she couldn't see his expression clearly, but the angular outline was clear.

"I want to see Uncle Quan. Can you make an appointment for me?"

Quan Yu kissed her lightly on the lips, his voice was low and magnetic: "Leave it to me."


At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Ning Guiwan met Heng Heng at a quaint teahouse in the east of the city.

My mother often came to this teahouse during her lifetime, and sometimes brought Ning Guiwan over, but at that time Ning Guiwan had no interest in drinking tea and was often impatient.

Four years later, she tasted the tea from this shop seriously for the first time.

Heng Heng sat across from her, looking at the girl in front of her in an ancient style dress with long straight hair hanging down her waist, and fell into long-term contemplative memories.

Especially the way Ning Guiwan sips tea quietly with downcast eyes, very much like the former Chi Tingshuang.

Ning Guiwan blew the froth off the surface of the tea, took two sips elegantly and dignifiedly, and suddenly said, "My mother passed away four years ago, does Uncle Quan still love her?"

After weighing the balance, he came back to his senses, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his elegant and mature face, "The old man has passed away, and you and your mother look alike, which inevitably reminds people of her."

Ning Guiwan didn't play Tai Chi with him, and said bluntly: "Four years ago, my mother didn't come back all night, does Uncle Quan know what happened?"

These words made Heng Heng look surprised and ugly.

"Your mother is gone, why do you insult her innocence by talking?"

Ning Guiwan sneered coldly, "I know better than you what kind of person my mother is. She will never do anything out of line, so something must have happened that night, please tell Uncle Quan truthfully."

Weighed in silence for a while.

Ask her: "How do you know it's about me?"

Ning Guiwan glanced at him, "Uncle Quan, you have her in your eyes, anyone with a little heart can see it."

There was another silence on the balance.

It took him a long time to talk about that night, and this was the first time he mentioned it to someone, "That night, we met at a reception, because I helped her with some things before, and she came over and said a few words to me. Thank you, and then we parted."

"Later, I was drunk, and when I regained consciousness, I was... unexpectedly with Shuang'er."

"Shuang'er doesn't remember what happened, but one thing is certain, we didn't do anything against the rules."

Ning Guiwan clenched the teacup tightly, the bones in his hand turned white, "So, you were tricked?"

The trade-off is not denied.

"Who?" Ning Guiwan asked again.

He weighed and looked at her, but didn't speak.

Ning Guiwan lowered her eyes and took a sip of tea, the bitter tea soup slid down her throat, she said casually, "He Yunjing, is that right?"

She suddenly chuckled, "Let me guess, you had a relationship with my mother when we were young, and you should have a pretty good relationship, but for some reason, you married He Yunjing, but, what do you do to my mother? Her mind has not changed, and she did not hide it tightly, but was discovered by He Yunjing."

"He Yunjing had a miscarriage when she was young and was infertile. She felt miserable at first, but you didn't get close to her. When you found out that you loved someone else in your heart, it was unavoidable that you were unbalanced and resentful."

"So I designed this one, but her purpose is not to destroy you, of course, she is not kind enough to make you love each other. She should use this to ruin my mother's happiness, and hold you to make you feel sorry for her." She does what she says, doesn't she?"

 Next time, I must write the romance quietly, and don't engage in these conspiracies, Mou Yao is really not good at it
(End of this chapter)

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