Chapter 323 The Killer Arrives
This night, Park Zhengtai spent in excitement.The thought of being able to clean up Ye Guzhou tomorrow and get back the lost banknotes of more than 6000 million yuan made him so excited that he couldn't sleep.So much so that when he woke up the next morning, he was staring at the two dark circles eating at the same table as his father.

"Zhengtai, did you not rest last night? Why do you have two dark circles under your eyes..." At the dining table, seeing his son's appearance, Park Zhengtai's father, the ambassador of Bangzi Kingdom to Kyoto, couldn't help asking .It's just that the words he said were too good to be true, but the other people standing aside almost burst out laughing.

Although these people are all from Bangzi, they have been in Kyoto for so long, so they naturally understand some knowledge about China.For example, what does this Zhengtai represent in Huaxia...

Looking at these guys who want to laugh but dare not, Park Zhengtai's expression is extremely ugly.Just yesterday, Ye Guzhou made fun of 'whoring Zhengtai', and now these guys dare to make fun of his name, immediately, Park Zhengtai gave them a vicious look.If it wasn't for his Lao Tzu being here, Park Zhengtai would probably do it!
Stared at by Park Zhengtai, the other people in the embassy immediately lowered their heads and ate on their own, not daring to show any other expressions.

At this time, a staff member of the embassy came to the dining place and said to the ambassador of the Bangzi country: "Ambassador, some businessmen from our Bangzi country came outside and said that it was the first time they came to this capital. , I hope the embassy can help!"

Hearing this, Park Zhengtai's eyes lit up immediately, and he secretly thought in his heart that those killers must have arrived.Before his father could speak, Park Zhengtai stood up immediately, and said with a straight face: "Father, leave this matter to me. They are all my compatriots, and I must help."

Seeing his son's stern face, Ambassador Bangziguo nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, you must entertain them well and give them strong help!"

"Don't worry, father!" Pu Zhengtai didn't have time to talk, and quickly put down the bowl in his hand, and ran out of the dining hall.

Seeing his son actively offer help for the first time, the ambassador of the Bangzi Kingdom was overjoyed: "Okay, my ignorant son has finally grown up and become sensible!"

However, if you let him know what Park Zhengtai wants to do, he probably won't think so, and may even tie him up directly and give him a severe lesson.

In the living room of the embassy, ​​there were seven or eight white and thin men leaning leisurely on the sofa, with a cup of hot water and some fruits beside them.Seems to be treated well...

"Brother, what is the mission this time? Do you want all our brothers to come here? Isn't it a bit of a mobilization..." Among the seven or eight men, one of them was the only one who seemed to be a little muscular. Doubtfully looked at the man leaning against the front row.People who don't know the fluent Huaxia language will think they are from Huaxia.

The elder brother who was resting his eyes with his eyes twitched up, without opening his eyes, said with a hint of disdain in his tone: "It's just cleaning up one."

Pack a person?

These words immediately surprised the others, do we need to come together to clean up a person?This is really a bit exciting.

"Hehe, don't think about it. Anyway, the superior ordered us to come here, and we will work hard. Those who work in our line of work may die one day. Why do you care about so much? We only need to know how to work Afterwards, you can use the money to be chic!" The elder brother closed his eyes and waved his hands, signaling his brother to stop talking.

"But, brother..."

"Stop talking, someone is coming!" Just as someone spoke, the elder brother opened his eyes.

Kacha, the door of the reception room was pushed open, and Park Zhengtai rushed in with an excited expression on his face.

With a bang, the door of the reception room made a loud bang.Fortunately, these doors are of good quality, otherwise they would have to be reimbursed if they hit them a few times.

When seeing these seven or eight white and thin men sitting on the sofa, Park Zhengtai's face was startled, and he looked at these people in surprise: "These thin people are really the few who came to me A killer? Make no mistake!"

However, before Park Zhengtai could speak, the elder brother stood up and smiled politely at Park Zhengtai: "Mr. Park Zhengtai, you are here. We talked on the phone last night."

It really is them!

Park Zhengtai's eyes were not good, and he looked at the seven or eight men lacking in interest, and then he sat down slowly without speaking.

"You... are you really able?" Park Zhengtai was really skeptical. Can these thin and weak guys really kill the prince of Kyoto, Ye Guzhou?Since he has an extraordinary status, there must be some bodyguards secretly protecting him.

The rumors about Ye Guzhou being a master are all spread among the top levels of some warriors.It is impossible for Park Zhengtai to know this, so from his point of view... Ye Guzhou is just an ordinary person, at most he has more bodyguards around him.

Hearing Park Zhengtai's words, these men were not angry.They seem to have taken it for granted. After all, such a thin body is indeed doubtful.

However, just as Park Zhengtai finished speaking, he saw the thinnest one among these people, walking out silently, then raised his foot fiercely, and stepped fiercely on the marble pavement under his feet. floor.

When the footsteps fell, there was only a click, and cracks suddenly appeared on the marble floor, spreading like spider webs.

However, this man didn't end there yet. Just after he stepped down, he saw his body speeding up suddenly, and a swift punch hit the solid wood coffee table beside him. .With a bang, this coffee table, which was nearly ten centimeters thick, fell apart.

"Hiss... this... is this powerful force really erupting from this thin body?" Seeing this scene, Park Zhengtai took a deep breath.But there is a smile on his face, with such a strong power, are you afraid that you won't be able to kill Ye Guzhou?

This Pu Zhengtai was already proud of himself, as if he had seen the scene where Ye Guzhou's neck was severely broken.

"Mr. Park Zhengtai, I think we can talk now?" The elder brother looked at the shocked Park Zhengtai with a proud face.

"Talk...Of course we can talk!" Park Zhengtai suddenly woke up, and then started talking with these people.

On the phone yesterday, Park Zhengtai didn't just say that the person he was going to deal with was the Prince of Kyoto. After all, once he revealed his identity, he was really afraid that the other party would be frightened, so he didn't dare to send someone over.

And when Park Zhengtai said that Ye Guzhou was going to be dealt with, the seven or eight men were stunned and looked at Park Zhengtai in surprise.

"Mr. Park Zhengtai, I think you should understand that the person you want us to deal with has an extremely special status. Once something happens to him, the consequences will definitely not be something we can handle. seem to pay us less A little bit!"

The eldest brother of this group of men said lightly.He didn't directly refuse in person, but started to negotiate terms, which shows that in the hearts of this group of guys, as long as the price is right, everything can be considered.

Park Zhengtai was already prepared to be bargained, and asked directly what the big brother wanted in return.

And that big brother said something important, he wanted to ask for instructions, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.A moment later, when he hung up the phone, he said to Park Zhengtai with a flat face: "Mr. But it is going to be 20.00%!"

All of a sudden, it was reduced by 15.00%, which is a huge sum of money.

Hearing this, Park Zhengtai frowned and said, "No, 5.00% is too low...[-]%!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Park Zhengtai, you may not understand the seriousness of this. The person you are going to deal with has an unusual identity. If we don't kill him directly, then once he has a clue, we will all have to Die. So, you are spending money to buy peace!" This elder brother spoke very directly, telling you clearly, you should honestly agree, otherwise don't blame us for not doing our best when the time comes, let him find You will be blamed on us.

These words really scared Park Zhengtai, and after thinking about it, he agreed.

And when he agreed, the elder brother turned his mouth up, and thought to himself: This guy really has no brains at all, so he was frightened.What the above said is to reduce it to 5.00%. In this way, our brothers accounted for [-]%!

After everything was settled, the seven or eight men left the embassy.Before leaving, I told Park Zhengtai that within three days, there will be a result!
Park Zhengtai was naturally full of excitement and sent these people out.

At this time, Ye Guzhou didn't know that he was being targeted, and he leisurely drove the Ferrari he won from Park Zhengtai to Kyoto University.

Fortunately, this guy still remembered that he was a student, so he skipped two days of classes in a row.This record, among the freshmen of this class, is definitely at the top of the list.

When Ye Guzhou's new Ferrari drove into the school, it naturally aroused everyone's amazement.Among them were some pretty girls who kept blinking at Ye Guzhou.

It looked like he had an eye disease.

Along the way, Ye Guzhou sighed: It seems that my brother's charm is not as good as a car!
(End of this chapter)

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