Chapter 447 So It's A Boyfriend

Tang Xueyao, this woman, can be regarded as a scheming woman. The first time she saw Ye Guzhou, Tan Xueyao did not immediately show contemptuous eyes like everyone else, but immediately stood behind Ye Guzhou.One is to push Ye Guzhou to the front line, and the other is to see what the boyfriend Laner is looking for is capable.

Of course, for safety's sake, she took out her mobile phone immediately and sent text messages to several people in the box on the eighth floor.

Looking at Mr. Li coldly, Ye Guzhou's expression was very bad.This guy who doesn't know how to live or die actually asks his own woman to eat and drink with him?Where do you put your face?

If it gets out, and it is said that he is the grand prince of Kyoto, who can't even protect his girlfriend, how will he meet people in the future?Therefore, when Mr. Li was speaking, Ye Guzhou had already stood up.At the same time, there were three other people, Fatty Wei.

As soon as these four people stood up, an inexplicable momentum immediately swept the audience.Just like the generals going out to fight, it is simply not something that other people can resist.

Mr. Li, who was originally drunk, was so frightened that his body softened and he lay on the ground straight.

"Wow... no way? What's going on? Isn't this Li Wandan usually quite awesome, why did he just lie down after seeing each other today? Could it be that he drank too much?" Tang Xueyao was startled, This Mr. Li's performance really shocked her.

Thinking of Mr. Li's arrogance on weekdays, compared with today's scene, she really didn't react at all.However, she still believed that it should be because Mr. Li drank too much.

This fall also woke up Mr. Li.Stupidly looking at Ye Guzhou who looked so high and high in front of him, a surge of anger in his heart rushed straight to his forehead.Then he yelled at his subordinates: "You are all fucking pigs... Kill him, kill him..."

This Mr. Li was really angry, and he was about to kill someone as soon as he opened his mouth.Moreover, what he said this time is very straightforward, this is Ye Guzhou's life.

The most important thing is that those of his subordinates, without the slightest hesitation, looked at Ye Guzhou and rushed over directly.Even before they started, they should all have daggers in their hands.This is a murder weapon... To even carry this kind of murder weapon with you, how courageous you are!

In an instant, Tang Xueyao, who was hiding behind her, immediately screamed.It is true that she is a bit cautious, but in the face of a real fight, this snack machine is just a child's play.Seeing these daggers coming out so suddenly, and the fierce killers, he couldn't help but screamed out for a while.

And her cry immediately made Fatty Wei, Bai Chi and Chen Nuo who were standing beside them move.Even Ye Guzhou didn't even make a move, Fatty Wei and the three of them had already kicked the three of them away.

To deal with this kind of little guy, for Ye Guzhou and the others, it's not a problem at all.However, these people are ordinary people, and they can't bear too much damage at all. Therefore, when Fatty Wei and the others do it, they are more careful.At most, it is to break a few ribs, well, this is still relatively acceptable.

Although Mr. Li's subordinates compare prices more, how could these wine bags and rice bags be the opponents of Fatty Wei and others?Teach them a lesson, it will never take a minute, those people are already lying on the ground and howling!

Coincidentally, at this time, the elevator door opened, and those people who were in the box on the eighth floor all hurried out.And the one who walked in the front was that sword brother before.

The moment he came out, seeing these people on the ground, this sword brother was not as shocked as the others. On the contrary, he arrived at Zhou Laner's side immediately, and then looked at Zhou Laner gently, as if wanting to He went to hold Lan'er's hand, but Lan'er avoided him.

"Lan'er, are you okay?" Brother Jian called out affectionately, his face was full of worry, and then he said, "Don't worry, I will definitely not let Li Fang go."

Li Fang, it should be the name of Mr. Li on the ground.

Zhou Lan'er didn't speak, just nodded lightly, and then snuggled into Ye Guzhou's arms calmly, as if she was looking for protection.This scene made the sword brother very shocked, but he didn't show it, but looked up at Ye Guzhou.In the eyes, there was a glimmer of brilliance.

"Oh, you're Lan'er's boyfriend, right? Hehe, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Yu Jian. I grew up with Lan'er. Our relationship has always been very good. I heard her say today We found a boyfriend, and we are really happy for her. I didn't expect it to be you..."

As soon as this Yu Jian opened his mouth, he made clear his relationship with Zhou Lan'er, he was a childhood sweetheart.This is telling Ye Guzhou that Lan'er and I have known each other for much longer than you.I know Lan'er better than you, especially the last sentence I didn't expect to be you... This is clearly looking down on Ye Guzhou.

That's right, when you come to the Pearl Hotel, you wear such 'shabby' clothes, it's really hard for people to look up to.

How could Ye Guzhou not hear the contempt in Yu Jian's words?I sighed helplessly in my heart: Hey, my brother didn't want to pretend to be aggressive, but since you are so enthusiastic, if you don't pretend, I'm really sorry for you!

Then, Ye Guzhou nodded to Yu Jian: "Oh, you're welcome. So my name has already been spread here? Judging from Brother Jian's tone, it seems that he has known me for a long time. Oh, this People, it’s not good to be too famous. When I look around, I meet fans as soon as I go out, and I’m still a child. Oh, since everyone is friends, and you still worship me so much, I will I'll give you an autograph."

After speaking, Ye Guzhou took out a pen from his pocket and was about to sign Yu Yu Jian's collar.

Ye Guzhou's appearance made the surrounding people dumbfounded for a while.Can't help but look at Zhou Lan'er at the side, where did you find the best product?People just said "I didn't expect it to be you", and you really took advantage of the slope to get off the donkey.You really think of yourself as a celebrity... Can't you hear the contempt in these words?

All of a sudden, the originally high-ranking young master suddenly became a small fan?This status has dropped a bit...

Seeing the change in Yu Jian's face, Ye Guzhou smiled slightly in his heart, he still wants to fight with himself, are you kidding me?
After a little bit of testing, Ye Guzhou has already seen whether Yu Jian's city is deep or not.After this guy heard what he said just now, his face changed instantly. It was obviously a sign that the city was not deep enough.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Yu Jian chuckled: "Hehe, this young master is joking. But... you beat up Li Fang's people today, so it's really troublesome... This Li Fang is from Mingzhu City. The son of a high-ranking city official!"


When these words came out, Ye Guzhou couldn't help being taken aback, and stared blankly at Li Fang who was lying on the ground?This guy turned out to be the son of a high-ranking official in Mingzhu City?No wonder... she has a good status, no wonder she dares to be so arrogant!

It's just that Ye Guzhou, a high-ranking official in Mingzhu City, really didn't pay attention.However, this is not the point. The point now is that after seeing Ye Guzhou's surprise for a moment, Yu Jian and others have concluded that Ye Guzhou's absolutely impossible to be higher than this Li Fang.That brief moment of stunned was already classified as fear by them.

"It turned out to be just a little guy, I thought Lan'er had found a great man!" With a cold snort of disdain in his heart, this Yu Jian even looked at Ye Guzhou with contempt.

How could a small person who is feared even by a high-ranking city official be a competitor of the majestic young master of the Yu family?
His Yu family is a generation of martial arts family. It has been passed down for almost 800 years so far. It is extremely powerful and rich.This kind of identity made Yu Jian in a kind of superiority since he was a child.I don't look down on other people at all...

"Oh, but... this brother, don't be afraid. Although my Yu family is not as big as a big family, it still has a little influence. As long as you come with me to beg my father, maybe my father will be happy, I will help you solve this matter. Just a high-ranking city official, my Yu family can still take it down." Yu Jian seemed to be very concerned and said to Ye Guzhou, the smug look on his face made that Fatty Wei and Bai Chi a few People are very upset.

If I hadn't seen Ye Guzhou's eyes, I'm afraid I would have gone up and beat him up...

"Really? It turns out that brother Jian still has such a background in fighting, alas, it is really disrespectful!" Ye Guzhou hurriedly shook his fist at Yu Jian, as if it was an expression of enthusiasm.This made Yu Jian very useful. Just when he was about to taunt Ye Guzhou again, unexpectedly Ye Guzhou waved his hand suddenly, and then said in a flat tone, "But... no matter how powerful your family is, does it have anything to do with me?"


This sentence immediately made Yu Jian speechless, as if he was stuck in his throat by a fishbone, very upset.

Yes, how is your family and what does it have to do with others?

I originally wanted to use your family background to make Ye Guzhou retreat, but who knows, Ye Guzhou doesn't care about your family background at all.It's like, you have peerless martial arts and ask others to compete, but they refuse, you can't come hard yet.This feeling... very uncomfortable!

While Ye Guzhou was talking to Yu Jiansu, Li Fang on the ground had already taken out his mobile phone and called for help.And the person he called for help was naturally his Lao Tzu...

After the phone call, Ye Guzhou watched him finish the call calmly, and then asked: "Then what... If there is anything else you want to call, let's call together!"

Arrogant, Ye Guzhou is also so arrogant sometimes.

His appearance made Yu Jian's heart tremble. Could it be that this guy is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

In an instant, Yu Jian began to look at Ye Guzhou and the others again.Looking at it this way, I really saw the problem. Among these people, there was a warrior, and he was about to break through the innate realm!This person, of course, is Bai Chi!

Among these few people, he could tell that Si Baichi was weaker.

"No wonder he is so bold. He has a martial artist bodyguard for his feelings. This is the capital of his arrogance... However, a mere acquired martial artist is not enough to prove it!" Yu Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Ye Guzhou with a half-smile , seems to be thinking about how to see him make a fool of himself in a while.

This is the heart of the little people, who always just think that they are the most powerful!And this is destined to lead to their tragedy!
"Hehe, look at me... still don't know the name of this brother? Also, brother, where are you from? You are really lucky to be friends with Lan'er!" With a chuckle, Yu Jian said to Ye Guzhou.

Be friends with Lan'er?This guy is unilaterally dissolving the relationship between Ye Guzhou and Lan'er's boyfriend and girlfriend!

" name is Ye Guzhou, and I'm still a student! Lan'er takes care of me on weekdays..." Ye Guzhou said indifferently.

Lan'er took care of him?So you're still a poor dick?So this Houtian warrior should be a friend, not a bodyguard?

For a moment, Ye Guzhou's identity was demoted to nothing by this Yu Jian!In an instant, the men and women who were with Yu Jian all showed disdainful eyes.It turned out to be a little boy...

(End of this chapter)

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