Chapter 448 Start Comparing

Little white face?
At this moment, Ye Guzhou was misunderstood by people like Yu Jian as a boy.This also caused them to look down on Ye Guzhou even more... Even the eyes of those women looking at Ye Guzhou were full of contempt.

Looking at the eyes of these people, Ye Guzhou just smiled lightly.He couldn't be more familiar with these eyes. He remembered that when he was still in high school, at that time, he would be stared at by these eyes almost every day.

However, it is not the past now, people who dare to stare at Ye Guzhou with such eyes, until now, seem to have no good end.Even the future father-in-law, Zhou Kang...was scared to death before!

"Oh, so Mr. Ye is still a student? Oh, it seems that he really has a bright future... However, I really didn't realize that Lan'er still has this hobby. You are so interested!" Seeing Ye Guzhou's appearance, Tang Xueyao stood up again.It seems that after having this Yu Jian, this Tang Xueyao became a little more courageous.

The meaning of these words is already obvious, it is to despise Ye Guzhou as a poor guy, a little boy, and Zhou Laner only seeks him out for fun.After all, some children of rich families will have this hobby.

At the same time, while talking, this Tang Xueyao deliberately raised the bag in her hand and the watch on her wrist: "Oh, it's so late? It's already seven o'clock, should we go up and eat together?" Dinner? I'm really hungry, and... don't wait for our elementary school brother to worry. This may be his first and last time to eat at this kind of place. When ordering later, try to Just a little more expensive!"

This Tang Xueyao seemed to be aiming at Ye Guzhou on purpose, such an obvious irony, even a fool could already hear it.Especially at the moment when she raised her hand, the famous watch worth hundreds of thousands on her wrist was what she wanted to show off.

And after she finished speaking, this Tang Xueyao glanced in Yu Jian's direction, as if she was watching Yu Jian's reaction.In other words, this Tang Xueyao did so much, just to show Yu Jian.It seems that this Tang Xueyao just likes Yu Jian in her heart.

However, the contrast is too great, and the words are a little too naked.Even Zhou Lan'er couldn't help frowning when he said this.

"Xueyao, what do you mean? I brought my boyfriend here to introduce you today, not to ridicule you!" Zhou Lan'er turned out to be very strong, and directly confronted Tang Xueyao.

This appearance really made Tang Xueyao stunned.Although her Tang family has a good family background, compared with the Zhou family, it is still too weak.Facing Zhou Lan'er's confrontation, Tang Xueyao was speechless for a while.

However, among this group of people, there are obviously some with good family backgrounds.Seeing Zhou Lan'er say that about Tang Xueyao, a handsome man came out immediately, and chuckled lightly: "This... Lan'er, don't be angry. You know who Xueyao is. Ah. But it’s just a matter of speaking quickly... But, I also think he’s right. I won’t beat around the bush. Brother Jian has been chasing you for so long. Not only did you not agree, but you also became a poor dick Girlfriend, isn't it a little bad for you to do this?"

Direct, this is too direct!Ye Guzhou didn't expect such an appearance at all.When he has nothing to do, Ye Guzhou also reads pretentious novels. According to the plot, when meeting friends and so on, he should be eating in the private room, and slowly start to pretend.If it’s not so direct, let’s make it clear, shall we?

"Hey, it seems that you can't believe everything in this book!" With a sigh, Ye Guzhou shook his head helplessly.

And this shaking of his head was indeed regarded as an expression of incompetence.After Yu Jian saw it, he couldn't help showing a smile, the corners of his mouth raised, very proud.

Friends are so supportive, and his own conditions are also good, this Yu Jian is already very complacent.

Walking over slowly, Fatty Wei smiled at Ye Guzhou, and said, "That...Little Yezi, this situation is very different from the plot in the book we read before! What should we do? Is it just like this? But Isn't that too much pleasure to face?"

Fatty Wei's words stunned everyone around him?Slap in the face?The plot in the book?What are these...

"Okay, stop pretending. You should also know that Zhou Lan'er has a good family background. If you are really poor, it is impossible for the two of you to be together. I advise you to separate... After all, Not every man can afford a good one and give it to his girlfriend!" It was that Tang Xueyao again, while speaking, she raised the bracelet, watch, ring, necklace around her neck... etc. Everything was valuable s things!
The sum of these jewelry alone is at least several million, which is financial resources.

But with such little financial resources, it is really too ridiculous to dare to show off in front of Ye Guzhou!
Zhou Lan'er's body began to tremble violently, and she seemed to be about to curse, but was stopped by Ye Guzhou.Afterwards, seeing that Ye Guzhou was very casual, he took out something wrapped in a tissue from his pocket, and handed it to Zhou Lan'er.

"Lan'er, I gave it to you. I thought I would come home to you at night, but if your friend wants to see what I gave you, just show it to your friend. After all, life may be such a chance! "Ye Guzhou seemed to start to refute, how could it be Fanpin who could be chosen by him to give to Zhou Lan'er?

Zhou Lan'er gently opened the tissue in her hand, and in an instant, a ray of light flickered directly.This light is even brighter than the lights in the lobby, enough to blind the eyes.

The moment this ray of light appeared, Yu Jian's whole body became excited, his heart was already beating so hard.

As soon as this light appeared, Yu Jian felt as if he was taking a bath, very comfortable, and even the true energy in his body began to accelerate.In an instant, Yu Jian understood... This thing wrapped in a tissue must be a treasure!
"So...such a treasure...wrapped in a paper towel?" Yu Jian was going crazy, he concluded that this Ye Guzhou must be an idiot who doesn't understand anything.That's why he wrapped such a precious treasure with a tissue.

Baby, this baby, you must get it!
This was Yu Jian's first thought!
This burst of light immediately attracted everyone in the lobby.When seeing the thing in Zhou Laner's hand, almost every woman went crazy.

"Is this... is this really for me?" Zhou Lan'er was completely dumbfounded, looking at the thing in her hand, she stuttered for a while!

Needless to say, this thing must be very precious.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Guzhou smiled slightly.The one that was given to Zhou Lan'er was just a necklace, but this necklace was buckled by Ye Guzhou with top-quality spirit stones, and then carefully condensed, adding Ye Guzhou's strength, it can be said It's a magic weapon.

Such a spiritual weapon was just casually given to Zhou Lan'er, which shows that this Lan'er is still very important in Ye Guzhou's heart.

The luxury of the spirit weapon is impossible to match.For a moment, Tang Xueyao felt that the things on her neck, wrists, and fingers were rubbish at all!

Thinking of what she said before, Tang Xueyao suddenly felt her face was burning hot.My boyfriend gave so many pieces, none of them can compare to the one Ye Guzhou took out at random...

Those who can enter the Pearl Hotel are all people with status, of course they have discernment, so naturally they will not think that this thing is a fake.

Slap in the face... Tang Xueyao just felt that someone had slapped her face hard. Are you embarrassed to show it off?

However, Ye Guzhou seemed to feel that the slap in the face was not loud enough, and then added a fire.

Don't you children of rich families love money?Don't you all think I'm a dick?Alright, today I will smash you to death with money!
Swish, swish, Ye Guzhou's pocket was like a bottomless pit, he took out a series of things continuously, and then handed them all to Zhou Lan'er.

As soon as these things appeared... There was no more sound in the lobby, and everyone was dumbfounded.A pair of big eyes stared at the things in Zhou Lan'er's arms.

"Come on, Lan'er, this watch is very suitable for you...Take it on!"

"Hey, the bracelet is nice too...the earrings are nice too, and the lady's watch..."

Holding expensive things, Ye Guzhou seemed to be doing it on purpose, speaking loudly, and every time he picked up something, he would take a special look at Tang Xueyao and other powerful people.

Just this one glance has already made these people a little bit unbearable.

Everything that Ye Guzhou picked up was from major international brands, and each item was limited edition.That watch alone... is already worth several million, and it is full of diamonds, which is extremely luxurious...

Every time these pieces came out, the hearts of the people around Yu Jian trembled.

Ye Guzhou saw clearly that among these people, Yu Jian was the only one who was a Lianjiazi, and the others were ordinary people, at most they just had money!
Since you care so much about money, I will use money to blind your eyes.

Looking at the things in Zhou Lan'er's hands, Tang Xueyao and the others were speechless.If such local tyrants are still poor, then they are beggars!
This slap in the face immediately made it difficult for them to step down.

"Hmph, what's the big deal, it's just a nouveau riche. When my father arrives, I will definitely arrest you!" At this moment, Li Fang opened his mouth suddenly. This guy is the son of a high-ranking official in Mingzhu City, which represents power. .

Ye Guzhou was taken aback for a moment, then smiled?Is this more powerful than financial resources?

(End of this chapter)

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