Chapter 471
Just let Nielong beat Ye Cheng there, while Ye Guzhou didn't move at all, just stood there, without the slightest intention to go forward to help.

This sudden change made Nielong's avatar and even Nielong feel strange.

However, since Ye Guzhou didn't even make a move, the sage who is the avatar naturally didn't dare to stop it.I can only stand aside and watch this.However, the more you watch this scene, the more disturbing you feel.After Ye Cheng was beaten by Nielong for a while, he was no longer human...

However, because of the black and yellow aura above his head and the light of merit and virtue on his body, there is no sign of death.Even, after every bleeding, his life force will become more vigorous.A quarter of an hour later, the power of life in Ye Cheng's body had reached the limit.The huge vitality has even begun to slowly seep out of his body.

"This is... such a strong life force, how is this possible! Why after my beating, not only did he not die, but the vitality in his body was even more vigorous. Just this vitality is almost catching up with Half of mine!" Nielong was shocked, Ye Cheng's change made him stop beating Ye Cheng immediately.I was afraid that with the next punch, Ye Chengcheng would become even stronger.

With a sudden jerk, Nielong turned his head, and quickly walked up to Ye Guzhou. Without any explanation, he punched Ye Guzhou directly.This punch was even more vicious and fierce than the one that hit Ye Cheng just now.One punch seemed to destroy a planet, the huge explosive force caused cracks to appear in the black robe on Ye Guzhou's body.

"Go back!" Nielong's fist caused Ye Guzhou not to dare to use his body to resist so forcefully, he raised his fist, exerted enough strength, and directly blasted at him.At the same time, his feet were still continuously absorbing the energy of the earth to supplement his strength, and he punched out... a wave of air was released in an instant, like a wave, directly pushing towards the surrounding area.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Seeing Ye Guzhou's punch, Nielong's mouth twitched, as if a little contemptuous.

The two fists approached slowly, and the faint light wrapped around the fists immediately began to intertwine.What followed was a confrontation between fists and fists!
There is such a shocking thunder, the moment the fists meet, there is a halo of light like a sunset, instantly dyeing the entire sky red.

The fists met, and they didn't separate immediately as imagined, but they touched each other firmly. The expressions of the two of them changed, as if they were a little bit reluctant to part.

"Give me a reason... What on earth are you planning? Why does the more I hit him, the more vigorous his vitality is!" Nielong's eyes had already burst into flames, majestic and powerful, but here, But a little helpless.Not to mention Ye Guzhou is a descendant of the land, he is born invincible; and the so-called man of destiny is also unbeatable, and... the more he is beaten, the stronger he is.This change made Nielong feel extremely unbalanced.

Ye Guzhou naturally understood what Nielong was thinking.Smiling slightly, Ye Guzhou's fist trembled slightly, and he stomped his right foot on the ground. Suddenly, a ray of light flew directly to Nielong's body above the ground, and he got into it in the blink of an eye.

"Heart-eating Gu worm? Hmph, do you think that a mere heart-eating Gu worm can deal with me... You are really too naive! Today, either hand over the secret order, or... let the deity take this destiny People were killed!"

Nielong's face froze, and the next second, his body trembled.The general's robe on his body fluttered in the breeze, and the heavy armored uniform also moved.

"Dragon dominates the world!"

In the next moment, Nielong raised his head and screamed, and suddenly pushed his fist, and a force that penetrated the world directly forced into Ye Guzhou's body from above the fist.

All of a sudden, Ye Guzhou only felt that there was an extremely destructive force in his body, which was constantly destroying the meridians in his body, and even every inch of muscle.

However, this pain only made Ye Guzhou frowned slightly.What he cares about now is a little more.The divine power directly covered Ye Cheng's surroundings, and Ye Guzhou laughed when he saw his blood continuously flowing out.This situation is indeed a bit strange.

"Very good... very good! Today, I will let you go home empty-handed... I would like to thank you for your help!" Suddenly, Ye Guzhou's face straightened, and he backed up instantly, but before he backed up, the fist was Pushed forward a little bit.

In an instant, a force of the earth ferociously got into Nielong's body and began to destroy it.Ye Guzhou remembers this reciprocity very clearly.

"Small tricks!" The power of the earth entered the body, and the evil dragon didn't take it into his heart at all, but with a shake of his body, a series of dark yellow rays of light were directly forced out.

Although he couldn't understand what Ye Guzhou was talking about, Nie Long could also understand that he had tricked him today and made him a stick.However, since his majestic power in the prehistoric period has become a stick, he must get back a little interest, otherwise it will really be a stick.

Glancing at Ye Cheng who was still bleeding but whose vitality was rising rapidly, Nielong simply gave up his plan to kill him, instead he directly stretched out his dragon claws, and grabbed Ye Guzhou's arms fiercely.

The moment the dragon claw protruded out, a strong suction force suddenly threw Ye Guzhou into his arms.As if a hand had reached into his arms, Ye Guzhou felt his arms tighten, and the five secret orders began to collide violently, as if they would rush out of Ye Guzhou's arms at any time.

"Want a secret order? Then it depends on whether you have the ability..."

Ye Guzhou's face straightened, and his closed eyes suddenly opened.Those eyes that were originally blind and lifeless, at this moment... actually exuded a trace of brilliance.There are even... There are many bewitching colors bursting out.

The first time he looked at these eyes, Nie Long just felt dizzy.

"This is..." Seeing Ye Guzhou's shining eyes, Nie Long was stunned, those eyes seemed to be breathtaking.He firmly attracted Nielong's eyes...

"No, it's impossible for you to have this kind of technique!" Nielong suddenly yelled for no reason, and was about to fly into the air, but Ye Guzhou's fist had already swept over.

That majestic punch hit Nielong directly in the face.The gust of fist blowing was enough to kill a master in the Mahayana realm. It can be seen how powerful this punch is.

Nielong, who was fascinated by Ye Guzhou's eyes, didn't notice the danger for a while, and still looked at Ye Guzhou's eyes with a little dementia.His eyes were full of complex expressions such as puzzlement and shock!But just when Ye Guzhou's fist was about to hit him in the face, all of a sudden...he, who was still dazed just now, stretched out his hand quickly, and grabbed Ye Guzhou's fist with one hand.

"Huh... your eyes are just a decoration. Although this trick is very similar, it is not a charming eye after all. A fake is a fake..." Nielong smiled disdainfully at Ye Guzhou , grasping the palm of Ye Guzhou's fist, he couldn't help exerting a little force.

In an instant, there was only a cracking sound, and Ye Guzhou's fist was actually crushed by Nielong alive to a few inches of bone.

This bone-crushing pain finally brought a little pain to Ye Guzhou's face.But this painful look was only fleeting.The essence of the earth in the body had rushed over the moment the bone shattered, and restored the shattered bone in an instant.

"A designated universe!"

With a roar, it was just a fist, but the next second, Ye Guzhou suddenly stretched out a finger.As soon as the finger appeared, it pecked viciously towards Nielong's palm, and in an instant... the force of the earth in Ye Guzhou's body penetrated into Nielong's body along the finger.

In an instant, Nielong felt that countless mountains were pressing hard on him, and he was even a little out of breath.

"Kneel down for me!"

Ye Guzhou took advantage of the situation to strike, and after withdrawing his fist, the divine power suddenly put all the pressure on Nielong.At the same time, the power of the whole body quickly gathered on the right hand, and then... this palm ruthlessly hit the top of Nielong's head.

It can be said... this move can be regarded as Ye Guzhou's strongest move.Except for the useless sky eyes, all of Ye Guzhou's strength was blessed in this palm.

However, Nielong is not a small character after all.This can be said to be a character at the level of a big boss, how could it be solved like this?Just when Ye Guzhou covered it with his palm, Nielong's body shook suddenly, and then a gust of wind was about to blow, and the whole sky changed color.


The sound of the dragon chant resounded through the sky, and when the sound dissipated, the body of the evil dragon had risen into the air, turning into a five-clawed real dragon, hovering in the sky, looking down at Ye Guzhou.That pair of huge longan stared at Ye Guzhou firmly.

"Junior, you have successfully angered this deity, die!"

The dragon's mouth opened wide, and a roar sounded.In the next second, the huge dragon's mouth bit down on Ye Guzhou fiercely.In the bloody mouth, the saliva was still drooling, and when the saliva dripped on the ground, there would be a burst of thick smoke, which was obviously extremely corrosive.

If this is swallowed in one gulp, it may really be over!
"Dragon? I will slay the dragon today!"

Seeing the approaching dragon's mouth, Ye Guzhou exclaimed, the palm that was supposed to be covered, immediately lifted up, slapped it towards the sky, and pressed against the dragon's mouth.


Another dragon chant, for Ye Guzhou, Nielong hated Ye Guzhou to the bone, and would definitely kill him if he had the slightest chance.This time, it will be no exception... That bloody mouth is enough to swallow three or four Ye Guzhous.

During the whistling, Ye Guzhou's right hand has already pushed up. This can be called Ye Guzhou's strongest move, and he hit it so hard, the target... was right in the dragon's mouth of the evil dragon.

clap... clap...

The moment the palm of the hand touched the dragon's mouth, two cracks sounded moment……


"You bastard, you actually smashed one of the dragon teeth of this deity? You want to die... die!" Nielong roared furiously, Ye Guzhou's palm just now, the palm with all his strength, actually just smashed its Just a broken tooth.

On the other hand, Ye Guzhou's palm was already a little deformed.Obviously, at that moment just now, his bones were broken again.

"What a powerful defense, is this the defense of the dragon clan? It's incredible... Under such a powerful blow from me, I didn't get hurt at all. The defense of the dragon clan is really against the sky!" Ye Guzhou was shocked. The full blow of Xianchu's early days didn't even break the skin of Nielong.It's just a broken tooth...

"I don't believe that on this earth, you can continue to replenish your strength to fight against me!" Ye Guzhou's heart skipped a beat, and he planted his feet firmly into the earth.As long as his feet are stuck into the ground, he can continue to attack continuously, without even feeling the exhaustion of his strength.

On the other hand, Nielong, although he is strong, it is impossible for his strength to never dry up.On this point, Ye Guzhou still has an advantage.

"Asura finger!"

With his feet on the ground, Ye Guzhou's body suddenly burst into flames.This karmic fire instantly enveloped Ye Guzhou's whole body, and as he pointed out with his finger, a huge karmic fire immediately rushed towards Nielong.

The dragon family is famous for its defense, but its attack is also not weak.Facing this karmic fire, Nielong seemed very calm: "Sura karmic fire? The Shura clan was born after I don't know how many years. When I was in the wild, their Shura clan had not been created by the ancestor of Styx. Come out. You use their karma to deal with me... How ridiculous! Even if their ancestors are just my peers, even the ancestors of Minghe should be more polite to me in front of me. "

This sentence of Nielong is not wrong.When the Shura clan was born, the prehistoric world had already entered the period of saints, that is to say, there were already saints.However, the evil dragon was born with the opening of the sky. At that was the time when the land also ruled the prehistoric world, and even Hongjun hadn't been sanctified yet.Calculated in this way, this wicked still from the generation of his ancestors.This mere Shura karma... really won't make him afraid!

Opening the dragon's mouth, Nielong actually swallowed that karmic fire alive.

"If you have such a little ability, then you are destined to be swallowed by this deity today. As long as you hand over the secret order, this deity may consider to spare your life!" Nielong roared.

Ye Guzhou smiled contemptuously: "You are an idiot. If you hand over the things, do you still have a chance to survive? Cut the nonsense... watch the trick!"

During the conversation, Ye Guzhou's body trembled, and in an instant...the dragon veins near Shennongjia, no matter how big or small, surged one after another, plus Ye Guzhou's own dragon vein, after these dragon veins were all condensed together, a huge The incomparable dragon veins slowly burst out of the ground.


The sound of the dragon's chant shook the sky, and the body of this dragon was already twice as big as the evil dragon.

"Huh? Dragon veins? Hahaha, this deity is the ancestor of the dragon clan. You are really an idiot for using the dragon veins to deal with this deity." Seeing the moment when the dragon veins were used, Nielong laughed.Is it possible to hit other people's ancestors and ask other people's juniors to take action?
However, Ye Guzhou's expression was still so calm, and even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Really? Let's see if you, the ancestor of the dragon clan, have the prestige!" The corner of Ye Guzhou's mouth curled up, and he quickly formed a handprint with both hands.The moment this handprint appeared, the huge dragon vein above the midair began to become restless.The originally gray body slowly turned into gold.

"This is... Heavenly Dragon Transformation?" Looking at the dragon's veins that suddenly changed color, Nielong suddenly shouted, and a look of shock could not help but show in his eyes.

This Tianlong Transformation is a secret method among the Dragon Clan.It can instantly make the dragon clan at the bottom become a superior existence.A transcendent status...Of course, such a transcendent status brings with it an increase in strength.It can be said that it is because of the improvement of strength that it brings such a lofty status.

However, once someone casts this secret technique, the caster will definitely use part of his own life as a price for forcibly improving the dragon's strength.

In other words, Ye Guzhou is risking his life now!

This is Ye Guzhou's consistent style, no matter what... as long as the goal is achieved, he will even risk his life.He is the only person who can do this kind of risky thing.

"Bastard... You actually forcibly increased the strength of this dragon vein so much... But, don't forget, the life on this dragon vein is your own. Once he is killed by me, then you will lose more than half of it." Vitality... don't regret it when the time comes!" Nielong raised his brows, as if he was a little scrupulous, but his mouth was still very tough.

Ye Guzhou smiled: "Let's talk nonsense... I can give my life to whomever I love. If you leave now... I can consider stopping it!"


Nielong was stunned. Facing the secret order and the Man of Destiny, firstly he didn't get the secret order, and secondly, he didn't kill the Man of Destiny. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to leave like this?
(End of this chapter)

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