Chapter 472 Advantages
Compared with Ye Guzhou's superiority, Nielong's cultivation is solid.If it wasn't for Ye Guzhou's feet occupying the ground, Nielong would definitely be able to kill Ye Guzhou instantly.

It can be said that Ye Guzhou is now able to fight against such a tough and evil dragon, because he has the advantage of being the heir of the land master.If it was really in a vacuum, Ye Guzhou would turn around and run away if he saw Nielong.

However, the advantage of this aura is also part of strength.

The huge long eyes stared coldly at Ye Guzhou who was standing on the ground, and Nielong was already furious in his heart.The guy in front of him has sabotaged his good deeds over and over again.But...he just couldn't kill him.

"Oh... If you are not the descendant of the land, this deity can kill you with one move. In terms of strength, you are not as good as this deity; in terms of seniority, you are not as good as this deity; you, a junior, dare to offend me repeatedly, thinking that you How long can I live?"

Looking at the huge dragon vein slowly becoming a golden dragon in mid-air, Nielong didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, he roared at Ye Guzhou... The dragon chant directly turned into sound waves, towards Ye Guzhou's ears He rushed over fiercely.

Just this sound, if ordinary people hear it, their eardrums will definitely burst and become deaf in an instant.

However, this little voice did no harm to Ye Guzhou.The meaning of threat in these words is already absolutely true.With a slight smile, Ye Guzhou didn't answer Nielong's words, but directly pinched out a handprint again, and a fine light shot out from the handprint, slowly drawing a small golden net.This net is not big, just the size of a palm.However, after the net appeared, the dragon vein became excited instantly.The huge dragon body began to twist up above the sky, and every movement would cause a wave of airflow, and the wind continued.


In the next second, Ye Guzhou tossed both hands, and the net directly reached the center of the dragon vein's eyebrows.

The net is like made of water, the moment it reaches the dragon's immediately turns into a puddle of gold or yellow liquid, and finally slowly flows into the dragon's eyes.


The moment the liquid entered the eyes, the dragon vein immediately let out a high-pitched roar as if it had been stimulanted.That loud roar, like a wave, rushed towards the surroundings directly.

"Dragon Roaring Kyushu!"

With a startled look, Ye Guzhou's hands didn't stop at all. When the dragon's veins roared, he joined hands together again, and a ball of shocking energy slowly grew out of his palms.

"This...this is..."

Xuanyuan Yide, who stood aside and didn't dare to go to help, was suddenly shocked by the energy ball in Ye Guzhou's palm.From within this sphere, he actually felt a trace of familiarity.It's as if he met him a long time ago... However, the time may be too long, so he can't remember when he saw it.

But after Ye Guzhou's sound fell, the dragon's veins in mid-air trembled, and suddenly rushed towards the evil dragon.The dragon's mouth opened wide, and the bloody dragon's teeth appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Nielong's expression straightened, and when he saw the dragon's pulse approaching, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, swung his tail down with a move of Shenlong, and saw Nielong's dragon power swept over fiercely.During the sweep, Nielong even wanted to shatter the space wall.Crackling sounds continued to come from around Nielong.

This is a contest between dragons and dragons, and the two giant dragons are constantly intertwined in midair.Waves of dragon chants, like thunder, passed down overwhelmingly.Those high-level members of the Tiandao League on the ground looked up at this scene and even forgot to leave this place of right and wrong.

As time went by, Ye Guzhou's face became paler and paler, and his body slowly began to tremble.The clasped hands, as if mutually repelling each other, slowly separated.

And with the separation of Ye Guzhou's hands, the dragon vein above the sky also began to retreat steadily.Facing the offensive of the evil dragon, it was still defeated after all, and it had already shown signs of defeat.

"An ant is an ant. Even if you give your life force, this dragon vein is not a real dragon after all... If you want to rely on this dragon vein, you will defeat me... What a fantasy! Die..."

Nielong's disdain sounded again, and as the words fell, his huge dragon body was about to wrap around the dragon's veins.

How could Ye Guzhou let the dragon vein be killed by such a blow?This dragon vein is the star dragon vein that he managed to capture with great difficulty. As long as it is cultivated properly, it will naturally become a real dragon when the time comes.How could Ye Guzhou be willing to let go of such a treasure?

When Nielong jumped, Ye Guzhou's hands suddenly pulled down, as if pulling a rope, and even dragged the dragon's veins to the ground.

Originally, Ye Guzhou wanted to let the dragon veins hold back the evil dragon, and then let those people from the Tiandao League have time to leave.But who knew that this group of idiots from the Tiandao League would be so shocked by the scene in front of them that they even forgot to run away.And when Ye Guzhou was casting a spell, he couldn't open his mouth to call out, otherwise his mouth... would reveal the power of the earth, and the dragon vein would be invalid.

Sometimes life is full of helplessness and accidents. After pulling down the dragon vein in one fell swoop, Ye Guzhou immediately hid it underground. This is a treasure, nothing can happen.

"Oh..." Seeing that the dragon vein was about to be killed in one fell swoop, but the dragon vein disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the evil dragon couldn't help roaring.Then, there was a fluctuation in the space, and the Nielong turned into a human body again, but his hands were still dragon claws, and he grabbed Ye Guzhou's head fiercely.

This claw is majestic and fierce, and the air wave under the dive alone has already caused a layer of fly ash to rise on the ground.It was comparable to smog, and even worse.

Most of the high-ranking members of the Tiandao League who were lying on the ground felt a tightness in their chests, a sweetness in their throats, and a mouthful of blood spewed out under the turmoil.The air wave alone is already unbearable for these people. If it is really caught... most of these people will probably perish.

Although Ye Guzhou's identity is still unfolding, Nielong's true strength is much stronger than him, and this supernatural power has almost no effect on Nielong.

Lifting his head to sense Nielong's body, Ye Guzhou shook his head helplessly, the next second... Ye Guzhou was beyond everyone's expectations, and with his right hand he suddenly took out a few things with a faint light from his arms.

This... This is the secret order that Nielong has always wanted!
Seeing the secret order in Ye Guzhou's hand, Nielong, who was still aggressive just now, suddenly paused, and a look of excitement burst out in his eyes.The secret order is related to the success or failure of his plan, and it is... extremely important to him.Seeing these five secret orders appearing in front of him at this time, even if his heart is calm, Nielong can't help but get excited.

But Xuanyuan Yide's expression changed.Seeing Ye Guzhou's actions, he obviously regarded Ye Guzhou as a surrender, and even handed over the secret order.This couldn't help but make his heart tense. Compared with Ye Guzhou, Xuanyuan Yide obviously understands... If he wants to face this dragon by himself, he will definitely lose, even die.

"Does this secret order have to be handed over like this? No... This secret order was given to me by Young Master Xiaoyao... This thing is related to the life and death of the entire human race. Even if I die... I can't hand this thing over. Get out!" Gritting his teeth, Xuanyuan Yide's body suddenly soared into the air, and a layer of royal aura immediately covered his body.

However, Xuanyuan Yide's abnormal behavior immediately caught Nielong's attention.Before he could fly up, or even use teleportation, he was directly fixed by Nielong's eyes.

The evil dragon's eyes are comparable to a sharp sword.When looking at Xuanyuan Yide, Xuanyuan Yide only felt that a sword had been stabbed in his heart, and he didn't dare to move a single point.Let alone escape from here...

This is the real master, one look can shock you.

"Give the secret order to this deity, and this deity promises to bless you for a prosperous life." He turned to look at the secret order in Ye Guzhou's hands with burning eyes, and the body of the evil dragon slowly approached, and the dragon's claws began to squeeze slowly.

Shenwei sensed the surrounding people, Ye Guzhou shook his head helplessly.

If there were no such people around, Ye Guzhou would have dared to fight Nielong. Anyway, as long as he kept his feet on the ground, he would not be completely killed.Just like last time, didn't he also fight Nielong to a draw?
However, this time is different... There are still so many burdens around.These days, the high-level members of Daomeng were lying on the ground like dead pigs, too frightened to move.Where can I find the arrogant arrogance of the past?

Holding five secret orders, Ye Guzhou took a step back slightly.If it was head-to-head, Ye Guzhou could guarantee to save Ye Cheng, but the others... were really not sure.Ye Guzhou can't do it if so many people die together...but don't go to the rescue.

Slowly, Ye Guzhou's divine power was restrained.And his arm holding the secret order stretched out tremblingly.

Excited, looking at the secret order in front of him, how could Nielong not be excited.As long as he gets the five secret orders, plus two of himself, Nielong will have seven secret orders.At that time, even if he leaves immediately, Nielong will have his own way to directly get the other two yuan.


However, just as Nielong reached out to receive the secret order, Ye Guzhou's eyebrows suddenly trembled, and a white light shot into the sky.Suddenly, a vertical eye appeared between his eyebrows.

"Bastard, Sky Eye!"

Nielong was shocked, although he was powerful, but if he was shot by the sky eye at such a close range, even if he didn't die, he would lose half his life.At that time, don't talk about taking the secret order, whether you can leave or not is another matter!After all... on this earth, Ye Guzhou still has a great advantage.

"You want to leave now? It's too late..."

Ye Guzhou's expression straightened, the sky eyes between his brows blinked out, and a flash of colored light shot out instantly.A direct hit on Nielong's chest...


Tianyan's attack was like cutting tofu with a knife, directly piercing a hole in Nielong's chest, and blood flowed out.

(End of this chapter)

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