Chapter 500

In this area, there are not many that can make Ye Guzhou feel terrified.So far, there have only been one or two times!

As soon as he retreated, Ye Guzhou frowned immediately: "Shattering Void Blade?"

This cold light was strikingly emanating from the dagger of the Shattering Void Blade.At this time, the person holding the dagger was a middle-aged man, and this man still had an obvious bloody smell, as if he had just killed someone.Those bright red eyes are shocking.

"Is it possible to get the Shattering Void Blade in the early stage of leaving the body? Could it be that the Shattering Void Blade is so cheap now that anyone can get it?" Looking at this person, Ye Guzhou couldn't help being surprised.

The Shattering Void Blade is an extremely precious magic weapon, and it is impossible for ordinary people to get it.Moreover, the Xuxu Blade is a weapon to hurt Tianhe, so it is impossible to have too many of them.But in just a few short months, Ye Guzhou has already met several times.Ye Guzhou couldn't help being shocked by this, and even wondered if the current Shattering Void Blade...has already been mass-produced...What a huge force it would take to be able to mass-produce it!

For this visitor, Ye Guzhou didn't pay much attention to it. What he values ​​now is the Shattering Void Blade in this visitor's hand and how it came about.

"Tell me how the dagger in your hand came from, I can promise you, I will give you a more comfortable way to die." Ye Guzhou said lightly, such a promise made Yu Jian and the man holding the Broken Void Blade couldn't help but Startled.

"The envoy... this guy is a fool at all, let's stop talking nonsense, catch him first, and then plan to exchange with the dragon team!" Yu Jian looked at Ye Guzhou angrily, the defeat of being defeated by one move Yu Jian was very upset.Now as long as he can win Ye Guzhou, he will be happy.

Looking at Ye Guzhou's cold face, the middle-aged man couldn't help frowning slightly, as if he sensed something, but he didn't care: "You are eloquent, this messenger will teach you a good lesson today!"

During the conversation, the middle-aged man waved the Shattering Void Blade dagger in his hand, and rushed forward together, and there was a chilling quality in that sharp edge.

However, although the weapon is good, the strength of the person who uses the weapon is still too low.

Seeing the dagger stabbing towards him, Ye Guzhou slightly stepped on the ground with his right foot.In an instant, an earthen wall slowly rose up, directly shaking the man.After this trip, the man's body suddenly seemed to be sedated with anesthesia, and he began to wobble, and then he lay down straight.


As soon as the body fell down, Ye Guzhou caught the dagger that was about to fall with quick eyesight and quick hands. The cold handle instantly made Ye Guzhou's body start to tremble slowly.

"It's so cold... Why is this Shattering Void Blade different from the last one? It seems to be a little more powerful. Who made this?" Holding the Shattering Void Blade, Ye Guzhou directly slapped it across the air. He lifted the middle-aged man up.

This process is just a blink of an eye.

Yu Jian was dumbfounded, what is this?Such a powerful messenger tripped over a mound?By mistake, he became a prisoner?

"Did you say it yourself, or did I force you to say it?" Looking at the middle-aged man in his hand, Ye Guzhou asked coldly, his expression without a trace of emotion looked like ice. .

"Bastard, put down the emissary quickly! Come on, let's go up together and save the emissary!" Before the middle-aged man could speak, Yu Jian had already opened his mouth angrily, holding the soft sword again and following those Behind his subordinates, he rushed over directly.The soft sword in his hand has already started to tremble, this is the excitement before bloodthirsty...

However, Yu Jian, who was patronizing Ye Guzhou, ignored Fatty Wei beside him.The moment he got up, the fat man was behind him, kicking his back with his leg.

Boom!With a kick from the back, Yu Jian was directly turned into shit.All the dirt and turf on the suburban ground were stuffed in.

Looking at the middle-aged man who kept his mouth shut, Ye Guzhou shook his head: "If you don't know how to cherish the opportunity, then I will do it myself!"

The next moment, Ye Guzhou's wrist flicked, and a suction force directly lifted the middle-aged man over, and covered his sky cap with his palm, and then performed the soul search technique, and the middle-aged man's The memory flowed into Ye Guzhou's mind bit by bit.

"People from the hell organization?"

Throwing this trash away, Ye Guzhou understood.This guy turned out to be a member of the Hell organization, and the Shattered Void Blade in his hand was given by that mysterious boss in their hell.However, according to this guy's memory, it seems that he is going to find out who the boss of this hell organization is. Only by finding him can he know who gave him these daggers.

At the same time, the harvest is naturally where the base of this regional organization is.And this Yu Jian is also a member of the hell organization, but he just joined it not long ago.But with this young age, the innate mid-term strength has also been appreciated by the above.

Take down the old ones with one move, as for those young ones, they have already been brought down by Fatty Wei.

Afterwards, Ye Guzhou walked up to Yu Jian step by step, that cold face immediately made Yu Jian's body lying on the ground start to tremble, and he wanted to retreat quickly, but his injured body couldn't move for too long. many.

"You... what do you want to do? Let me tell you, I... I am from the Yu family. We have a backer now and have joined the hell organization. I see that you are strong, so you must have heard of the hell organization. You still Let me go as soon as possible, otherwise you won't be able to leave after the people from the organization arrive." Yu Jian's face was very ugly, it might be related to some internal injuries, and his face turned pale.

"Trash... you are still so stubborn at this time, since you expect people from the hell organization to save you, I will tell you frankly. I have encountered the so-called hell organization you mentioned before. And... You have formed resentment, do you think I will let you go?" Ye Guzhou said every word, this sentence completely broke Yu Jian's thoughts.I thought I could use the name of hell to hold onto my life, but now it seems... the identity of this hell is still a death talisman.

"Answer me a question, I promise you to save the whole body! Where did you get those bullets unique to the dragon group?" Ye Guzhou continued to ask, but he was already mobilizing his strength and was ready to point it out.It can be regarded as giving Yu Jian a happy...

Yu Jian, who knew he was going to die, acted like a very man at this moment.He insisted on not saying a word, but this kind of arrogance, waiting for him is Ye Guzhou's torture.

"You asked for it!"

The power from the palm surged out, and directly penetrated into Yu Jian's mind, as if being bitten by thousands of ants in his head. Yu Jian had lost the instinct to scream, and could only see his eyes. Staring at the boss, he lay on the side erect...

Those who have not experienced that pain cannot imagine it at all.Even Fatty Wei on the side couldn't help turning his face away. Not everyone can bear the feeling of watching others get punished.

After some soul searching, with a slap, Yu Jian lay limply on the ground, drooling from the corner of his mouth, looking like an idiot.Obviously after being searched for the soul, it has been abolished.

"It turned out to be a traitor of the Dragon Group. I said why there is a special bullet made by the Dragon Group!" A small family among the dragon group.But later, because Yu Jian's aptitude was stimulated, the Yu family's ambitions gradually grew, and eventually they even wanted to control the entire dragon group.

In the end, Zheng Batian was directly kicked out of the dragon group. Seeing that the Yu family had contributed to the dragon group before, they didn't pursue it too deeply!
"Tsk tsk tsk, this cheap old man will really make me suffer. I solved him at the beginning, wouldn't there be no troubles today, and let my son wipe your ass for you!" Ye Guzhou was helpless Shaking his head, looking at the people all over the place, he couldn't help waving his hand.

In an instant, Shura's karmic fire directly appeared, burning these people to ashes.For those who want to harm him, Ye Guzhou will never be soft-hearted, that will only hurt himself.

This person was burned to death by Shura's karma, but he didn't even have the qualifications to reincarnate.

After finishing the process, Ye Guzhou looked at these seven or eight cars that were not bad, and said to Fatty Wei casually: "Fatty, you don't have a car in the capital, right? There are so many here, so it's cheaper for you, so don't hold it against you." !"

These words made Fatty Wei's eyes light up. These cars are luxury cars.None of the estimated prices are less than 300 million, and it seems that they have just been bought not long ago.This free thing, don't want it for nothing... Fatty Wei will still accept this benefit.

Seeing that the fat man had packed all the car in his sleeves, Ye Guzhou shook his head and walked towards the downtown area of ​​Mingzhu City.It seemed like a stroll, but every time he took a step, Ye Guzhou's body was already ten feet away.

And his purpose of returning to the city this time is not simply to return to Lan'er's villa.Instead, he went to find Yu Jian's confidantes...and his family!

This Yu family, now the whole family has joined the hell, and the hell organization will be the target of my eradication sooner or later.Since it happened to happen today, don't feel troublesome and solve it together.

And...Ye Guzhou didn't believe that Yu Jian came looking for him, and his family and confidantes didn't know about it.Now that Yu Jian is dead, they will come to the door sooner or later, instead of doing this, they might as well come to the door by themselves.Let others save trouble too...

Well, from one point of view, Ye Guzhou is still a man who thinks of others!
(End of this chapter)

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