Chapter 501 Being Hit

"It seems that tonight is another sleepless night. Such a huge thunder and punishment will definitely attract many people. If that guy, the evil dragon, also rushes over, my guard will not last long!" Looking at the dark clouds all over the sky, Ye Guzhou couldn't help feeling emotional, and his expression became very serious.

This sudden intensified thunder punishment was something he never expected.Moreover, it seems that the intensity of this strengthening is still rising, and it has a lot of meaning to continue.

"No, if this goes on, even I can't resist it. This is thunder punishment after all, it's too powerful, I dare not resist it!" Ye Guzhou frowned, the power of thunder punishment was almost beyond his tolerance Once the limit is exceeded, not only will he not be able to help Bai Chi awaken his destiny, but he may be seriously injured, and Bai Chi will be implicated.

With a trembling of his body, Ye Guzhou's eyes suddenly became sharp.If the sharpness in the eyes is released, it will definitely cause a sensation, and the attack will be like killing all demons.

Looking at the power of the stars captured by him in the mid-air, Ye Guzhou couldn't help strengthening his strength: "Pull away, the stars enter the body!"

Following Ye Guzhou's words, the giant dragon in the hand of the monster capturer was once again stripped of a trace of star power, and slowly got into the top of Bai Chi's head.As the power of the stars entered his body for the second time, Bai Chi's body also began to tremble slowly.While trembling, he also began to exude boundless murderous aura!This murderous aura is inherent in the killing god's fate, and it is definitely not comparable to ordinary murderous aura.Even evil spirits cannot compare with this murderous spirit.

Ye Cheng, who was rushing over here, suddenly stopped. Looking at the place where the murderous aura came from, he felt timid in his heart, and had the urge to run back.This murderous aura can be said to be the strongest he has encountered in a long time.Ye Cheng even felt that if this murderous aura could gather energy and condense troops, he might not be able to stop it.

"It's so strong, such a powerful murderous aura. The person who exudes murderous aura is definitely the one who elicited thunder and punishment. Such a huge murderous aura can definitely shake the world. It seems that it is not difficult to understand, but who is this person?" It's really hard to understand that you can emit such a huge murderous aura, but it's not evil!" Ye Cheng's brows have already tightened, logically speaking, when the murderous aura reaches a certain level, it will transform into hostility ; and when the hostility reaches a certain degree of intensity, it will slowly transform into evil spirit.

But now the murderous aura that appeared was so huge that it far surpassed the evil aura.However, it still appeared in the form of murderous intent, which made it difficult for Ye Cheng to understand.

Thinking about being a man of destiny, he would be bluffed by a murderous aura, and the pride in Ye Cheng's heart immediately started to play tricks.His body shook, and a force from the depths of his heart instantly swept through the meridians of his whole body.For a moment, Ye Chengcheng felt full of strength.It was as if he had returned to the moment when he had just awakened his physique, and his whole body was full of inexhaustible strength.

"Hmph, I want to see who you are, who can release such a murderous aura." Ye Chengde narrowed his eyes slowly.There has been a little change in this look.It's no longer so pure, it has a little provocative taste, it seems that I must meet the person who exudes murderous aura.

The best thing is to be able to kill him in one fell swoop!

No more thinking about anything else, the body continued to flicker, a teleportation, and went directly to the target.Followed by him was old man Ye. Seeing Ye Cheng's change, he felt even more uneasy.And before they left for a second, a figure slowly appeared, and this figure was none other than the evil dragon.

Looking at Ye Cheng's leaving direction with a hint of interest, he couldn't help chuckling: "Very well, even you are here. Even if I can't kill you this time, I will give you the secret order on your body." Take it. It seems that coming here this time is really the right one!"

After saying that, Nielong's body also slowly disappeared.

At the same time, when Ye Guzhou poured the second star power into Bai Chi's body, the thunder and lightning in the air finally couldn't wait, and made an explosive sound.


This time, it definitely woke up all the people in the entire land of Shenzhou from their sleep.

Snapped!Following the thunder, those silver snakes began to interweave continuously in the clouds, making crackling sounds, and finally began to directly illuminate the sky and the earth.The light of the thunder and lightning can actually illuminate the sky and the earth, which shows how fierce and numerous the thunder and lightning are.

After tossing and turning, finally a silver snake broke away from the clouds and shot directly towards Ye Guzhou's Tianling Gai.It was like a dragon going out to sea, even Ye Guzhou couldn't help but tremble all over.

"It's such a powerful thunder punishment. If you use your own body to resist this thunder punishment, you will be injured if you are not careful!" Ye Guzhou's heart trembled, and he felt a kind of worry when facing the thunder punishment for the first time.

But the unyielding in his heart made him unable to surrender.

Frowning, Ye Guzhou reached out with his right hand, and directly pulled the giant devil-capturing hand in midair, together with the giant dragon with the power of stars in his hand.Pull them directly to Bai Chi's side, and use the formation around Bai Chi to slowly absorb the power of those stars.

And as Bai Chi absorbed more and more star power, that murderous aura also began to gradually dim, and finally disappeared completely.

At the same time, the thunder penalty had already landed.It ruthlessly smashed down on Ye Guzhou's Tianling cover.

Just the aura of Lei Punishment had already set off a hurricane.The surrounding shrubs are almost all destroyed, and nothing can be preserved.Even Ye Guzhou felt a great sense of oppression in his head.

"Just relying on such a mere thunder punishment to punish me? You are too naive..." Ye Guzhou yelled, his whole body tensed up.At the same time, the hands were not idle, and kept forming handprints one by one. After these handprints appeared, they released a little light in less than a blink of an eye, and then began to change the handprints.In just an instant, there are no fewer than dozens of handprints formed by Ye Guzhou's hands.

And in front of Ye Guzhou, there are already those small light spots lined up.These light spots are neatly arranged together, arched like a cover.

"Go back to this seat!"

As soon as the arched cover appeared, Ye Guzhou lifted it up directly, gathering all the strength of his body on top of his head, using this transparent cover to reflect the thunder penalty back.This is a big deal...

However, thunder penalty is not easy to deal with, especially the enhanced thunder penalty this time is even more difficult to parry.

It was too late to say it, and when Ye Guzhou dragged the cover up, the thunder punishment had already arrived.


In an instant, like a nuclear bomb exploding, at the place where Lei Ping and the cover were in contact, a mushroom cloud appeared instantly and spread around.The scene is very spectacular...

However, after the mushroom cloud dissipated, it was discovered that the thunder punishment was actually blocked by Ye Guzhou's shield.But it was not as simple as Ye Guzhou thought, so he pushed it back.The two are so deadlocked...

However, this made Ye Guzhou very satisfied, what he wanted was time.As long as the Thunder Punishment is fixed, there will be enough time for Bai Chi to absorb the power of the stars.In this way, his greedy wolf fate can be completely recovered.

However, sometimes, things may not always be as simple as you think.Often there will be a little ups and downs, this is life!

Just as Ye Guzhou withstood the thunder and punishment, Ye Cheng's figure finally arrived.Even Fatty Wei who was standing outside had no time to stop him, he had already barged in.Seeing Ye Guzhou's situation, the first time...he thought Ye Guzhou had done some heinous thing, and then he was attacked by thunder punishment.

For a while, the hatred in my heart was once again set off.

"Ye Guzhou... die!" Angrily shouted, Ye Cheng's body dodged directly, and punched Ye Guzhou fiercely, hitting his waist directly.This is a human weakness...

The speed of this punch was so fast that Fatty Wei had already launched it before he could stop it.

The old man Ye who arrived immediately screamed: "Xiao Cheng, don't..."

However, his voice was still a step slower after all.Ye Guzhou was facing the punishment of thunder and couldn't move at all. He was directly punched in the waist, his body trembled, and the cover above his head suddenly shook.

In an instant, the cover was shattered by the thunder penalty.For a moment, Ye Guzhou's complexion changed drastically, and he became very pale. The punch in the waist, Ye Cheng absolutely hit with all his strength.This has already caused Ye Guzhou to be seriously injured... plus now he still has to face thunder and punishment!

As soon as the cover was shattered, the thunder penalty above the head was directly bombarded.

Looking up, Ye Guzhou's face was pale: "No..."

This sound is so reconciled...

Rumbling... The Thunder Punishment finally fell and hit Ye Guzhou's Tianling Gai!
(End of this chapter)

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