Chapter 104
"Are you really letting me go like this?"

"I said Yukinoshita, could there be a squadron of police outside preparing to arrest me as soon as I go out?"

Hearing Yi Lingyuan standing in front of the porch still reluctant to part, Yukinoshita Yukino was even more angry and rubbed her wrist again.

"Either you get out now, you pervert and scum, or I will throw your body into Qianye Sea."

"Uh, I think if the corpse is dumped in Qianyehai, the corpse will be found in the end, right?"

"go out!"

Seeing Yukinoshita's cold eyebrows, Yi Lingyuan obediently opened the door and stepped out with half a foot, then turned around and asked Yukinoshita again:
"Are you sure you don't need me to take responsibility for this?"

The clever Yukinoshita Yukino already understood that the language of this cheeky bastard had no deterrent effect.

He decisively took a step forward with his slender legs. His fair and lovely little feet were not as meek as they were when Yi Lingyuan held them. He kicked the bastard out of the door and closed the door without hesitation. Of course, the door was about to close. I still don't forget to drop a sentence viciously:
"If you dare to use the room card to enter my house again, I will strangle your arm!"

Getting up from the ground, Yi Lingyuan patted his butt in embarrassment, and complained to the closed door: "This guy really repays his kindness with revenge."

Of course, Yukino under the snow at this time must not be able to hear Yi Lingyuan's words, otherwise he might give him an aikido set meal or something.

Fortunately, Yi Lingyuan still knew the door code of Nakano's house.


This familiar number gave Yi Lingyuan the desire to compose music every time he entered it.

I always feel that once I hum this tune, I can write a lot of saliva songs.

It should be early to see the sky outside through the outermost window through the long corridor, so Yi Lingyuan entered the room with confidence.

And at this time

Yukinoshita House
Yukinoshita Yukino's boudoir
Yukinoshita Yukino, who was still as cold as ice before, had thrown herself onto her big soft bed, buried her face in the pillow and wrapped her little head with her hands, kicking the mattress vigorously with her slender legs because she kept exercising , because of a strong sense of shame, he kept rolling his body.

To put it simply, it is like a child rolling around on the ground.

"Yukinoshita Yukino, what did you do after you developed a fever!"

It's okay not to mention, as soon as she complained about the stupid thing she did last night, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help recalling the scene where she wanted Yi Lingyuan to ask for a kiss in the bathtub last night.

"Why did I hand over my first kiss in such a way inexplicably!"

He rolled his body even harder on the big bed, and finally rolled onto the ground between the bed and the closet as expected.

Along with the sound of heavy objects falling, Yukinoshita Yukino's shameful complaints in the room stopped again.

Being able to clearly perceive the hard and cold ground made Yukinoshita Yukino's thinking clearer at this time, and gradually returned to a normal state.

With the bent arm of her right hand resting on her forehead, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the white lights on the roof in a trance.

How did I first get to know Yi Lingyuan?
The first known name is on the transcript

Every time I put my name on the list, this name is always in front of me——Yi Lingyuan.

'It's stupid to measure a person's value by exam scores and rankings

But Yukinoshita Yang Nai was able to graduate with the best grades all year round, so he should be.Until the second year of high school, he failed to win more than ten exams, and the only time he beat him was because this person was hospitalized in a car accident, and the car that hit him was his own car.

But that time, he was taken away by a man named Fuutarou Uesugi.

"There is a sense of oppression like my sister Yukinoshita Yono, I have never overcome it"

This is Yukinoshita Yukino's initial evaluation of Yi Lingyuan.

Afterwards, Teacher Hiratsuka Jing found herself and asked herself to change Yi Lingyuan's character of always putting on a fake face and not wanting to make friends.

However, there is nothing wrong with not having friends.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is a good and responsible teacher. Apart from being an older leftover woman and having all the bad habits of older women, she is an excellent teacher. She has always taken good care of herself, so let's solve the things she entrusted .

After all, Yukinoshita Yukino is somewhat curious about this person who has always been above her.

When I really saw Yi Lingyuan, a real person, in front of me, my first reaction was to change!I, Yukinoshita Yukino, want to change this hollow and false smile.

After a simple exchange, I realized that the person in front of me was a troublesome guy who always had clever ideas.

However, Yukino Yukino easily sensed the feeling of "similarity" in Yi Lingyuan.

The same has no friends, the same has his own pride, and the same has far beyond his peers' thinking and insights.

Since then, Yukinoshita Yukino has been looking forward to the collision with this person's quick thinking every day in the service department and debates far beyond the level of high school students.

Yukinoshita Yukino felt indescribably happy every time she saw Yi Lingyuan being speechless when she was refuted by her.

However, he did admit that Yi Lingyuan was stronger than himself.It's really great that that person can really improve himself to solve the difficulties of Yuigahama Yui.

I accidentally came across the conversation between Yi Lingyuan and Hayama Hayato, or Yi Lingyuan's warning to Hayama Hayato.

At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino slowly straightened her right arm, holding her right hand in front of the white light, as if she wanted to hold it.

"Let all agreed words not be called expressions"

"He who wants everything ends up getting nothing"

"You who can say such a thing, what is the real thing you are looking for?"

When I saw him getting acquainted with all kinds of girls for the first time, I thought he was as fragile and naive as Hayama Hayato, but because of this passage, I realized that Yi Lingyuan and Hayama Hayato are two completely different people.

It's a pity, but he is a flirt who messes around everywhere.

Touma Kazusa who is in his class, Sanku Nakano who is his tutor, and Yuigahama Yui who can't hide his emotions at all.
Sighing, Yukinoshita Yukino lay down on her bed slowly, took out her mobile phone and sent a message asking for leave to the teacher.

Yukinoshita turned over and leaned to the right side, and the tip of her nose twitched slightly, as expected, she smelled the breath left by Yi Lingyuan.

The slender fingers that had practiced the piano were clenched and placed at the place where her heart beat. Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't deceive her feelings at this time. When she smelled Yi Lingyuan's breath, she really felt a throbbing in her heart.

"...If we had met in the first place, maybe I would have fallen in love with you. It's a pity that you are a philandering ghost everywhere."

 I won't say much about the 53231323 stalk, basically anyone who has studied music can understand it.

(End of this chapter)

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