My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 105 The Room of the Dead House

Chapter 105 The Room of the Dead House

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Nakano Nino cooking with a shovel and wearing an apron.A pot of miso soup was boiling on the stove.

Obviously, it is like a warm scene of a lovely wife preparing breakfast for her family by the stove.However, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help feeling guilty when he saw the shiny shovel that he just bought yesterday.

I always feel that the fear of being dominated by that shovel has not been eliminated.

"I'm back~"

Finding that someone has already got up early, then I don't need to be sneaky, so I yelled out of habit.

"Welcome back~"

Putting the fried eggs on the plate one by one, Nakano Nino responded without looking back.

It seemed a little wrong to take a second or two to react.

Looking back at Yi Lingyuan who was also stunned, Nakano Nino hurriedly turned her attention to the breakfast in the pot again.

Seeing that Nakano Nino didn't seem to have any reaction to this, Yi Lingyuan was also relieved, after all, there was an inexplicable sense of seeing her husband coming home during the conversation between them.

"You!. Where did you suddenly disappear this morning?"

"Well, it feels like the weather is good. I'm going out for morning exercise."

Stopping what he was doing, Nakano Erino looked at Yi Lingyuan who was obviously talking nonsense with a look of insanity.

"Wearing Mr. Pan's one-piece puppet pajamas for morning exercise?"


"Cut~ liar."

"I practiced the injury-free release method and anti-strike training of the wrist cruciate all morning."


For Yi Lingyuan's inexplicable words, Nakano Nina rolled her eyes and felt that the guy in front of him didn't have a single word of truth in his mouth, so let's cook first.

Yi Lingyuan sat in the living room and watched TV for a while, then heard the sound of Nakano Nino bringing breakfast one by one to the dining table.

Just looking over to know what to eat today, he met Nakano Nino's eyes.

"I'm going to clean up the kitchen, you white rice go and wake up Yihua and the others for breakfast"

Involuntarily giving Yi Lingyuan a task, Nina Nakano went to the kitchen again to get busy.

I feel that my authority as a teacher seems to be deteriorating, but Yi Lingyuan still acts obediently in order to have delicious miso soup to drink.

May's room is the closest to the stairs and also the one that screams the most. Yi Lingyuan only shouted a few times outside the door, and the man rushed out of the room with a curled-up hair, running non-stop to wash up.

And when Yi Lingyuan called Nakano Wuyue, Nakano Yotsuba also opened the door energetically and jumped out, with the green checkered hairband on her head well.

Yi Lingyuan, who knew something about Nakano Yotsuba, looked at Nakano Yotsuba's appearance who had obviously been up for a long time.

"I said Clover, you must have been playing the game in the room for a long time, right?"

"Ahh~, that, how is it possible."

"Really? Then let me go to your room and take a look."

"Don't! Ling Yuan, how can you just enter a girl's room casually!"

Seeing that Yi Lingyuan was obviously going to go inside, Nakano Yotsuba hurriedly stopped Yi Lingyuan's pace.

Hearing that this is totally different from Nakano Yotsuba's words, Yi Lingyuan can be completely sure that his guess is correct.

"In that case, let me go in and take a look. If the computer host is not hot, I will take you to play with me next time."


"Four leaves, the exam is tomorrow. If someone lies again and fails the exam, then I will really send her to Hengshui to exercise."

"I've been here for a while, just for a while, I feel that it's too difficult to play the big sister battle alone, let's go to the game hall to play together next time."

"Is that so?" Looking at Nakano Yotsuba's eager eyes, Yi Lingyuan murmured pretentiously, "If Yotsuba's grades in tomorrow's exam satisfy me."

"I will definitely do my best!"

"Oh~ it ignited all of a sudden! Inherit my power and become the strongest hero in the academy and even in the world!"

"Oh oh oh~!"

Seeing Nakano Yotsuba's passionate appearance, Yi Lingyuan still couldn't bear to tell her that there are some things that cannot be supplemented by passion, such as IQ.

Seeing Yotsuba Nakano who was also running downstairs to wash up quickly, Yi Lingyuan shook his head and knocked lightly on the door of Sanjiu Nakano's room.

"I'm going in, Sanjiu."

Pushing the door and entering is a welfare link that readers love to see. At this time, Sanjiu is wearing her own black silk with half-undressed clothes.

Just put on the skirt, the clothes on the upper body have not yet been buttoned up. The pink corset still hugging the pipa is even more breathtaking. Under Yi Lingyuan's gaze, the black silk is drawn from top to bottom. Wearing it on the legs, the perfect leg curve under the reflection of the luster and the black silk are even more attractive.

After putting on the black stockings, Nakano Sanjiu looked up at Yi Lingyuan who was standing at the door in a daze.

"Good morning"

"Uh, good morning"

"Wait, this doesn't seem to be the point."

Seeing that Nakano Sanjiu didn't seem to notice the fact that she was gone, Yi Lingyuan hurriedly left a sentence, "Nerao is ready for dinner", closed the door and hurried away.

Looking at the closed door, Nakano Sanjiu looked at her attire in disappointment.

"Ling Yuan, don't you like pink?"

Hurriedly running away from the temptation that made it difficult to extricate oneself, Yi Lingyuan paused in front of Nakano Yihua's door, and finally knocked on the door and entered with the thought that this kind of welfare would never allow him to meet two people in a row.



Yi Lingyuan had countless assumptions, but he never expected that Nakano Yihua's room was like a disaster scene.As if the room had experienced a theft, all kinds of clothes were scattered everywhere and there might be a humanoid object lying in the middle of the bed.

The corner of Yi Lingyuan's mouth twitched:
"Could it be that Yihua, you are a hidden dead house?"

 Today's double update is here, thanks to [The Desperate Guy] for the support of the rudder master, congratulations to the rudder master!
(End of this chapter)

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