My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 109 The War Begins

Chapter 109 The War Begins

Group number: 282495957.Everyone is welcome to speak enthusiastically. The author usually appears from time to time. Remember to change the nickname in the group to the starting point or the one on qq reading, otherwise you will not be able to recognize it.

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"Little Yukino~!"

After seeing Yukinoshita Yukino who opened the door pale and opened the door, Yuigahama Yui couldn't help but rushed over and hugged Yukinoshita Yukino.

As if a dog finally found its cat friend, Yubihama Yui closed her eyes and excitedly rubbed around Yukino under the snow. This benefit made Yi Lingyuan a little envious
Of course, what Yi Lingyuan couldn't understand the most was what was there to miss about the tablet that was even barren than Yinglili?

Yi Lingyuan was not noticed until the two girls had sex with Ji Wan.

Yukinoshita Yukino took the Black Forest cake from Yi Lingyuan's hand expressionlessly, which was in stark contrast to the gentle expression that just comforted Yuigahama Yui.

Yi Lingyuan, who had taken advantage of the girl before, naturally didn't dare to say anything more. If Yubihama Yui really complained about something at the scene, Yukinoshita Yukino might really want to stage a scene of murder with a high IQ.

Yukinoshita Yukino was still wearing last night's pajamas, after cutting and serving the Black Forest cake brought by Yi Lingyuan, she skillfully cut black tea for the two of them.

Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino sitting there dignifiedly, if it wasn't for his unforgettable experience, Yi Lingyuan would even feel that what happened last night and this morning was just a dream.

Thinking of this, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help looking at Yukinoshita Yukino's lips. Yi Lingyuan still remembers the wonderful taste of last night.

Yukino Yukino looked at Yubihama Yui, who was doing her best to deal with the cake without leaving any trace, and then her eyes returned to the coldness again, and Yi Lingyuan quickly retracted her gaze from that cold gaze.

After a while, seeing the situation where these two girls had been talking between girls, or Yuigahama Yui had been talking and Yukinoshita Yukino was listening carefully, Yi Lingyuan felt that she might be redundant.

After finishing the remaining black tea in the cup, Yi Lingyuan simply went to the piano at Xueshixia's house and adjusted the Yamaha's grand piano.

Just by looking at it, you can see that it is often maintained and played. After watching the two people who are still talking about it, Yi Lingyuan's fingertips are slid across the keys.
"Play (かなで)"

The first time I heard this song was the ed of "Friends of the Week", sung by Yu Gongtian.At that time, the rhythm of this song sounded, but it earned me a wave of tears.

It's just that at this time, the music played by Yi Lingyuan is more warm than sad.

. . .

. . . . .

it's 6 o'clock in the evening

Although Yukinoshita Yukino asked Yi Lingyuan and Yubihama Yui to stay for dinner.

But obviously, Yukinoshita Yukino's illness is still not cured, so it's not good to let her cook, Yi Lingyuan doesn't know how to cook, as for Yubihama Yui
Yi Lingyuan and Yukinoshita Yukino felt that if they could, they would never want Yui Hama Yui to enter the kitchen.

After sending Yubihama Yui home, Yi Lingyuan declined Mrs. Yubibin's dinner invitation, and returned to Nakano's house for another dinner.

After all, tomorrow is the exam. Naturally, I gave these pickle scumbags a good night of tutoring.

next day
Exams are coming soon, and the whole school is naturally filled with a strong depressive atmosphere.

In the original morning, there was no laughter of all kinds, but the sound of Lang Lang's reading was endless.

With the sound of the exam bell
The list of examination arrangements at eight o'clock was posted in the corridor.

Yi Lingyuan also followed the tide of people to the corridor to look at the white paper with densely written names.

【Yi Lingyuan】

Seeing that his name was at the top of the list, Yi Lingyuan knew that the seats were basically arranged according to nouns.

Influenced by the inland of China, Zongwu High School basically arranges the seats according to the rankings every time in the exam. Only in the big exams will the order be disrupted and the seats will be assigned.

looking down
[Yukinoshita Yukino] This daily second is also familiar with her name. Before Yi Lingyuan joined the service department, it seemed that she could only see Yukinoshita Yukino during the exam.

As for the name below the list, Yi Lingyuan is basically very familiar, after all, it has been more than a year, and everyone is a familiar face.

【Suzuki Noki】

【Hideji Kitahara】

【Miyazaki Yuzuru】

【Fuutaro Uesugi】

【Only I am lucky】

【Aoki Division】

【Qin Feng】

【Fukuzawa Fuyumi】

I always feel that Hideji Kitahara's girlfriend named Fuyumi is really miserable enough. It's really pitiful to compete with the above school masters who are either cheats or geniuses all day long.

After packing up his rulers, pens and other tools, Yi Lingyuan packed up his desk and leisurely ran to the upper right corner of Class A to wait for the exam to start.

Yukino under the snow appeared in Yi Lingyuan's line of sight after a while, and the blood color returned to her pale cheeks, but she still coughed lightly from time to time.

"How is your cold?"

"Instead of worrying about me, you should work hard to prepare for the upcoming exam."

Sitting back in her seat, Yukinoshita Yukino covered her light coughing with her left hand, and said to Yi Lingyuan seriously:
"After all, if you have a flaw, those behind you will mercilessly drive you off the number one throne."

Hearing Yukino Yukinoshita's words, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth proudly, and the black pen was lightly turning on his fingertips:
"Don't worry, if you don't get sent to the hospital by your car anymore, then the number one this time will naturally be mine, the second student in the millennium, Xue Shixia"

"Contempt and carelessness are the main reasons for losing points, and at this time you have both."

"So, this time I won't lose if I am the first in age."

"Then, do you want to gamble, Yukinoshita?"

"Gambling is a vice."

"Ah~ that's it, then forget it, anyway, you never beat me under the snow, so forget it if you don't gamble"


Seeing Yi Lingyuan leaning on the table and sighing contemptuously, Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes shone coldly.

"It's really a bad way to fight ~~! I agree with your bet, so what's the bet?"

"Well, I haven't made up my mind yet, let's agree to a reasonable request from the other party first."

"I always feel that the scumbag you put forward is very dangerous. You are not thinking of doing bad things to me by this, are you?!"

(Obviously the night before yesterday you took the initiative and I couldn't help it)

Of course, Yi Lingyuan would definitely not say these words, but just smiled undeniably:
"Don't worry, for the time being, I still abide by the law. At least I'm much kinder than someone who destroys the corpse."

After the on-the-spot agreement, Yi Lingyuan and Yukino Yukino did not say much, and each adjusted their state to prepare for the showdown.

The number of people in the classroom gradually increased, and it was already full in just a few minutes.

as the bell rang again
exam begins

The war between Yi Lingyuan and Yukino Yukino also begins!
(End of this chapter)

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