My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 110 Chinese and Mathematics

Chapter 110 Chinese and Mathematics

Known function f(x)=-x+2x
(1) It is a subtraction function on [1, +000);

(2) When x ∈ [2, 5], find the maximum and minimum values ​​of f(x).

Yi Lingyuan basically knew the way to solve the problem at a glance. This kind of function problem with no Nandu was about to vomit when he was in the first year of high school.



∵X1, X2 belong to [1, +oo), W1<X2
That is, f(X1)-f(X2)>0
(2) I leave it to you, it's time to test your math level, you can even learn math at the starting point.

After easily completing the boring math test paper, Yi Lingyuan tilted his head and looked around in boredom.

Although everyone knew about this age number one, their hearts sank after seeing Yi Lingyuan finish the test paper so quickly.

It took less than an hour to complete the test paper. Unless it was filled out indiscriminately, it was possible to check the entire test paper five or six times.

For those who are really good at mathematics, but seeing this speed, they basically know what they are doing.

(The author completed the math test in one hour and 20 minutes at the fastest time. He was bored and checked the entire test paper three times, and he also saw a student who did it faster than me.)
Relying on the ease of the teachers on weekdays, Ling Yuan even arrogantly tested his body to see how Yukinoshita was doing.

Sensing the arrogance of the person in front of her, Yukino Yukino did not raise her head Mathematical symbols form a stark contrast.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Yi Lingyuan's habit is not good, but sometimes when he calculates again, he often can't find the problem he just did, and the process goes to the corner of the manuscript paper.

(Knocking on the blackboard, the students of the college entrance examination will save a lot of trouble when they pay attention to keeping the order of their draft paper for the second check.)
I have to admit that Yukinoshita Yukino's mental quality is still very good, and she pretends not to see Yi Lingyuan winking at her like air.

Yi Lingyuan, who felt bored, also felt that his behavior was quite boring, if Yukino Yukino could be provoked by himself so easily, he wouldn't be Yukinoshita.

Turn your gaze to the old friend you run into every exam.

The gloomy boy who won 3.9 million won in the cafeteria before wrote quickly with a serious face, and Hideji Kitahara, who was rumored to have both sisters, was also serious, obviously this time the topic was not for these people. No matter how challenging it is, each of them has a certified serious expression.

In contrast, the leisurely Suzuki Noki and the moody Miyazaki Yuzuru are more in line with the difficulty of this test.

As for the bald Yi Lingyuan who is also at the top of the list, I think it is better not to look at it. I always feel that this person exudes a dangerous aura. It is not impossible that he is related to another person named Qiyu. Then he will be punched. ok but it's interesting.

After finishing the math test in the morning, Yi Lingyuan couldn't wait to find those pickle sisters, wondering what kind of expressions those idiots would have.

I have never felt that the five scumbags of Zongwu's high-level exams are very dim compared to now, and their mentality may have collapsed.

. . .

. . . . .

student cafeteria
The five identical quintuplet beautiful girls are still very conspicuous at a glance, not to mention that they are all lying on the table in dejection at this time, and even May, who has always been gluttonous, didn't order food.

"How about it, did you feel the cordial greetings from Sobuko?"


Seeing people who have been completely black and white completely silent, it is obvious that they have been shut down by the math test.

"Actually, Zong Wugao's mathematics difficulty is considered low this time."

"Low? Really?"

Kazuka Nakano, who was last in mathematics among the five, was taken aback by Yi Lingyuan's words.

"Well, at least it's much better than the test papers in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in China's interior."

"That fabled area, I heard that in the year when Mr. Ge came up with the question, it seemed that some people wanted to jump off the building after finishing the math test."

Thinking of her math problems in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in "May [-]", Kazuka Nakano felt a lot better. At least there are people who are more miserable than herself, right?
"So, in fact, it's okay if the questions are more difficult this time. The difficulty is something that everyone thinks is difficult. So there is no need to be depressed."

Sitting next to them, Yi Lingyuan analyzed seriously and comforted the five exhausted people.

When I came here, I wanted to check the answers with these five pickle sisters to hit them. The bad idea also dissipated. If they really messed up their mentality, they would really be unable to pass the exam after that. up.

(After the college entrance examination, if anyone has the same answer as you, you will slap him. After the exam, you will immediately go to the next exam. Don’t do such meaningless things that easily mess up your mentality.)
Rarely, he didn't tease the quintuplets, let alone complain that Nakano Wuyue ate too much. On the contrary, Yi Lingyuan added a piece of beef tongue to Nakano Wuyue as a sign of encouragement.

As usual, I casually found a shady long coat in the courtyard and rested for a while.

When the bell rang for the end of the lunch break, Yi Lingyuan took her pencil case and rushed to the Chinese test site again.

Things like Chinese exams have always been mysterious.

In the final analysis, what it wants to test is the students' personal literary literacy and various formulaic answering skills.

And the little ancient poetry assessment in the textbook is basically not difficult at all.

Of course, at this time, Yi Lingyuan had to face the biggest hurdle he would encounter in every exam.

Idiom explanation
Judging from the previous explanations of the dog relying on people's power, bullying teachers and destroying ancestors, and Qiyue Liuhuo, it seems that Yi Lingyuan's idiom interpretation ability is not the same as Nakano Wuyue, a pickle.

Fortunately, the idiom explanation in Chinese this time is fairly simple, so Yi Lingyuan thinks it should be stable this time.

【learn by analogy】

This time, I was able to write the answer easily without thinking: I suddenly raised the banner of Yihua, but I no longer like Sanjiu.

With Yi Lingyuan's IQ and thinking logic ability, the rest can be easily deduced according to the first explanation.

[Three-hearted, two-minded]: I used to pretend to be Sanjiu, but now it is full of thoughts of missing Er Nao.

【Morning three and evening four】: In the morning it is still the Sanjiu Party, but in the evening it becomes the Four Leaf Party.

[Chaojiu Late Five]: I still think about Sanjiu in the morning but I think about May in the evening.

After writing all Chen Yu's explanations in one go, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help feeling refreshed.I have finally overcome my weakness, but this is thanks to the five pickle sisters, otherwise I would not have thought of the translation of these idioms.

After writing the language test paper, he looked at his idiom explanation again with satisfaction, flicked his fingers on the test paper, and Yi Lingyuan showed a satisfied smile:
"This Chinese language test is stable!"

 Resolutely support clean net activities, resolutely support the purification of online literature, prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony, freedom, equality, justice and the legal system.In short, I am a cute and hardworking little author with pure positive energy and a friendly army.In addition, starting point dad loves me again QAQ. (Tonight I played basketball with my roommate all night. When I came back, it was past nine o'clock. I owed one more, and I will make up for it at three o'clock tomorrow)

(End of this chapter)

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