Chapter 111 Interlude
It was a small test rather than a major test, so the club activities were not affected, and the slogans from the sports club could still be heard from time to time.

The service department is still as quiet as ever.

Yukinoshita Yukino and Yi Lingyuan were still doing their own things as usual, one was reading a book while the other was trying to write the appropriate background music for the game project "Women's Dress Mountain Range" according to their own inspiration.

After all, as a galgame, this kind of visual word game galgame also plays a role that cannot be ignored.

The power of the human mind that music can mobilize is not inferior to words.

Yi Lingyuan remembered that in his previous life, when he was 9 years old, an uncle passed away, but he couldn't cry in that ancestral hall.But when he saw Hokage Jiraiya's death, he couldn't help crying loudly regardless of his image, even the pillow was wet a lot.

Now that I think about it, it might be because of the BGM problem.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Xuenai, what did you choose for the multiple-choice questions in Chinese?"

In the end, Yuigahama Yui, who couldn't hold back, still asked.

"Yui, the annoyance and self-blame after the incident is meaningless to prepare for the next exam. Life can't just stay in what happened, you need to look forward."

Yukinoshita Yukino's daily teaching started again. Fortunately, it was Yui Hihama. If it was replaced by Yi Lingyuan, it would probably become:
"Knowing that you have to look forward to things, but still looking for troubles to bring yourself mental torture, masochist?"

Relying on his understanding of Yukinoshita Yukino these days, Yi Lingyuan was able to guess a thing or two about what Yukino would say to him.

Suppressing a smile, Yi Lingyuan pretended to concentrate on writing the music score and did not look at Yuigahama Yui's eyes asking for help.In fact, the pen in his hand was just drawing a few meaningless symbols on the white paper, and more attention was paid to Yukinoshita Yukino's lecture to Yuigahama Yui.

From the corner of his vision, he could clearly see Yuigahama Yui's distressed look, he obviously didn't want to hear it but couldn't escape.

After some language education by Yukinoshita Yukino, and by the way, Yuihama Yui put down her phone and took out her textbook to review tomorrow's exam.

"Aren't Xiaoxue Nai and Xiao Yi going to review?"

"The work is in normal times, and the benefit is in the exam. If Yui takes time to review her homework every day, the review can be easily completed."

The standard version of Yukinoshita Yukino's hard-working education, but this kind of powerful self-controlled learning is not something ordinary people can persist.

When Yubihama Yui turned his gaze to himself, Yi Lingyuan's answer was even more crisp.

"Everything I have seen is basically recorded in my mind."

"God, genius! Doesn't Xiao Yi mean that he has a photographic memory!"

Even Yukino Yukinoshita looked at Yi Lingyuan in amazement, apparently also surprised by this kind of ability that only appeared in film and television dramas and anime.

It's just that the quick-thinking student Yukinoshita suddenly remembered that if the scumbag in front of him could never forget it, wouldn't he still clearly remember the horrible scene he showed that night!

Thinking of this, Yukinoshita put down the "Run, Melles" in his hand, picked up the phone and hesitated for a while, but found the video of "The Butler's Amnesia Fist Teaching".

Although Yukinoshita Yukino's movements were a bit strange, Yi Lingyuan didn't run over to see what she was looking at.

It's just that I don't know if it's an illusion, Yi Lingyuan always feels a little cold behind her back, could it be that Yukinoshita Yukino's cold caught it?

(Speaking of which, the exchange of bodily fluids such as kissing is indeed possible to easily catch a cold.)
Yi Lingyuan, who was still thinking wildly, probably didn't know that a new storm had emerged.

. . .

. . . . .

On the night of the exam, I left it to the five pickles to review freely, and Yi Lingyuan didn't go, anyway, teaching at this time is not very meaningful.

Returning home after a long absence, and changing into home clothes, Yi Lingyuan took a glass of iced juice and sat down in front of the TV again to find out the sand sculpture drama "I Am Big Brother". This drama is simply poisonous.

After a while, the sky gradually darkened.

It didn't get dark until nearly seven o'clock, and the taste of summer really became stronger.

Of course, Yi Lingyuan is more worried about what he will have for dinner than Yi Lingyuan. Since he got acquainted with the five sisters of the Nakano family, he basically goes for dinner every day.

It has been three years since I came here at the age of 14. Finally, someone can cook, and it is delicious. Of course, Yi Lingyuan went there every day with a cheeky face.

Even if Yi Lingyuan, the manager of the former coffee shop, came to find him again, he would never go back. How could the food made by Nakano Nino be as delicious in a mere coffee shop!
It's just that there is no need to go to their tutoring class today, Yi Lingyuan looked at the empty refrigerator and rummaged in the kitchen for a long time but couldn't find anything like instant noodles.

"Why don't you just drink fruit juice to survive?"

After thinking about it, Yi Lingyuan decided to give up this very challenging idea and decided to go to a convenience store to have dinner casually.

After returning to her room, she changed into her usual casual clothes. Just as she pushed open the door of her bedroom, she saw a lovely Jing with a collar of vegetables and chicken, and was wearing a red evening dress.

"Huh? Xiaojing?"

"Is this going out?"

Asked Yi Lingyuan while talking about the high heels that hindered his feet, stepped on the wooden floor with his delicate and plump feet, his toes with red nail polish looked extraordinarily white and lovely under the light, it was a pity for Yi Lingyuan in the end Hide in the indoor slippers under your gaze.

"If you want to buy dinner, you don't have to. I'll make curry for you tonight."

Even wearing a long crimson dress still couldn't stop Shizuka Hiratsuka's furious actions.However, seeing Hiratsuka Shizuka's dignified long hair, elegant and luxurious amethyst earrings, and lipsticked lips as if she ran out of some reception, such Hiratsuka Shizuka is at this moment Vegetables are skillfully washed in the kitchen.

Yi Lingyuan watched such Hiratsuka Jingxin inexplicably feeling aroused, maybe it was love, or the emotion between family members.

It's just that Yi Lingyuan can clearly understand the meaning expressed by the emotion in his heart: if possible, if this older violent leftover woman can't get married, then Yi Lingyuan wants to marry this lovely Jing.

Hiratsuka Jing, who was busy in the kitchen, also felt Yi Lingyuan's burning eyes.

"I ran away from the dance halfway and came here to cook for you. If you can't keep my benefits in this exam, you can sleep on the road for me in the future!" Hiratsuka said, raising the kitchen knife in her hand: " I haven't cleared the level of "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" yet!"

Yi Lingyuan: "."

Forget it, this woman is hopeless, let her continue to be an older leftover woman.

(End of this chapter)

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