Chapter 116 Threesome

The three had dinner together at Yuigahama Yui's home.

After knowing each other for so long, it seems that the three of them have never eaten together at the dining table.

Most of them are Hibin Yui looking for Yukinoshita Yukino to eat together at noon, and Yi Lingyuan, who has always been living in the student cafeteria, is naturally rarely able to bring lunch, even if he does, I am afraid that he will go to find it with the cheek Let's frolic, train and have lunch with Touma and Sasa.

Although these three people are masters who can easily hide their emotions, no matter Yukinoshita Yukino's more lively eyes than usual, Yuhihama Yui's humming tune from time to time, or Yi Lingyuan who is eating happily Inadvertently exposed his horse's feet.

The only fly in the ointment is that "Come on, R Sauce" shown on TV is still mentally retarded.

The heroine fled to the Neon Autonomous Region, and the hero teacher also chased there.The male lead was struggling to find his luggage just after he got off the plane, he stayed in a black hotel and was beaten with a sap.

When I woke up the next day, I found a hideous wound on my lower abdomen.

The terrified male protagonist ran to the hospital for an examination, but after spending more than 2000 yuan, the doctor told him the shocking news—his appendix was cut.

This obviously mentally retarded plot almost caused Yi Lingyuan to spray rice on Yukino Yukino's face.

Is Hei Hotel still working part-time for charity these days?
The saddest thing is probably that after dinner, Yuihama Yui dragged Yukinoshita Yukino and herself to watch this TV series for 20 minutes.Yi Lingyuan's ability to complain is almost capable of destroying the earth.

Just when Yi Lingyuan was about to propose to go home to study, Yuigahama Yui flatly rejected the proposal, and very authoritarianly said to Yukinoshita Yukino that she wanted to go shopping.

The result of this is of course self-evident
Yukinoshita Yukino, who had a negative resistance to Yuhihama Yui, had no resistance at all, and the look of being easily persuaded made Yi Lingyuan feel that he might indeed be redundant.

Sure enough, the plot of two cute girls running into a handsome guy in a drama about Jiji is really nonsense. If it is replaced with a self-destructing truck with dead fish eyes, it may become a masterpiece of alternative youth. Not impossible.

Thinking of this, Yi Lingyuan sincerely thanked God for being able to live in this world.

It's also really great not to be hit by a truck in the first episode and then turn into a zombie and become an idol after ten or so years.

. . .

. . . . .

In the end, Yi Lingyuan was also dragged to Chiba Commercial Street to go shopping with the two girls.

The dim sky is brightened by various lights.

Seeing all kinds of cool summer clothes on the street and the long white legs, Yi Lingyuan sincerely praised the greatness of summer.

Sure enough, materialist dialectics is correct, and everything has two sides.


Yukinoshita Yukino's foot stepped on Yi Lingyuan's foot at some point.

After unconsciously moving her foot away, Yukinoshita Yukino apologized casually: "Ah, I'm sorry, I accidentally stepped on you, I thought it was a bug that was in heat just now."

"No matter what you think, you did it on purpose!"

The hot feeling on the instep made Yi Lingyuan walk with a limp, and with Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui deliberately speeding up the pace, Yi Lingyuan was easily dropped several steps.


Yuigahama Yui didn't forget to turn around to make a face at Yi Lingyuan, and followed Yukinoshita Yukino's pace with small steps, hugging Yukinoshita's arm intimately.

(Wait for me, you group, see if Yukinoshita is not around or not, and see how I will revenge you!)

Hmm. Now let's start with the development of the heart.

They are obviously two girls who are in the prime of their youth, but one or two are still not interested in all kinds of clothing stores on the street. Instead, he ran to a bakery.

“This Dou Da Fu is super delicious”


"Well, there's that yokan, and that bean bun stuffed with red bean paste."

“And this butter bun is also delicious”


"Ah! And Baumkuchen"

Seeing Yuigahama Yui who had already started to have fun at this time, Yukinoshita Yukino stood there with her arms around her, half pampered and half helpless.

“I really like to eat dim sum”

"This dumpling ate five servings of bread in one go when she visited the doctor before. I really don't know how her stomach is filled."

"Don't you like dessert too?"


"Don't be so surprised. People who like drinks as sweet as Max coffee are sweet tooths. It's easy to guess."

"Hmm... I really think so. However, Mrs. Yuigahama's food seems a little too delicious, and I don't have much appetite now."

"That's it"

Yukinoshita Yukino knelt down and saw the exquisite sugar cake at the bottom of the glass window, and stared intently with one hand on the glass.

"It's incredible that such a delicate cake can be made with starchy eggs and white sugar"

Yi Lingyuan, with keen senses, noticed a few veiled eyes in the store looking at Yukinoshita Yukino's black silk-clad thighs, and moved a few steps quietly, relying on her body to block the beautiful scenery.

"It's so exquisite that people can't bear to speak."

"What are you talking about~?"

With one hand half-holding the paper bag containing the dessert, a small bun was biting in his mouth, while the other hand was still groping in the bag, and he took out a rather large red bean paste bag and handed it to Yi Lingyuan, and then took out another one and handed it to Yi Lingyuan. Yukino under the snow.

Seeing that these two people accepted their food, Yuigahama Yui smiled happily, took the bread from his mouth, and took a bite in satisfaction.

"Sure enough, it's still delicious."

Yuigahama Yui's happy appearance made Yi Lingyuan and Yukinoshita Yukino look at each other and smile knowingly.

Walking out of the store, the three of them were still walking side by side on the street

The evening wind blows from Chiba Sea
With a hint of coolness, pedestrians on the street close their eyes to enjoy this rare coolness
Next to Yi Lingyuan, Yukino Yukino's black hair brushed Yi Lingyuan's face vaguely, causing Yi Lingyuan to look to the left.

Yukinoshita Yukino's delicate and slender ring finger drew the hair around her ears and comforted them obediently behind her ears.And the exquisite face hidden in the long black hair before was also revealed. It was obviously not the first time I saw it, but Yi Lingyuan still thought it was so pretty.

The two finished the red bean paste buns in their hands, and this quick speed also attracted the attention of the two girls who were eating.

Yubihama Yui took out a sakura-colored red bean paste bun from the bag again, split it in half from the middle, and gave the half to Yi Lingyuan. After seeing him take it and took another big bite, Yubihama Yui smiled happily and took a big bite of the bean paste bun in his hand.

(This is what I ate with him. Even Xiao Xue Nai doesn’t have it. The unique bean paste bun!)
(End of this chapter)

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