My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 117 Incoming Calls and Sneaking Out

Chapter 117 Incoming Calls and Sneaking Out

Accompanied by the strong melody of "Thousand Sakura". ,

Yi Lingyuan, who was woken up early in the morning by the bombardment of An Yilunye's phone calls, answered angrily.

"An Yilun, if you don't give me a good enough reason within ten seconds, you will die, and the Internet will be full of photos of you rushing to the street late at night."

"Hey, you are cyber violence."


"Wait. Based on our feelings of fighting for Asuna's wife, you wouldn't do that, would you?"


"Ling Yuan, you would never do that, would you?"


"If you really do this, I will die with regret"


"Wait, wait! Did you eat both Seven and Six?"


"I said, I said!"


Once again skipping the middle number with no integrity, Yi Lingyuan regretfully announced An Yilunye's social death.

"Unfortunately, An Yilun is also a classmate, I hope there will be no Hokage running in your world in your next life~"

"No, no, no matter how you think about it, there should be no devil like you in my world in the next life!"

"Beep beep beep beep~~~!"

Before An Yilun could finish complaining, Yi Lingyuan hung up the phone neatly. Anyway, Yi Lingyuan knew An Yilun well, and this coward would definitely call and beg for mercy.

Throwing down the phone and looking at the clock, it was still 5:34 in the morning. After some calculation, it was time for Yi Lingyuan to do morning exercises.

Turning off the phone to silent, going to the bathroom to wash himself up, a refreshed Yi Lingyuan was wiping his wet hair and returning to the bedroom, when he picked up the phone on the bed and looked at it, An Yilun was almost taken aback.

More than 20 missed calls in such a short period of time almost made Yi Lingyuan feel like he had a girlfriend.

He continued to dry his hair with one hand, and on the other hand, he found An Yilunye's phone and dialed it.

"Ling Yuan, you finally answered the phone!"

"Um, it looks like I called, right?"

"It's not important now, the important thing is that I've been staring at your Weibo during this time and it's great to find that I haven't died socially yet."

Yi Lingyuan, who had already imagined that An Yilun was also crying on the phone, couldn't help but feel a chill.

"So, tell me why you called so early? I don't remember any figures being released recently?"

"Hmm, hum~~! Let me tell you this as an otaku who has been an otaku since elementary school!"

"If you keep trying to keep things secret, you can wait for death with peace of mind."

"Ahem, actually, tomorrow is Teacher Xia Shizi's new book launch event! I heard that the much-anticipated third volume will be released soon!"


"Yes, tomorrow?"

"Then what are you telling me to do now?"

"Of course I want you to go early and spend the night together to queue up and grab tickets!"

WTF !?
What An Yilun said made Yi Lingyuan shut down a bit. He walked out of the room, put the towel on the shelf, and shook his half-dry and half-wet hair. He still didn't understand why he had to wait in line overnight.

"Don't you know? After our hard work during this period of time, Teacher Xia Shizi's first two volumes of books have been published and the cumulative number has exceeded [-]!"

"So much?"

Although he had estimated in his heart that the circulation of Xia Shizi's books might increase, such a rapid speed still made Yi Lingyuan quite speechless.

"You may not know that the reading voices during your live broadcast have been uploaded to Himalaya by your fans and have already exceeded one million views, and they are also available on NetEase Cloud."

An Yilun on the other end of the phone also paused and took a sip of water before continuing:
"What's more, Teacher Xia Shizi's books are of excellent quality. The super high praise rate and tap water have made Teacher Xia Shizi's reputation huge!"

"Well, it's great to be able to help her, otherwise it would be too pitiful if such a great romance novel was cut in half."

"Ms. Xia Shizi's book is not cut in half, it is the great fortune of Neon readers!"

An Yilun is also so fanatical to define this.

(This person is simply a brain fan!)

He and An Yilun chatted casually again, and Yi Lingyuan hung up the phone.After all, whether it is An Yilun, who is going to deliver the morning newspaper, or Yi Lingyuan, who is going to do morning exercises, there are still things to do next.

The following morning drama also unexpectedly ran into Yuigahama Yui who was being walked by the dog on time. Seeing this ghostly ghost Sabre Yi Lingyuan was still a little flustered. He had been walked by him for several times before. Qiu Yi Lingyuan in the circle still remembers it!

After asking for a collar and a rope from Yui Hama Yui, Yi Lingyuan started a morning race to the death with Sabre
One person and one dog still ran around Yi Lingyuan's original morning exercise route seven times in a daze.

At first Sabre was running in front of Yi Lingyuan full of joy, and later he stuck his tongue out in front of him and hung behind. If the collar and rope were not still in Yi Lingyuan's hands, he might have gone on strike.

Finally, after the man and the dog ran up to the shrine again, Yi Lingyuan was exhausted and let go of the rope, and Sabre didn't even bother to move, lying on the steps with his tongue out to dissipate heat.

Yi Lingyuan, who could no longer hold on, even leaned on the pillar of the shrine.

"Hey, let's run again next time if we have the ability!"

Su La's resolute and indomitable Yi Lingyuan still challenged Sabre who was lying on the ground.

"Even if Xiao Yi said that, Sabre wouldn't understand~"

Seeing that Yi Lingyuan finally stopped, Yubihama Yui took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped the sweat off Yi Lingyuan's face.

"No, this is a contest between me and Sabré, it will definitely understand!"

Yi Lingyuan looked at Sabre on the ground until he turned his head away, then he gave up.

"What~~Xiao Yi is such a child~!"

While talking like this, Yubihama Yui was really smiling very happily, obviously the child was very happy to be able to take care of Yi Lingyuan.

Looking down at Yuigahama Yui, who was still wiping her sweat meticulously, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva on the face that was often seen on weekdays.What happened at Yukino's house in Yukinoshita before is still vivid in my mind as if it was yesterday.

The distance between the two is only a few centimeters, and I don't know if Yubihama Yui has already stuck to Yi Lingyuan's body inadvertently.

At this distance, how could one not know where Yi Lingyuan's scorching eyes were looking.

Thinking of the conversation between Yi Lingyuan and Yukinoshita Yukino in his room before, it gave Yuigahama Yui a fire in his forward momentum.

Closed eyes, trembling long eyelashes are even more adorable from this angle, stand on tiptoe and want to offer your cherry lips
(Sorry Xiaoyukino, I'm going to sneak away this time.)
(End of this chapter)

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