Chapter 118
"Wow woof woof~~!!!"

Sabre stood up and shook his body, and yelled loudly at Yi Lingyuan a few times.

At this moment, it was just the two of them who were very close, these few barks were like spring thunder at the time of waking up, causing the two to separate from each other.

Both of them knew what was going to happen just now, Yuihama Yui blushed and took a few steps back, obviously the girl's skin was still thin.

On the contrary, Yi Lingyuan was more fortunate, if he really kissed her, he would have suffered the consequences.

If it is because of this that she has established a relationship with Yuigahama Yui, then according to Touma Kazusa's timid character, no matter what you think, she will go abroad to escape
I always feel that this kind of development is about to produce a huge Baixue feast.

For some reason, Yi Lingyuan has such an intuition, as if he has played that stomach-ache magic game.

"The weather is so hot today, I feel extremely thirsty"


Seeing Yubihama Yui lowering her head and staring at her toes shyly as if there was something on them, Yi Lingyuan felt that she should get out as soon as possible at this moment.

"I still have some things to do."


"So...well, I'll go first."

"Ah, Xiao Yi has been running for so long just now, first, let's rest for a while before leaving!"

Before Yi Lingyuan could take a step, Yubibin Yui had already grabbed the hem of his clothes.

Seeing Yuigahama Yui's excited look, Yi Lingyuan had no choice but to agree, and the two sat on the steps in the shade of the shrine again.

Seeing Yi Lingyuan who was still sweating constantly beside him, Yubihama Yui handed her a small pink water cup.

"Please use"

"Ah, thank you"

"No, you're welcome"

I always feel that the atmosphere between the two of them has suddenly become polite, as if they haven't recovered from the previous incident.

"By the way, I haven't asked Yuigahama about your impressions after reading it."

Thinking of the fact that he was going to Tokyo to wait in line for Xia Shizi's new book signing event today, Yi Lingyuan finally found a topic.

"After reading it?"

"It's the after-reading impression of "Love Metronome."



"Let me tell you, you haven't read that book yet, have you?"

"How is it possible~! People are just recalling the feeling at that time."

Yubihama Yui waved his fist at Yi Lingyuan with a puffy face, but unfortunately, there was no deterrent effect at all, but it made Yi Lingyuan feel a little itchy, and wanted to bully her well.

"Really? Then you should know who the heroine is this time, right? Don't answer Cheng Xuexia."

Yubihama Yui and Yi Lingyuan still remember the answer they gave in the coffee shop.

Yukinoshita Yukino is the heroine or something, Yi Lingyuan really can't think of what kind of youth love story can be deduced, no matter how you think about that kind of light novel, it will be cut in half!
"Of course it's Yui-chan!!!"

Yubihama Yui glanced at Yi Lingyuan proudly, her entire face was full of pride.

"Natural, cute, lively, kind, gentle, and with short pink hair, Xiao Zhenwei is really amazing!!!"

"Well, is it?"

"Of course! I bought Xiaozhenwei's shares with my entire family, and Zhenwei is definitely the final winner!"

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Yi Lingyuan immediately expressed his agreement.


Hearing Yi Lingyuan's words, Yuigahama Yui's eyes became so bright that she was about to jump up.

"Of course, Zhenwei is number one in the world, and Zhenwei is the real heroine!"

This brazen Yi Lingyuan seemed to have completely forgotten his party affiliation when chatting with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"Right, right! Gentle, kind and well-behaved, it's really great to always think about others"

From Yi Lingyuan's point of view, the excited Yuigahama Yui at this time is no different from those ordinary girls who are excited when they talk about celebrities and fashion, they are just as youthful and cute.

"Of course, Daoupai is really great!"

"Xiaoyi, H~~!"

"Oh, I accidentally said what was in my heart~"

"But I don't think you have any intention of repenting, Xiao Yi!"

"Wow. It seems that there is no way to refute it at all."

"Xiaoxue is right, Xiaoyi's scumbag is hopeless."

"Tuanzi, my heart hurts when you say that~"


Yi Lingyuan pretended to be pitiful and covered his chest with his exaggerated hands, but it's a pity that his acting skills this time are only at the level of cxk.

"I don't believe it!"

Yuigahama Yui pursed her lips and turned her head in disbelief, still muttering:
"Xiao Yi, a big liar."

"Big~liar~ son~!"

That's what he said, but the corners of Yuihihama Yui's mouth really couldn't hide the upturn.After looking at Yi Lingyuan from the corner of his eye, it stayed on his chest.

Yuigahama Yui quickly shook her head, trying to shake out the sudden embarrassment.

(The idea of ​​defeating Xiao Yukino is too strange.)
And Yi Lingyuan was still looking at Yubihama Yui shaking her head in confusion, not knowing what she was thinking.

. . .

. . . . .

As the sun rises, the shadow of the torii gradually changes direction.

Of course, the shadows where Yi Lingyuan and Yubihama Yui enjoyed the shade also gradually decreased.

Looking at the shade at the three-two steps in front of them, the two also knew that it was time to leave.

Although both Yi Lingyuan and Yubihama Yui want to stay with the people around them longer, Yi Lingyuan will go to Tokyo to meet An Yilun soon.

"Well, Sabre has rested, and I'm going back, Xiao Yi."

"Well, I just happen to have something to go to Tokyo, and when I come back, I'll bring you the third volume of the book signed by Mrs. Kasumi Shiko."


"Of course!"

Yubihama Yui stood up and patted the non-existent dust on the skirt, and faced Yi Lingyuan again, still smiling so cutely.


Yubihama Yui suddenly lowered his body and grabbed Yi Lingyuan's collar with his fingers, pulling him in front of him.

The cherry lips that tempted me not long ago were unexpectedly kissed between them.


Yi Lingyuan, who had never thought of such a development, stared at Yuihama Yui with wide eyes.

Still with a seductive blush on her cheeks, Yuihama Yui stepped back a few steps.With the breeze in the forest at this time, the hem of the skirt swayed like flowers.

"This is Xiao Yi, you and Xiao Xue Nai's punishment for hiding my secrets from me, don't leave me alone in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Yuigahama Yui walked quickly to the bottom of the shrine with her own Sabre in her arms.The conspicuous pink balls swayed brightly during the bouncing and bouncing, and Yi Lingyuan's heart went away before he knew it.
(End of this chapter)

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