My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 124 Nozaki-kun good job

Chapter 124 Nozaki-kun good job
In the end, Yi Lingyuan took An Yilun along.

Please ask the siblings in front to take a look at the mat and simple quilt to sleep tonight, Yi Lingyuan took An Yilun and ran to find Nozaki-kun and his assistant Sakura Chiyo with great interest.

Of course, before that, Yi Lingyuan had a good communication with He Nozaki-kun and obtained the consent of the other party.

You can easily find this conspicuous stall after walking the long alleyway.

After all, this tempting barbecue smell is really attractive, and the book fans who lined up in front of and behind Nozaki Umetaro may have complained many times in their hearts without saying anything on the surface.

Even Yi Lingyuan suspects that if it weren't for Nozaki Umetaro, a 190cm strong man who is more intimidating, it is not impossible that someone will come to make trouble.

Fortunately, the combat effectiveness of the A Zhais is obvious to all.

There are still very few people like Ai Lunya who has a great body who works out in various part-time jobs every day, and that sporty otaku like Subaru Natsuki who buys a snack and wears it to another world.

You must know that the Azhai with the body type of Izumi Masamune and Hashima Itsuki is still considered good. In fact, I think more of the fat man who Yi Lingyuan met when he bought a figure before running two steps. House.

To sum up, a strong man like Nozaki-kun is still very intimidating here.

Of course, Yi Lingyuan felt that the cooling stickers on his head and the plaster on his shoulders also had a great effect. Those who didn't know it really thought it was an injury from a fight.

As early as in the group, Yi Lingyuan knew Nozaki-kun very well. His previous life was like "I Want to Die You", "The Strange Classmate Next Seat", "The President is a Maid", "The Moonlight Is Beautiful" and so on. Yi Lingyuan, the dog food love story, has not missed it.

Talking about the plot of the book with Eri Sawamura, whose alias Eri Kashiwagi, and discussing with Nozaki-kun about the direction of his "Monthly Girls Romance" manga plot has not been once or twice.

What's more, when he was ignorant, he was fooled by Nozaki-kun to work as his assistant a few times, so Sakura Chiyo must have something to do with it, and she has always been called a senior by her. ,

"I really didn't expect the two of you to have time to line up to buy Teacher Xia Shizi's new book?"

For these two creators who are either collecting materials or on the way to collect materials every day, it is really rare to be able to take the time to queue up for a night to buy books.

"This time the manuscript was delivered a few days before the deadline, so I can rest for a few days."

"Well, now that we're all here, have you played the "Sister Annihilator" I recommended to you before?"

When asked here, Yi Lingyuan couldn't hold back the smile on the corner of his mouth, and grinned.

"Senior is too much! I didn't feel touched at all, but was unilaterally tortured all afternoon."

Before Nozaki-kun could speak, Sakura Chiyo complained about Yi Lingyuan's sinister intentions.

Without answering Sakura Chiyo's complaints, Yi Lingyuan introduced An Yilun, whom he knew well at the door of the house, to the two of them.

"This is Mr. Taki, a well-known blogger, everyone should have heard of him. He is a senior otaku."

"Ms. Nozaki, Mr. Sakura, hello, I really like your "Monthly Girls' Romance". May I ask if such a cute heroine has a real prototype?"

"The scene where the male lead and the female lead ride bikes home together is super beautiful, and the scene where the two take a walk is also great."

There is absolutely no need for Yi Lingyuan to worry. An Yilun has always been familiar with otaku. He chatted with Nozaki-kun about his works, and Nozaki Umetaro seemed to agree with him.

That's right, I'm afraid no author would hate a serious and passionate fan like An Yilun, right?
Taking advantage of An Yilun, a chatty fan, and Nozaki Umetaro non-stop discussing the plot and evaluation of his works, Yi Lingyuan took Sakura Chiyo to the side and talked in a low voice with a handful of skewers.

"I said, how is the development between you and Nozaki-kun?"

Sakura Chiyo didn't answer, just seeing the worry on her face, Yi Lingyuan knew that the development must be quite difficult.

"It's okay, as long as you insist on being Nozaki-kun's manga assistant, sooner or later you will fall in love with each other."

Things have come to this, Yi Lingyuan is also very desperate for Nozaki-kun, the No. [-] steel straight man, so he can only comfort Sakura Chiyo like this dryly.

"Looks like, senior, you fooled me when you asked me to take your place before you left!"

Angrily snatched a bunch of grilled tofu from Yi Lingyuan's hand, Sakura Chiyo chewed it angrily.

"Ugh this."

Yi Lingyuan could only laugh dryly at this, his brain was running wildly trying to find an excuse.

"Also recommending games like "Sister Annihilating Battle" in your group, it's been a painful afternoon."

Speaking of this, Sakura Chiyo's gaze became even more hostile, and she still held the sharp stick left over from eating tofu in her hand.

Yi Lingyuan swallowed guiltyly, and quickly handed over the skewers in his hand cleverly. Seeing Sakura Chiyo turning her grief and anger into appetite, she felt slightly relieved.

"Uh, generally speaking, didn't you take advantage of this to sit together, and you must have lunch together. Isn't this just a disguised form for you to go on a date?"

"Then you recommend a simple game! We were stuck on the first level for a whole afternoon!"

"Ah, that's right. I saw that the episode about rain in the recent "Monthly Girls' Romance" is quite romantic. Compared to yours, it's the same as the source!"

Feeling that his junior assistant was getting more resentful, Yi Lingyuan hurriedly changed the subject, hoping to increase his survival rate.

"Ah, yes, it would be great if it really followed the above plot and height."

Sakura Chiyo's expressionless expression and eyes have also turned into lifeless dead fish eyes, which must be very interesting compared to the hidden secrets!
The wicked Yi Lingyuan pretended to be concerned and asked Sakura Chiyo what happened to her and Nozaki-kun that rainy day.

"In the comics, the male lead and the female lead are only a little different in height, and the female lead can stand on tiptoe and kiss the male lead. The two are under the umbrella together on the shoulders, and the touch between the arms is also great, but come to me"

Speaking of this, Sakura Chiyo didn't even have the desire to eat the skewers in his hand, and his depression was beyond words.

"He is 190cm, and I am 145cm. The rainwater on the umbrella shared by the two of us all flowed to the top of my head. It feels like I am standing under the shower and being watered the whole time."

"Pfft!.Pfft hahahahahaha"

At this time, Yi Lingyuan, who was amused by the picture drawn by Sakura Chiyo, couldn't help but burst into laughter. Looking at Nozaki Umetaro and then Sakura Chiyo's picture, the feeling came out.

"Laugh, laugh~ This is not the first time."

The ashamed Sakura Chiyo began to pour bitter water

"The last time the heroine went back on the bicycle of the hero, Nozaki-kun pulled me to ride a tandem bicycle, and I rode in front and he pedaled behind. Everyone in the school looked at us like fools. "

"Shut up, chubby!"

Passing over the skewers again, Yi Lingyuan turned away to look at Umetaro Nozaki, who was still having a great chat with An Yilun, and chuckled softly.

Noticing Yi Lingyuan's strange laughter and gaze, Nozaki-kun turned his head to look at Yi Lingyuan, and Yi Lingyuan gave him a thumbs up with a smile.

"Nozaki-kun, good job!"

Although he didn't know why Yi Lingyuan did this, Nozaki Umetaro solemnly nodded to Yi Lingyuan.

"Well! good job!"

(End of this chapter)

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